Wisdom Teeth.... Again


Jul 26, 2005
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I know this has been discussed, but i just had 4 impacted window teeth removed AND IT KILLS!!!

I'm trying to not take Vikadin (spelling?) because I dont like pills and it bugs me when I cant keep my mouth as clean with 4 gaping wounds in the back. And dried blood makes your mouth smelly

How long is this gonna take before I'm back to normal, chewing my wads of gum?
The worst part is the fact that you've become a fool now. :(
I've got 6 wisdom teeth, rather than the standard 4. I'm special. No order to pull them out though, I want to keep them, despite them being impacted!

Get well soon! :)
it usually takes a few weeks with meds...a month, month and a half without
kirovman said:
I've got 6 wisdom teeth, rather than the standard 4. I'm special. No order to pull them out though, I want to keep them, despite them being impacted!

Get well soon! :)

This kid in my town had 8. I dont understand why the Doc kept telling me I had such a small jaw. My jaw kinda pertrudes out the sides of my face. Or is that just jaw muscle?
but....but...... COLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should take your pills, really you should, or your not going to have any friends for some time. /advice.
Still got 2 of mine in , but they have pushed my front 1's out of shape now, grrr, got 2 get them sorted soon
Got mine still, no problems, my teeth are 100% perfect like the rest of me.
I had mine removed last week. It takes around 2 months before they fully heal. The pain should be gone in a week or a week in a half. Your bottom lip might be numb all the time because of the nerves in the gums. It's not bad after 5 days.
Dude, TAKE the vicodin. Or mail them to me because my new filling hurts like a son of a ****ing bitch.
I had all 4 of mine taken out a few years back. The pain meds they gave me sucked, thats when I started smoking ganja lol
Trust me the pain killers help alot.

I had them out a year ago, re-covered in 4 days but with still a bit of swelling. Now i've got a head the size of a watermellon due to the swelling caused by Jaw suregry...!