Woman having a seizure


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I'll admit i got a tad chocked up seeing her like that. It's really sad that the only thing he can do is wait for her to come back.

Marijuana has no medicinal value, does it? :rolleyes:

I know i am a strong advocate of MMJ and have quite a few topics on it but I think my reasoning is quite sound. Why is it so hard for people to abandon the inherent stigma of marijuana and see it for what it is, not what decades of propaganda try and force you to think of it. STOP DENYING PEOPLE THEIR MEDICINE.

Edit: Crap, may of needed to be in politics, move if necessary.
People have been taught that marijuana was created by the devil and it will kill you if you look at it wrong. People don't like to think that the views they have held their whole life are wrong. It's also hard to tell kids that officer bob and their teacher were lying to them.
yea, my friend is epileptic and it's crazy sometimes. We were in the weight room one day and he was doing the rowing machine, and he just stands up and looks at me, then collapses onto the floor, and yea there really isn't a whole lot you can do.

It's really bad when he does it around people who don't know though, because they panic unnecessarily and turn it into this huge expensive ordeal. He had one as he was walking out of an exam one day and they called 911 and he called me from the hospital to tell me to come pick him up. Normally you just try and keep him from hurting himself and then afterwords he'll come out of it and be like, "shit...i did it again didn't it?"
Epilepsy looks terrifying from the outside but the one thing you have to remind yourself is that those suffering from most types of epileptic seizure like the one shown in the video very rarely remember anything of the experience themselves. I had a pet dog when i was younger than had epilepsy who would know around 5 minutes in advance if he was going to have a seizure and would jump up on my knee trembling in fear. When this happened we had to lay him down with a cushion under his head and just sit and wait for it to start and gently hold his side whilst the seizure passed. We had to give him daily medication which did help a little until one day he had 17 seizures in a row within the period of an hour. After that he never had another...
Marijuana isn't the medicinal utopia that some seem to think it is. While it certainly seems to help with problems like this, and MS, it certainly isn't as benign as some make out.
Its certainly has its issues which is why a large scale government funded scientific study need to take place to assess both its benefits and drawbacks. I cant see that happening anytime soon though. :/
I don't see really how it's worse than Alcohol.
Alcohol can cause a whole bunch of health problems as well as Marijuana.
And there are probably more cases of driving under the influence and violence with alcohol than there is for marijuana.

Which would you rather have?: a group full of angry drunks or a group full of stoners?

The drug isn't benign, but it does help with the pain that people are going through.

I found a website about some of the myths about Marijuana.

Its certainly has its issues which is why a large scale government funded scientific study need to take place to assess both its benefits and drawbacks. I cant see that happening anytime soon though. :/

Yeah, that wouldn't be laced with bullshit at all..
Video almost brought a tear to my eye... that would suck.

If weed stops her seizures, let her smoke it ffs. Of course marijuana's not benign, but it's definitely less damaging (mentally/psychologically as well as physically) than suffering seizures.
Damn, video reminded me of my friends seizure about 2 weeks ago, cept his was a shitload scarier D:
marijuana was created by the devil and it will kill you if you look at it wrong
I don't see really how it's worse than Alcohol.
Alcohol can cause a whole bunch of health problems as well as Marijuana.
And there are probably more cases of driving under the influence and violence with alcohol than there is for marijuana.

Which would you rather have?: a group full of angry drunks or a group full of stoners?

The drug isn't benign, but it does help with the pain that people are going through.

I found a website about some of the myths about Marijuana.


According to BBC horizon (Science documentary) the top 20 most dangerous drugs in Britain alcohol comes in at number 5 whilst marijuana only comes in at number 11. Here's the full list including the UK legal classification (A,B or C) as well as a link to the documentary itself... Some of their findings are suprising...

1. Heroin A
2. Cocaine A
3. Barbiturates (Sedatives) B
4. Methadone (Opioid) A
5. Alcohol Legal
6. Ketamine C
7. Benzodiazepines (Sedatives) C
8. Amphetamine (Speed) B
9. Tobacco legal
10. Buprenorphine (Opioid) C
11. Cannabis C
12. Solvents Legal
13. 4-methylthioamphetamine (amphetamine derivative) A
14. LSD A
15. Methylphenidate(Ritalin) B
16. Anabolic steroids C
17. Gamma 4-hydroxybutyric acid (depressant, ?date-rape drug?) C
18. Ecstasy A
19. Amyl Nitrate (nitrite inhalants, ?poppers?) Legal
20. Khat (plant-derived stimulant) Legal (illegal in USA)

According to BBC horizon (Science documentary) the top 20 most dangerous drugs in Britain alcohol comes in at number 5 whilst marijuana only comes in at number 11. Here's the full list including the UK legal classification (A,B or C) as well as a link to the documentary itself... Some of their findings are suprising...

