[wip] Sig-550


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Here are 3 WIP shots of the SIG-550 by Hiro...

it's no more than 1900tris

yes we know the rear sights are off, other than that, what do ya'll see that needs to be fixed?



Overall, the weapon seems a little thin. The 550 has a very noticable slant to the upper reciever, witch I don't get the impression of by looking at your model.

The trigger guard is too low, and seems a little thin as well.

The bend in the clip is too sharp and sudden. Try to spread the curve along the entire magazine. I'd also suggest you recycle the grooves in the clip into more clip segments, and then normal map any grooves on later.

Finally, the clip dimmensions seem off. It looks a little thin and a little short (back to front).

Other than that, the weapon looks great.

Hope this helps.
Thx Mr Coffee, exactly what Hiro needed. (see I was right about the trigger guard and the magazine :p)
yeah, i was gonna say about the trigger and the width, but ah, Coffee beat me...with a stick and so got there first :p. anyways, looks nice and its a clean mesh. only other thing i picked up on was the stock, it looks unesesarily (sp?) rounded, but Hiro will always pull through (y)