Women's group wants Fathers Day abolished....O_o


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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The National Organization for Women (NOW) and other women advocacy groups have filed suit against the Bush Administration seeking to abolish Fathers Day. During a press conference held after the filing of the lawsuit, Kim Gandy of NOW said, "the day clearly indicates that it is meant to recognize only fathers."

The American Civil Liberties Union, filing on behalf of the organizations said the day runs afoul of equal protection and Title IX provisions and should be abolished because it is discriminatory against women. "It is time to move beyond the pattern male discrimination against women so prevalent in the home and the workplace," according to a press release.
Yes. So let's abolish that too, since these feminazis are so concerned with equality.
Yeah, that's just retarded. Women are goofy...

"We want equal rights! Same pay! Same EVERYTHING!....
Oh? We can have cheaper insurance than men? SET ME UP!"
You don't have mothers day in the US too?
ROFL! This is silliest thing I've read in a while.

They must of forgot about Mother's Day.
I friggen hate womens rights groups. A bunch of panty dropping sluts in my opinion. They don't want equal rights, they want more rights....go F yourself and while you do that, make me a steak.

yeah, last time I checked we have mothers day which is not only before fathers day and a day where people actually do something special for their mom unlike father's day which everyone seems to blow off.
This is just moronic on a whole new level.

Whining about men not paying child support? If the father isn't there they don't get anything on Father's Day.

I don't know why but this article just infuriates me....but I have to assume NOW is the laughing stock of womans rights groups....
Who let those women out of the kitchen!? Better yet, who taught them how to think!?

Seriously, NOW would be better off if they just became an organization for having bake sales.
Abolish Veterans' Day! The day clearly indicates that it is meant to recognize only veterans.
Who let those women out of the kitchen!? Better yet, who taught them how to think!?

Seriously, NOW would be better off if they just became an organization for having bake sales.
I can't believe men let them escape from their cages, mine has never done that so far...
Let's abolish New Year's Day because it's not celebrating my birthday!!!!!!
hahaha, this is so stupid.

People are stupid -_-'

Can we go RPG their houses please?
I didn't read the entire thread...but while looking at the article I noticed this word....


It's funny, because it's (sadly) believable.
They also have Women's Day, while there is no Men's Day! ><
I didn't read the entire thread...but while looking at the article I noticed this word....


It's funny, because it's (sadly) believable.
Hear, hear!

Look at this messenger of NOW bringing more lies!
Andrea Dworkin, in speaking on the lawsuit, said "Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice," and that there is nothing to celebrate simply because a rape resulted in childbirth.

(very next paragraph)

Other women's groups focused less on the history of violence of men and their failure to parent their children but instead focused on women's rights. "It's her body and her choice, the right of women to choose motherhood is solely and exclusively hers."
Dub-ewe tee eff?

Methinks women's rights groups don't really know what the **** they want anymore.

Edit - Guy who posted it on there said he got it from a reliable source, but it is the internet after all.
ya women's rights groups are evil ..especially those that brought in the right to vote, equal pay for equal work etc ...these women are especially evil and should be shot on site:


come on people, wtf

edit: Wait, this isn't a joke news article ala The Onion, is it?... that'd make a lot more sense.
ya women's rights groups are evil ..especially those that brought in the right to vote, equal pay for equal work etc ...these women are especially evil and should be shot on site:


come on people, wtf

Theres a big difference between protesting to attain the right to vote and trying to abolish a national holiday because it doesn't incorporate them in some way, a holiday that comes after MOTHERS day. People are getting way to sensitive. Pretty soon they are going to start protesting the English language....mankind will be people kind, man hole covers are going to be person hole covers....(thanks Carlin)

We can all agree that Woman's rights groups have done a lot for woman, but this is just stupid
it's SATIRE ..the article is fake, it says so right in the headline:

"Satire: National Organization For Women Calls For Abolishing Of Fathers Day In Lawsuit"
Still, it does highlight an important point. Feminists don't want equal rights, they want more rights. The real "oppressed minority" these days is the white male. Subject to the business end of both selective equality and affirmative action.
Am I the only one that calls bullshit on the fact that women want equality and then demand that we pay for dinner? I want me a Chinese wife, less self-absorbed bull...plus they're a whole lot more attractive.
Still, it does highlight an important point. Feminists don't want equal rights, they want more rights. The real "oppressed minority" these days is the white male.

Heh, yeah, poor ****ing you.

*watches thread derail*
Heh, yeah, poor ****ing you.

*watches thread derail*

So discrimination - e.g. rejecting white male applicants because they aren't a minority of some kind, a fairly common practice - is ok so long as the people being discriminated against aren't seen to be hard done by?
Still, it does highlight an important point. Feminists don't want equal rights, they want more rights.

ya just like gays want more rights, blacks, muslims and everyone who is isnt white and male

it highlights NOTHING the person who wrote it is an unabashed conservative blogger ..NOW odften targets the right wing ..so you can see why someone might be pissed off enough at them to write a satirical article exaggerating and debasing their ideology ...see that's what stupid people do; belittle their opponents political stance in order to make themselves sound better

The real "oppressed minority" these days is the white male....

aaaannnddd here we go again ..well that's it for me, I'm dropping out this idiotic excuse to bash everyone who's not male or white

Subject to the business end of both selective equality and affirmative action.
Am I the only one that calls bullshit on the fact that women want equality and then demand that we pay for dinner? I want me a Chinese wife, less self-absorbed bull...plus they're a whole lot more attractive.

you want someone subsuvient ..get used to bachelorhood ..or you can always purchase what you're looking for but it'll cost ya
How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. Feminists can't change a goddamn thing.
ya just like gays want more rights, blacks, muslims and everyone who is isnt white and male

Women already have equality. We have women's rights groups, minorities rights groups, special representation for any kind of minority group but no such lobbying for white males.
Recently Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London/commie bastard) turned down a load of people's applications for senior positions because they were white and therefore not representative enough of the population of London. That's acceptable, apparently.

it highlights NOTHING the person who wrote it is an unabashed conservative blogger ..NOW odften targets the right wing ..so you can see why someone might be pissed off enough at them to write a satirical article exaggerating and debasing their ideology ...see that's what stupid people do; belittle their opponents political stance in order to make themselves sound better

So what? It doesn't change the fact that white males are discriminated against in many areas of life.

you want someone subsuvient ..get used to bachelorhood ..or you can always purchase what you're looking for but it'll cost ya

I don't want someone subservient, but I want someone who thinks they're worthy of special treatment because they have a pussy even less.
It used to be that the man would provide for the woman and in return the woman would look after the man. Nowadays, women have shed themselves of the responsibility of looking after the man but still expect the men to provide for them - despite the fact that they also provide for themselves.
The very thought of a woman paying for the first date is a ghastly social taboo, but it's expected for men to do just that even if the woman has more money.
Men have to take all the risks, make all the first moves, spend the money and then the woman can just turn around and say well actually, I'm bored now - I want that other guy instead.
The situation we have now is not "equality". It's women having all the same privileges traditionally the realm of men yet men still retaining all their old responsibilities. Men get the raw deal in Western relationships, there's no disputing that.