1. Heroin A
2. Cocaine A
3. Barbiturates (Sedatives) B
4. Methadone (Opioid) A
5. Alcohol Legal
6. Ketamine C
7. Benzodiazepines (Sedatives) C
8. Amphetamine (Speed) B
9. Tobacco legal
10. Buprenorphine (Opioid) C
11. Cannabis C
12. Solvents Legal
13. 4-methylthioamphetamine (amphetamine derivative) A
14. LSD A
15. Methylphenidate(Ritalin) B
16. Anabolic steroids C
17. Gamma 4-hydroxybutyric acid (depressant, ?date-rape drug?) C
18. Ecstasy A
19. Amyl Nitrate (nitrite inhalants, ?poppers?) Legal
20. Khat (plant-derived stimulant) Legal (illegal in USA)


How the **** are solvents safer than marijuana? I should prolly go and sniff my white out then!
Honestly...you have to be very deluded to actually think marijuana should be illegal. Of course it has negative effects, but those are essentially nullified compared to tobacco and alcohol. I want to watch that documentary to see why they put marijuana there. I am interested to see if they included the effects of the drug being illegal(ie. people mixing stuff in, crime or any other effects of the actual drug being illegal). I find it hard to believe that marijuana would even be ranked that high on the list seeing as how people who have smoked long term don't suffer as much damage as people who do the drugs below it long term. In fact I am not sure of any significant long term effects of marijuana unless you are one of the small percent of people that are predisposed to it.

EDIT: Ok I just watched the documentary and I would say that placing it at #11 is fine. They were being rather critical and were focusing more on the long term effects it may have. The things they pointed out were that it may link to cancer and that a percentage of people show signs of psychosis after using a lot of the drug(paranoia). I don't think it's necessarily fair as the rest of the drugs focused on the effects while on the drug and shortly after. Cannabis seems to be the first one they looked at long term. I am willing to bet a lot of the drugs below that have worse long term effects. Actually steroids sounded worse...fits of rage, becoming sterile from using too much? I would much rather get cancer and go crazy if I could still have kids.

I find it funny that tobacco kills 1/5th of the population and alchohol kills more than every drug below it combined(including tobacco). Yet weed remains illegal.
We are taught here in the states, that tobacco was -the- cash crop of early North American settlers and held this stature for centuries. The truth is that marijuana was equally profitable and used just as often. Those "peace pipes" were not filled with tobacco alone.

The reason it is illegal, the sole reason.. is that it became more profitable to make it so. Tobacco became an industry and those on the inside, those making the huge profits knew how easy growing marijuana was compared to growing tobacco that was fit for consumption.

Regulation was out of the question as anyone with some dirt and a seed could grow it. Sure, if you want quality you need to work at it a little but anyone can grow "a plant".

Fast forward to today and the game is no different, only others have joined big tobacco and the prison industry to ensure that marijuana stays villified.

It makes the government and corporations much more money to "rehabilitate" (read: punish for their non-compliance) to keep it illegal than they could ever hope to make from it's legalization.

That is why I have giiven up, even in light of the current trend of State governments to somewhat minimize sentencing and in some cases ignore marijuana related "crimes".. in trying to help make it legal.

I still whole heartedly support decriminalization which is a different beast altogether.

A fun fact: I have a friend (former friend, mind you) who murdered someone in cold blood, but without premeditation. He served 3 years. 3. Years.

I have another friend who was pulled over and had his car searched. The police found a marijuana seed inside of a 200 unit CD case. The seed was crushed and would never yield a plant. The courts decided that the CD case in question was in it's entirety "contraband" and since it weighed about 15 pounds, charged him with transporting 15 pounds of contraband. He went to jail in 1998 and is still there today. He is scheduled for release in July of 08.

Now you tell me how this is in any form or fashion, fair.

As for it's medical uses.. a friend of mine's mother was recently diagnosed with cancer. She has to undergo chemo therapy and when she is done she has no appetite for a good 3 days afterward. Her son smokes pot and she has known it probably since he started. She never thought about trying it and didn't care about the politics behind it.

As her cancer became worse and she was given a dour outlook on the number of years she would likely have left on this planet she decided she wanted to see what her son found so interesting about "being high".. and so she stole some of his stash and smoked some. She noticed one thing right away... the appetite that her chemo therapy robbed from her was not only back, but it was back in full force. She ate more than she had in weeks and felt great, if a bit full afterward.

She related this story to us and we all have our little daily session together now and she seems to feel great after.

Granted marijuana is not a cure all, and it's medical properties are questionable. What is not questionable is that my friend's mother eats after we smoke just like she did before she found out she had cancer.

