
I hate how some scenes are meant to reproduce some of the artwork from the comics ..wolverine coming out of the chamber waving his claws around is from a Barry Windsor Smith miniseries, weapon X ..it just seems so cheesy

Y'know the bit where he runs past cages with kids in them?

One of the cages is labelled "Summers".
I don't know if it's shown in the trailer. That cage was seen empty on a press visit to the set.
it just has me wondering what fresh hell hollywood is laying out with this x-men/wolverine timeline ..scott and his brother were in an orphanage for most of their childhood
Don't blame hollywood, it's Marvel. It's not like they're aliens to retconning.
ya I know I was reading scott summers wiki entry ..I remember about the first half of the page ..the rest I was unfamiliar with, especially since they twisted history to the point it was unrecognisable

they really are soap operas
Looks alright, though I willing to wait to see what reviews it gets

Who is the person in the Future called?