WON to be phased out by end of summer

OLD................................................. Like yesterday old...
Good, won sucks. It takes soooo long to download maps.
kind of a shame, but it was bound to happen. I used to hate steam, but it has really pulled through if you ask me. it works pretty well and is better in many ways than WON. But i feel sorry for the low bandwidth user, i've heard many stories of pings of around 180 with WON, and 700+ with steam. So there is definately room for improvement.
Moejoe said:
kind of a shame, but it was bound to happen. I used to hate steam, but it has really pulled through if you ask me. it works pretty well and is better in many ways than WON. But i feel sorry for the low bandwidth user, i've heard many stories of pings of around 180 with WON, and 700+ with steam. So there is definately room for improvement.
For some reason I get about a 200+ ping on every single steam server even though I have cable. On won I would always get under 100.
ya, i didnt like steam at first, but now steam is awesome to me and i really love the interface... also for pings i can always find about 20 servers that are under 30 ping

Im on 56k, and it sucks. In won, my average ping was around 350. Now, if more than 5 or 6 people are in a server, my choke reaches 100 and my ping goes anywhere from 700 and up. :x
Lethal8472 said:
Im on 56k, and it sucks. In won, my average ping was around 350. Now, if more than 5 or 6 people are in a server, my choke reaches 100 and my ping goes anywhere from 700 and up. :x
You shouldn't be playing on line games if you are on 56k anways :p
jesus.. its pretty much unplayable like that surely? :|
You get kinda used to it after awhile. Ive been trying to convince my parents to get cable for at least a year, and i think im starting to get through to them. :thumbs:
Lethal8472 said:
You get kinda used to it after awhile. Ive been trying to convince my parents to get cable for at least a year, and i think im starting to get through to them. :thumbs:
Just make sure to be annoying as possible.
Good, won sucks. It takes soooo long to download maps.

WON has nothing to do with downloading maps. All WON does is authenticate your CD-KEY and makes sure its not being used by any one else at the same time.

Maps are downloaded off the server you are connecting to, infact virtually everything happened between the server and yourself with WON. Steam means that Valve will have to pay alot more money to keep themselves running, because there are new interfaces such as user accounts to store, plus huge bandwidth for updates etc...
Runteh said:
WON has nothing to do with downloading maps. All WON does is authenticate your CD-KEY and makes sure its not being used by any one else at the same time.
Maps are downloaded off the server you are connecting to,

Yes, with WON you only authenticate, so you must download maps off the server (at max something about 4KB/s).
I think he meant the thing with Steam where server admins can make users to download maps from a HTTP server, enhancing speed a lot.
Guys its all about your rates if you are having ping problems on steam. set your Rate to 25000 or 9999. Set your cmd_rate to 30, and your cmd_updaterate to 30 as well and you should see your pings returning to normal.
Chewcky said:
Guys its all about your rates if you are having ping problems on steam. set your Rate to 25000 or 9999. Set your cmd_rate to 30, and your cmd_updaterate to 30 as well and you should see your pings returning to normal.

These numbers are completely arbitrary to 56k users.
Cable is ideally set at:

rate 25000
cl_updrate 100
cl_cmdrate 100

DSL around:

rate 20000
cl_updaterate 70
cl_cmdrate 70

56k is a bit of a grey zone, as I have no way to test these numbers, but I'd suggest:

rate 5000
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdrate 20
Chewcky said:
Guys its all about your rates if you are having ping problems on steam. set your Rate to 25000 or 9999. Set your cmd_rate to 30, and your cmd_updaterate to 30 as well and you should see your pings returning to normal.
I see you mixed some things ;]
/me tries to correct:
cl_rate, cl_cmdrate, cl_updaterate

cmdrate and updaterate don't affect ping but right values help in other kinds of timings.
Afaik cmdrate and updaterate should be around 60-80 (so that in net_graph the "<number> ms" line goes as near 0 as possible) Could be mod specific settings for certain types of performance or something though(I doubt) but e.g. in TFC it's impossible to conc with low cmdrate and updaterate.

edit: oh yeah see Shuzers post for more connection specific :]

edit2: iirc cl_rate was for older versions of Halflife, the currently working is "rate" (without "cl_") could be the other way around, correct me if I'm wrong =p
merc said:
ya, i didnt like steam at first, but now steam is awesome to me and i really love the interface... also for pings i can always find about 20 servers that are under 30 ping


I used to be like you m8 until some members in here explained to me the advantages of it. I must say that Steam Has a great benefit for gamers....;)
I may well have downloaded enough of steam to be able to play a game in the next week, god willing.... WON,like an old unreliable friend must die though, i suppose.
hey im new to cs....

how do i play it? buy it at the store? or its a free download? do i have to pay?
good god...that's like the weirdest thing i've seen anyone try to pull on any forum ever. It's like Elixer stumbled past a load of burnt houses, a load of firemen, a huge gasoline fire and then walked into his burning home then got confused when he felt hot.

