Women's group wants Fathers Day abolished....O_o

hehe, Millie Tant... check out Carol J Adams, she's a fairly accurate incarnation :o

So discrimination - e.g. rejecting white male applicants because they aren't a minority of some kind, a fairly common practice - is ok so long as the people being discriminated against aren't seen to be hard done by?

I didn't say I was for or against affirmative action. I was just pointing out that you bitch a lot.

I didn't say I was for or against affirmative action. I was just pointing out that you bitch a lot.


It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Really, I'm sick of hearing about these hard done by minorities that actually aren't hard done by at all. We have a Minister for women's issues, so why don't we have a Minister for men's issues?
Feminism has done far more than bring equality for women. We now live in a cotton-wool wrapped society with no sharp edges, where we stifle our kids because they might graze their knees, ban anything that could be dangerous...masculinity is frowned upon. We actually live in an overwhelmingly feminine society these days. I'm not some testosterone-fuelled geezer by any stretch of the imagination, but I still see it. Soon enough they'll be telling me I can't race motorbikes either because it's too dangerous or because of the environment.
I think it's best we just decide to stop the fight on a forum that is on the internet, therefor making it impossible to change your opponent's opinion. :D
I say we abolish Martin Luther King Jr. day too, because its clearly and most obviously discriminatory against all those who are not Martin Luther King Jr..
You guys missed the point completely.

It wasn't solely the discriminatory aspects of Fathers Day that had the groups aroused, but the fact that Fathers are chiefly responsible for domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, and are often negligent of their children. Many fail to make their child support payments in a timely fashion, if they make them at all. This has many women's groups wondering what is commendable about fathers that should give them a day to celebrate them. Prof. Hrdy in a recent TIME Magazine article showed that at best fathers only spend about 30 minutes a day with their children.

This is the point. Reminding us of being a good father.
I didn't read the entire thread...but while looking at the article I noticed this word....


It's funny, because it's (sadly) believable.

HAHA that article is satire but there would be many sandy vag*****d women out there who believe this-->
After donating his genetic material, the only contribution necessary from men is to mail their child support payments on time," according to Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards.