Woah...that's Gabe?

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Originally posted by SupaKoopa

gabe is fat. its true. i still love the guy for his work, i think he's a genious, but he's fat. i'm not gonna be politically correct and spout some BS about how we shuld all only look at inner beauty. gabe is fat, there's no denying it. but he's a great guy that does as much as he can for his fans and works hard to make the best games possible.

Haha, w3rd. Or something.
And LoneDeRanger's pic was funny as hell too.
No-body is slagging him off... we all love the guy AND he is a very nice person.

It's a just an undisputed fact that he IS fat. I don't see anybody saying that they hate him because he is so. It's all you stupidly pollitically correct people who need to grow up and stop talking shite and realise that all this is meant in good faith.
Im worried, he could drop dead at any minute. Maybe its time he took a break from sitting at the PC and changed his life.
Denis Dyack was bigger than Gabe and he's lost a load of weight and looks very healthy now, nobody wants Gabe to drop dead from heart problems but if he doesn't address the problem then it could have serious implications.

Looks podgy to me :D
I spend 3-4 hours a day playing computer games and hanging out on the net. I am currently losing tons of wieght though, as I play football, and soon, wrestling. :)
Water is big weight loser. I lost a stone by drinking 2 litres each night instead of snacking.
Yep, if you drink lots of water you won't be hungry as much.. you body flushes lots of crap out.. and you have more than enough water to keep your body hydrated and healthy. I used to drink just soda and I am slowly converting to just water (can't do it straight away - caffiene addiction/just love the soda :p).. I feel great, I'm losing lots of fat and retained water (soda makes you retain water), I don't have any headaches.. well, I never really did but now I never ever have them. It's a great way to start a healthy lifestyle.
Thats what I meant by not snacking, water bloats you. Good to hear ;)
@marine: hitler was a vegetarian and he was skinny...
Enough with these Gabe threads, please.
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