Also, if we are going to look at side effects and hypothetical possibilities of the use of marijuana as just cause to keep it illegal, perhaps we should reevaluate the use of:

Aspirin, cialis, viagra, celebrex, chemo therapy, radiation therapy, breathing, eating meat, exposure to sunlight, living.

As all of these things come with side effects and for the actual drugs I listed ..some of them are pretty damned horrendous and I can't for the life of me figure out how the FDA would ever permit them to be sold. Celebrex especially... go read the side effects for yourself on that one.. and then tell me how in the hell pot still gets villified on television.
Marijuana doesn't solve personal problems tho.. dammit.
EDIT: Ok I just watched the documentary and I would say that placing it at #11 is fine. They were being rather critical and were focusing more on the long term effects it may have. The things they pointed out were that it may link to cancer and that a percentage of people show signs of psychosis after using a lot of the drug(paranoia). I don't think it's necessarily fair as the rest of the drugs focused on the effects while on the drug and shortly after. Cannabis seems to be the first one they looked at long term. I am willing to bet a lot of the drugs below that have worse long term effects. Actually steroids sounded worse...fits of rage, becoming sterile from using too much? I would much rather get cancer and go crazy if I could still have kids.

I find it funny that tobacco kills 1/5th of the population and alchohol kills more than every drug below it combined(including tobacco). Yet weed remains illegal.

You gotta remember, that all you're saying is "Why not switch out the bad for something that still possibly bad, just not as worse.", when what we should be doing is switching out the bad for something good.

Granted marijuana is not a cure all, and it's medical properties are questionable.

I'm not saying that Marijuana should be illegal or legal, but what I am saying is, that there is a lot of bad shit out there, and it'd be better if we started to replace the bad shit with good shit, instead of something that's maybe just a little less worse.
You gotta remember, that all you're saying is "Why not switch out the bad for something that still possibly bad, just not as worse.", when what we should be doing is switching out the bad for something good.


I'm not saying that Marijuana should be illegal or legal, but what I am saying is, that there is a lot of bad shit out there, and it'd be better if we started to replace the bad shit with good shit, instead of something that's maybe just a little less worse.

Then focus on getting rid of fast-food, pesticides, plastic containers, etc. Forget about drugs, they aren't the problem right now. Unless people want to "think" that they are healthy just because they don't do drugs.
Then focus on getting rid of fast-food, pesticides, plastic containers, etc. Forget about drugs, they aren't the problem right now.

Ever here of corn? That's some nasty stuff.
You gotta remember, that all you're saying is "Why not switch out the bad for something that still possibly bad, just not as worse.", when what we should be doing is switching out the bad for something good.

No...I am saying that if these bad things can be legal, why not legalize a lesser evil? Not to mention the benefits from legalization and the taxes are enormous. As I and many others have said...the current drug laws are way out of line. I mean even a lot of prescription drugs are so bad for you and people assume they are OK because they are legal.

Ever here of corn? That's some nasty stuff.

What? So your pretty much saying that we should ban everything thats bad in any way?

That is a terrible approach, the government shouldn't be banning things left and right because it may or may not be bad for us. We don't need to baby proof the house of America, we need sensible laws. Throughout history every society has had a percentage of the population that alters their conscious in one way or another. It is in human nature to use and experiment with drugs. People are already using lot's of illegal drugs, so keeping them illegal won't change anything. What people are pushing for is making marijuana legal because current legal drugs are a lot worse than it. It's a real injustice when the side effects of a drug being illegal are worse than the side effects of a drug itself.
No, he was just being sarcastic because he thinks that all the shit they inject into food is healthy. Amazing. I think people disagree with me just because I sound like an asshole or something, because this shit doesn't make any sense.
Oh...well in that case the stuff they inject into food isn't healthy. The majority of food people eat in this country is actually very unhealthy and cannabis is much safer than what most Americans eat.
I think if we can detach the stigma associated with marijuana, that will be a foot in the right direction. I feel like most of the people against medical marijuana are people who cant seem to separate the image of a teenagers smoking pot and ruining his life.

We need some politicians with some balls....ron paul 2013!
Oh...well in that case the stuff they inject into food isn't healthy. The majority of food people eat in this country is actually very unhealthy and cannabis is much safer than what most Americans eat.

Exactly dude, you hit the nail right on the head. THC isn't toxic (just vape or eat it), while a lot of the food we eat is. It's filled with pesticides, preservatives, additives, and chicken is coated in bleach to make it that familiar white color =)


ALSO, more people have died eating bad food on store shelves (food poisoning, rat poison) than people who have died smoking marijuana (none).

Also, obesity