Wireless power on the way... at last.


Nov 8, 2003
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I do find this ever so funny considering Tesla had suceeded at this 100 years ago.

The difference being he managed to achieve greater distances using higher frequencies with greater oscillations, upto 30 kilometers as recorded in one case.


The development of wireless energy transfer began in earnest with the lectures and patents of the electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (and is described in his 1916 deposition on the history of wireless and radio technology). In experiments around 1899, Tesla was able to light gas discharge lamps (similar to neon signs) from over 25 miles away without using wires. Tesla used a high frequency current (Prodigal Genius, O'Neill; pg 193). During his experiments in Colorado, he lit ordinary incandescent lamps at full candle-power by currents induced in a local loop consisting of a single wire forming a square of fifty feet each side, which includes the lamps, and which was at a distance of one-hundred feet from the primary circuit energized by the oscillator (Century Magazine, June 1900).
The Scalar Wave wars are about to begin. Pick your master, Clarky or Kirovman, and rally behind him as we converge on Earth's highest peak, to watch the titans fight each other with the powers of SCIENCE.

-Angry Lawyer
*peeks out from behind Angry Lawyer's leg*
Didn't Nicola Tesla have wireless lightbulbs almost a hundred years ago?
Would this not cause EXTREME cancer or something if you stood in the way of the rays?
Could you steal power from devices then?
The Scalar Wave wars are about to begin. Pick your master, Clarky or Kirovman, and rally behind him as we converge on Earth's highest peak, to watch the titans fight each other with the powers of SCIENCE.

-Angry Lawyer

I have my weapon of choice ready, I hope clarky is prepared. The battle of the electromagnetic frequency assignment spectrum shall be the greatest the world has ever seen.


Would this not cause EXTREME cancer or something if you stood in the way of the rays?

It works by exciting a frequency via resonance, of the electromagnetic spectrum. So not much power is leaked externally. Also it's a radial thing, so there is no specific ray-path. Any cancer incured would be by being in the vicinity D:

Unless DNA molecules in your body are suceptible to these resonant frequencies, I don't think there's much to worry about.
I bet the cancer would give off a healthy green glow, and send the lightbulb industry spiralling into an economic implosion of truly destructive proportions.
How about POE? That seems to be a bit more further in development than what these guys are doing.
Power over Ethernet?

But that's not wireless, is it?

This is the step to never having to plug anything in again.
Power over Ethernet?

But that's not wireless, is it?

This is the step to never having to plug anything in again.

Well what if you have wireless ethernet? I know some WAPs support POE and I'm sure they could apply POE to cell phones and what-not.
Uhh, if you have wireless ethernet, then you can't power your wireless devices by POE. Maybe you can power your wireless hub by POE if it's connected via an ethernet cable.

Unless I'm missing something.
the method is quite simple, but:

1.i wonder how efficient it is
2.it could be dangerous if other objects start resonating, you'd cook yourself like in a microwave oven!
Uhh, if you have wireless ethernet, then you can't power your wireless devices by POE. Maybe you can power your wireless hub by POE if it's connected via an ethernet cable.

Unless I'm missing something.

Mmm... true. Still, 1 wire is better than 2!
Yeah, it is indeed... or 3 or 4 in the case of a computer with monitors and speakers.

An example of really short range wireless power is in your electric toothbrush... if you look at the charger unit, you'll see there's no metal connection.
Could you steal power from devices then?

That is exactley the reason why Westinghouse who had one of the biggest energy companys of the time /bant Tesla from building his magnifying transmitter....

The reason is simply because you can't put a meter on electricity generated and transmitted from the source this way. Teslas plan was to use the earth as the mains socket.
This is the step to never having to plug anything in again.

We took that step a long time ago, I call them batteries. :|

Also, with the Tesla coils, they were great inventions with three minor drawbacks.

1. They generated reletively large amounts of ozone, which as a gas is quite lethal for humans to breath in the quantities it gets produced by the coils

2. Should some idiot get too close to one he/she gets nice and toasty, very fast. Not that I think people stupid enough to do that deserve to live or anything, just that children may come too close to the corners coil... and buuuuuurn

3. Telsa coils disrupt electromagnetic transmisions (radio, TV signals etc) when active.
We took that step a long time ago, I call them batteries. :|

Also, with the Tesla coils, they were great inventions with three minor drawbacks.

1. They generated reletively large amounts of ozone, which as a gas is quite lethal for humans to breath in the quantities it gets produced by the coils

2. Should some idiot get too close to one he/she gets nice and toasty, very fast. Not that I think people stupid enough to do that deserve to live or anything, just that children may come too close to the corners coil... and buuuuuurn

3. Telsa coils disrupt electromagnetic transmisions (radio, TV signals etc) when active.
But they're great at taking out Navy SEALs.
I do not trust this new-fangled technology.

Only when we are dying of Scabies in a society where we are surrounded forever by the buzzings and screamings and comings and goings of the Electric will we realise our folly.
We took that step a long time ago, I call them batteries. :|

Yeah, but what happens when your battery runs out? Oh yes, that's right you have to plug it in and recharge it.

Also, with the Tesla coils, they were great inventions with three minor drawbacks.

1. They generated reletively large amounts of ozone, which as a gas is quite lethal for humans to breath in the quantities it gets produced by the coils

2. Should some idiot get too close to one he/she gets nice and toasty, very fast. Not that I think people stupid enough to do that deserve to live or anything, just that children may come too close to the corners coil... and buuuuuurn

3. Telsa coils disrupt electromagnetic transmisions (radio, TV signals etc) when active.

These devices aren't the same as Tesla coils, although they do operate on similar principles.

Sulkdodds said:
I do not trust this new-fangled technology.

Only when we are dying of Scabies in a society where we are surrounded forever by the buzzings and screamings and comings and goings of the Electric will we realise our folly.

You'll like it, and you'll enjoy it! D:
I remember a conspiracy behind wireless power. Government stopped it. Can't remember why.
But they're great at taking out Navy SEALs.

I was only stating the drawbacks! :P

These devices aren't the same as Tesla coils, although they do operate on similar principles.

Yeah, the ones I was talking about were the ones that look like a Van de Graph machine, but with thousands of copper coils instead of friction belts. Mostly because they are about as far as my actual knowledge extends on this kind of thing. :|