

Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Do you guys know if there is coming a new wolfenstein game?
Or a new version of Enemy Territory, because I love that game!
best game eveh!!!!!!!!

played it non-stop for 2 years ..mp that is

ya there was an interview where someone from Id said a 3rd party developer was working on RTCW 2 on the Doom 3 engine ..no details or estimated date was revealed. There are no plans for a ET 2. Splash Damage (creators of enemy territory) are working on another title using the doom 3 engine but it's not rtcw2
RTCW2 was confirmed in an interview where it wasn't suposed to be mentioned :D But there is no official release or anouncment, even though the guy who did it was an official guy. He said it without thinking :D
RTCW2 would rock. Read they were making it in a interview.
Todd Hollenshead mentioned it in a Doom III video.
I think they're still looking for partners.
I would definately go buy RTCW2. That game could have the potential to be so f**kin scary! With Doom3's graphics and rtcw's nazi monster creations it could be alot better than the first. I hope they make it because I love rtcw!
I loved RTCW (in MP of course)

Best. Clan. Game. Ever. Easily. Period :)

RTCW 2 would be amazing (let's hope it's more rtcw than ET tho)
I hated the sp for rtcw, zombies and nazis just dont go well together

Warbie, what didnt you like about ET? I played both for years and I prefer ET because of the objectives and additional classes
RTCW was my first ever online videogame, when i first started playing the game i decided to look at the online maps and that beach map looked so cool. So i begged and begged my parents to get a cable modem and *POOF* my social life is now gone because of videogames!
Hey do people still play a lot of ET.
Cause recently I bought UT 2003 and for that you can find maybe 2 servers with a ping under 180, guess all players moved to 2004.

Second question: I thought that DM CTF, TDM players with 2003 and 2004 could play against each other.
CptStern said:
Warbie, what didnt you like about ET? I played both for years and I prefer ET because of the objectives and additional classes

I like ET (played it for nearly 2 years in various leagues) it's just not as suited to clan games imo.

Only 2 of the official maps are any good for matches (Oasis and Goldrush) ....... neither of which can compare with Base, Village, Beach, Ice, Assault, Keep etc when it comes to competition. (infact no game I can think of has maps of that quality, even the mighty CS)

It's also far 'cheaper' - mines and rifle nades :/ The ability to spawn camp in ET is pure evil /o\

ET is a great game - but more suited to publics :)
Yeha it's great, but is it played a lot, can anyone tell me how much servers they get when they search.
ooh and a bit off-topic, but when people say they play in pubs do they mean like in public places, like internet cafe's or just public servers. Cause I have only played on public servers(cs,css), what do you people think of public servers, do you play a lot on then or not( to much cheating or lame people.)
Warbie said:
I like ET (played it for nearly 2 years in various leagues) it's just not as suited to clan games imo.

Only 2 of the official maps are any good for matches (Oasis and Goldrush) ....... neither of which can compare with Base, Village, Beach, Ice, Assault, Keep etc when it comes to competition. (infact no game I can think of has maps of that quality, even the mighty CS)

It's also far 'cheaper' - mines and rifle nades :/ The ability to spawn camp in ET is pure evil /o\

ET is a great game - but more suited to publics :)

I agree :)

ya but the wolfenstein community died after ET was released
CptStern said:
I agree :)

ya but the wolfenstein community died after ET was released

It had died before then :'(

ET is popular, but that has as much to do with it being free as well as being rather good.

(rtcw should have been made free too goddamnit :))