Wireless Router - Need Suggestions


Mar 24, 2007
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Greetings all,

Within under a month, there will be a few new & exciting additions here on my end family wise, with another computer going online bringing the total to 3. Combined with a PS3 & an XB360 along with my current Wii. So I now need suggestions for a wireless router.

1) I have a budget of $200 to spend. I would prefer under $150, so I can buy a wireless PCI card.
2) I am looking for Speed & Dependability.
3) I am looking for Iron-Clad Security.
4) I would like for it to include Wireless-N technology.

I have done some research here on my end in regards to the different features that are available, but since I have never actually had the need for a router, wireless or otherwise, I have never used one.

Thanks for any & all suggestions.

WRT54GL & Tomato Firmware

It's all I use and will recommend to people.

I did some basic research on the Tomato Firmware & it seems to offer excellent performance. The router itself does not interest me though. I have heard only horror stories about it's overall poor performance from several friends & family members that have used it, which is odd, as that unit seems to be very popular & online, it seems to get good marks. Funny you post that unit. I was given a used WRT54GL that had only been used for about a month or so, before being replaced with a better unit. 10 minutes later, I smelled Ozone. You know what that meant.

I am thinking of perhaps one of the following units:

1) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122220
2) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833127243

A Netgear Switch is going to be used, so perhaps, I might go with the NetGear unit, as I have so far always had good luck with NetGear products. I'll do more research on each unit to see if they are worth it.

I have a few friends and colleagues at work who highly praise netgear, probably a good choice if it's your first experience of wireless n. Stability and wireless aren't always friends, but you are taking the safest route.