with witch player do you like to play?

I used to be pyro, i'm kind of varied now, ever since i started watching some spy videos i've pretty much been switching to whatever my team needs the most.
Soldier, Medic, Spy, Heavy or Pyro.

I kinda randomise.
Tank or Boomer.

Witch isn't playable, duh.
I like to play the which, she's creepy sometimes. Then I'll start up TF2 and play medic or engineer. I've been switching to soldier recently on Gold Rush, especially when it's a sniper-fest, to provide cover fire so people can get out the doors. Once we're on the cart, I'll switch back to a support class.
As I'm only a beginner, I've been playing as the soldier.. And continue playing as the soldier until I can call myself "good enough" with it, then I'll probably try out the pyro/demoman.
Engineer, and Soilder when the team needs some offensive firepower.

Though I'm starting to get into Pryo and Medic.
I like them all pretty much equally, so I'll call it on play time.
i play as demo soilder or if im feeling like it a bit of Chuck N.
As I'm only a beginner, I've been playing as the soldier.. And continue playing as the soldier until I can call myself "good enough" with it, then I'll probably try out the pyro/demoman.
The soldier is a good class to start out with. Still one of my favorite classes after playing for a year. My skill level has increased greatly. I see myself going on rocket-induced killing sprees often.
I also like playing as scout, pyro, and demoman. And the engineer when the time is right.
I used to play Pyro exclusively but I've been varying a little lately.

Mostly between engy, heavy, scout and pyro.