WIP T-33a, S-51f, CH-34 Chickasaw, C47, Train engine...

-FP- LoS

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, well these may be for LoS, but they are also my works of art, and the models that I have contributed(for my own mod).

All renders are generated using my own lighting, by placing various enviromental lights throughout the area.

Name: Douglas C-47
PC: 2843
Time: 4 hours, 39 minutes
Needed: Texture map/textures
Comments: Personal fav. transport/Heavy usage in Korea.

Name: CH-34 Chickasaw
PC: 2651
Time: 3 hours, 7 minutes
Needed: Texture map/textures
Comments: I havent put much detail into this yet, but I am far from complete.
Please note, this model was not modeled complete by myself. I am not taking credit for the complete model.
The other modeler for this is LordBrandon.

Name: S-51 Dragonfly
PC: 3109
Time: 3 hours, 48 minutes
Needed: Texture map/textures/minor details
Comments: As you can see, I am not familiar how to make the texture map, so I cannot create the glass, and modeling the windsheilds will cause higher unneded poly.

Name: Lockheed T-33a lightning
PC: 2469
Time: 4 hours, 4 minutes
Needed: Texture map/textures
Comments: My personal fav. jet propelled aircraft, served heavily during the Korean War.

Name: Train engine
PC: 4280
Time: 4 hours, 52 minutes
Neede: The rest of the train, I guess
Comments: The first time I have ever made a texture map, and this took me 2 hours for the texture map+texturing.

Again, these models are for Liberation of Seoul a game to be featured in the Half Life2 series.
We are always looking for an extra hand.

Let me know what you think of my models. I have not yet learned how to work with UVW mapping. I have tried many a time, but failed miserabley.
You did a good job on the train textures, why dontcha give it a try with the others?

Oh, and they are awesome.
I have tried, time and again! I have tried planar, flatten, etc...just cannot get the hang of it!!!
Hmm..If you managed to map the train wich looks great , why cant you then map the mother modells ..and it would be great if you could show me the uwv-map template for the train ....maybe I can give you some hints on the mapping .......and it would be great if you could render a closeup on the yellow and white stripes on the side of the train ..
The train, I just scaled the image in each viewport, and rendered a top-left-right images, and textured those.
New: IL-10 Beast

Kozhe has donated the IL-10 Beast to us, so we do not have to model it.
*scratches beast off list*
I made a render of it, just to show off.
3400 poly

"Comments: As you can see, I am not familiar how to make the texture map, so I cannot create the glass, and modeling the windsheilds will cause higher unneded poly."

I dont get that about the dragonfly, how come you can do it on the Lockheed T-33a lighting and you cant on the dragonfly, you havent mentioned anyone else for making this either, hhmmmm. And how can u do such good job on the train and nothing else ? :S
In reguards to dragongly:
Please note, this model was not modeled complete by myself. I am not taking credit for the complete model.
The other modeler for this is LordBrandon.
He also asked me not to edit the model anymore, so that is why I cannot do the windshield.
I know what you are doing, and I dont like it. Lay off my back.
The train, what do you mean ''how can u do such good job on the train and nothing else''?
That was probably the easyest model I have done in a long time, with the exception of the 'wheels'. That model took me a long time because it was the first model I have attempted to texture(as you can see its not that good anyways :p).
Originally posted by Chellis
S-55 WIP old-
Yes he actually made this...

Hahaha! I remember doing that. That was my first low-poly vehicle. LoL! That is not, however the same vehicle as the Chickasaw, which I posted. What you posted I believe is the Chatawa(I think thats how it is spelt).
will you guys lay off of FP... Why are you guys trying to get at him...

really what is the point in this... Does it make you feel big ? :flame:
I feel quite big without posting. I guess FP needs to make trains to compensate...
you know, people like you are going to give this forum a bad name... I've read two of your posts, and i really don't like you at all already, people in this forum are great, they are kind and willing to help... and if your not willing to be part of that, you can go shove you "uncompensated" for piece up ur "rear" with your head!

Sorry, if anyone else is readig this, I really don't like people being like this... and seings as this is the model & skinning thread is like my teritory (where i lurk) I espc don't like it here....

And this is the last I'm going to say to you Chellis, as I don't like to post posts like this... espc to someone so l33t as yourseld... :flame:
Originally posted by Chellis
I feel quite big without posting. I guess FP needs to make trains to compensate...

Can you all guess what I am compensating for? :p;)
*just trying to get back on task. the subject is modeling*

With that said, this is the Models & Skins section; a section for users to show off there modeling creations. I have done nothing wrong there. *pwned* (ok, not really)
Listen, I know FP, Im just joking with him. You need to get less strung up...
well, if you really want to joke with him, go meet him somewhere, have a pint, talk, joke .... don't use these forums to...thats not what they are here for...!
Hey hey, like I have said to a million people latley, I am going to do my best to turn a thread around. I will take the negative, and turn it into positive(hint that little compensation joke).
Originally posted by Stone
well, if you really want to joke with him, go meet him somewhere, have a pint, talk, joke .... don't use these forums to...thats not what they are here for...!

I dont think they are old enough to leagally have a pint. Mabey some root beer for the kiddies...
Im not old enough for root beer...

and really, the compensation joke started from stone, so why dont you not instigate stuff?

The models look good. Im gonna leave it at that, to not instigate stuff...
thats better, thanks Chellis, oh and i posted some onto your Mod idea thread, some pointers....

and yer FP good work :cheese:
Hmmm...Im really curious about the train modell why dont you -FP- show me the texture templates ....Im just trying to figure out how you did the texturing , I still find it hard to believe that you just made a two sided unrapp ......

You did want help ?? Or am I wrong ..??
In responce on the whole "I know what you are trying to pull"-deal:

"Once a thief..."
As you can see, all I did was use the paint bucket tool, and fill the area with that, and then put the more detailed textures in there needed places. I hope this is good enough for ya.
Some nice looking models ther FP. i really like the first one; the cargo plane forgot the designation. though i see the helicoptors and all i can hear is

"suicide is painless
it brings on many changes
and i can see things turning in on me..."

god i love that movie. (the TV show kinda sucks compared to the movie)
I would suggest not mentoining the bf42 boards....That just makes people think about what you did, multiple times...And there is no proof you didnt do it here, so why dont you just leave alone the bf42 boards? it would be best for you.
I don't mean to mention the BF1942...but I really hope your model stays legit in HL2...

one thing that I did notice though FokkerPro (FP) is that your birthday is different? in HL2 forums its August 21, 1981 but in the BF forums its August 21, 1984...and I remember you telling me you were 17...is it just a typo?

good luck on the mod and your renders are looking really good...;)