Dude this isn't where you find out how to get CS.
ok. i'll search somewhere else. thanks for the help tho....
So WON will go? No more HL 'n mods for me then. Steam gives me a duplicate cdkey message. Oh well, I'm sure HL2 will come soon after.
Foxtrot said:
For some reason I get about a 200+ ping on every single steam server even though I have cable. On won I would always get under 100.

Make sure steam is on the right connection settings.
Foxtrot said:
You shouldn't be playing on line games if you are on 56k anways :p

~300 ping (which is around average) when on 56k is reasonable (when you're used to it.) Not too laggy. When you're accustomed to very good pings you notice the difference a lot. But 56k's can handle games. I hate when servers kick people who are on them, even though they have a reasonable latency.
Foxtrot said:
For some reason I get about a 200+ ping on every single steam server even though I have cable. On won I would always get under 100.

make sure in settings in the "Internet" tab the proper speed has been selected.
i notice some times after an update to Steam, that changes back to default... so my advice is to check that setting every now and then to make sure its set properly.
RakuraiTenjin said:
~300 ping (which is around average) when on 56k is reasonable (when you're used to it.) Not too laggy. When you're accustomed to very good pings you notice the difference a lot. But 56k's can handle games. I hate when servers kick people who are on them, even though they have a reasonable latency.

What you fail to see is that even if you're used to high pings and such, other players on your server are most likely not, they'll have problems killing you much more than you'll have problems killing them (even with a reasonable latency). The users of 56k aren't the victims in all cases, don't get me wrong, I used to play on 56k as well, but back then, it was only diablo and other low bandwidth games.
DvS said:
What you fail to see is that even if you're used to high pings and such, other players on your server are most likely not, they'll have problems killing you much more than you'll have problems killing them (even with a reasonable latency). The users of 56k aren't the victims in all cases, don't get me wrong, I used to play on 56k as well, but back then, it was only diablo and other low bandwidth games.

This is a myth, actually. The 56ker does NOT have an advantage assuming he has 0 choke. If a player's connection is choking alot, then chances are he's less likely to notice lag and other players will see him "warping" around.

If a 56ker has a 200-300 ping, and no other lag, the battlefield is even. The only difference a cable player will see is, if he sees the 56ker duck behind a corner, the 56ker hasn't actually done that in the same fashion, and can shoot you even if you don't see him. However, the cable player has the advantage in first shot, so it evens out.
OnboardError said:
OLD................................................. Like yesterday old...

thats no way to talk to someone, it makes you look like a right knob
If WON is to be phased out by the end of summer it would seem to me Valve would release HL2 in mid-summer wouldn't you think?
alehm said:
If WON is to be phased out by the end of summer it would seem to me Valve would release HL2 in mid-summer wouldn't you think?

No, not really. Why do you say that?
Guys, seriously for 56k, rate 3500-4500 max, i use 5500 for isdn (64k digital)

The other settings can be left default, its all phone line dependant though.
besides aren't we just about at that point where 56k is obsolete, i mean u can get most dsl and cable for 30-40 bucks, some as low as 25 bucks,
Impulse147 said:
besides aren't we just about at that point where 56k is obsolete, i mean u can get most dsl and cable for 30-40 bucks, some as low as 25 bucks,
Where are you getting those prices? Id like to see them. I cant get dsl because im over 10 miles from my CO, when the max is usually 3 miles. We got a cable line installed behind our house just a couple of months ago. But the cable co wants ~$55 a month for 3 mbps internet, and my friend has it and he usually only gets around half of that bandwidth. They know cable is our only broadband alternative, so they screw us with high prices.
heh, be lucky that you can actually get cable at your location....

I pay $30 for the main phoneline (just the regular home phone), $30 for the 2nd phoneline (so I can go 112k), and $15 for the ISP. Luckily my ISP supports multilink, so I can get some stability in larger games.

The only choice I have for "broadband" is ISDN, which would cost me ~125-150/month... I have more important stuff to spend that money on :p

I just keep thinking... one more year until college... then I can get broadband...
Paintballer said:
I just keep thinking... one more year until college... then I can get broadband...

:eek: And say hello to Term Papers! lol :cheers: