Wondering if anyone knows if this is good.

Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hey i was wondering if anyone knew if this was a good deal as well as a good preformer because im looking into getting a proccesor/motherboard combo and i dont really know what would be good. Heres what i found:CPU & Motherboard Combo. , if any of you guys know anything or found anything better please tell me. thanks.
I've seen some pretty good reviews for that mobo, but for the processor, IMO I would go with a 3400+ with 939 pinning. I've seen benchmarks for the 3500+ and while it's dual channel ddr might have the 3400+'s single channel overdone in memory and bandwith benchmarks, the 3400+ has, IMO (again) much better gaming benchmarks because of it's 1mb cache size. If your not getting this for gaming, that would be another story but I would go with a 3400+ (for that money)
Alright thanks man i just thought since the number was higher that the proccesor was faster. but i guess not.
If i was looking to upgrade my procceser in the future which would be better to get now the 3400 or the 3500? I'm also wondering why the 3400's motherboard allows for only 3 pieces of ram, anyone have answers?
It's got only one ddr chanel which==slower media and that sort of thing. But it's bigger cache is much better for gaming. If your looking for upgradability, get the 939 pin config for the processor (looking at this myself) since it seems to be the new amd thing.

On the motherboard only having 3 slots, asus isn't only motherboard manufacturer in the world. Unless your a dead set Asus fan boy (looking at a few of thier boards too thank you very much) The chipset on the board your looking at, I hear, is very good but you've got options. The chipset really defines allot of things, one being the ram slots. There are always nVidia boards, MSI boards, plenty of other board manufacturers. Then there are also, plenty of different chipsets. There is Via (on the board in question), ATI, nVidia, Intel (not so sure how good these are) look at what your doing. I hear nVidia boards overclock like a mother.
yea i saw one that had a nvidia chipset but im not sure if the brand of board is any good, im also not sure how to over clock but the boar was the: Epox - EP-9NDA3+ . Maybe you could look into that and tell me about it because thats one of the only boards i havnt researched. Im also finding the stuff on pricewatch.com, do you know of any sites with better prices?
Careful there. That board is a Socket 939 while a lot of the CPUs listed are still Socket 754. Only Socket 939 CPUs will work on that board.

It's more expensive probably because it is a higher rated model. ;) And it could be the 90nm version (runs cooler and better OCer). Plus Socket 939 CPUs have dual channel memory.

That configuration (Asus board + A64 3500+) is fine.
So what would you guys say is the better motherboard/cpu combo, the Epox - EP-9NDA3+ with athlon 64 3500 or the Asus A8V Deluxe SC939 VIA K8T800Pro Chipset with the athlon 64 3500, becuase i really just want to have enought speed to play half-life 2 and right now i only have a pentium 4 2.53 proccessor with a motherboad with 533 fsb.
The board won't make a difference with performance really at all. That's mainly because AMD took the memory controller from the board and put it right on it's Athlon 64 CPUs. Now the different boards don't have any difference in memory performance.

Just preference more. Like I perfer Asus and MSI boards but I also like Nvidia chipsets instead of VIA. Either will board you list will do well.
Foxhound888 said:
So what would you guys say is the better motherboard/cpu combo, the Epox - EP-9NDA3+ with athlon 64 3500 or the Asus A8V Deluxe SC939 VIA K8T800Pro Chipset with the athlon 64 3500, becuase i really just want to have enought speed to play half-life 2 and right now i only have a pentium 4 2.53 proccessor with a motherboad with 533 fsb.

If you want just enough speed to play HL2, you already have it. A P4 2.5 GHz is more than enough to handle HL2. No joke.
I was just wondering if the p4 2.53 is faster or if the athlon 64 3500 is faster for running games and graphics cards at high quality.
I don't feel like writing more than necessary right now, what is you current graphics card? While you are at it, can you post the rest of your system specs?

Your graphics card is more important for determing framerates and visual quality for games. However, your CPU still does play a role.
Well, my computer is a 2.53 pentium 4 with 512mb of rd ram and i have a 60gb harddrive and my graphics card is a radeon 9700 (im not sure if it is pro or not) im also looking to upgrade my graphics card in 4 months, but i want to upgrade my cpu and motherboard first. just not sure if p4 or athlon 64 is better for gaming. just need some advice.
im if i get the amd 64 3500 im getting 1gb of ddr400(pc3200) with it.
Does anyone know if the motherboards: Epox - EP-9NDA3+ or the Asus A8V Deluxe SC939 VIA K8T800Pro Chipset would allow for a future upgrade from the athlon 64 3500 to the 4000 or fx55 or fx54, i was also wondering if when i got a new motherboard and proccesor if i would have to get all new drivers etc... and if my ethernet would still work with out having to do anything besides physically install the hardware?
Either board should allow you to upgrade to the newer CPUs on the same Socket, such as an FX57. ;)
You will want to reinstall windows on this machine along with the drivers for your motherboard and other devices. If you don't use any specific IP settings but just let it auto detect then it should work the same. Easiest way to set it up is to go through Internet Explorer's Connection Setup Wizard.
Yea, so do motherboard usually come with the drivers for the specific differerences between my old and new motherboard?
Also what is so much better about the 90nm proccesors, i heard they run cooler but is there any other advantages? I was also wondering if the non-90nm proccesors can be cooled well some inexpensive way if they do overheat?
No, they don't overheat. Well...they can if they are not cooled properly but they are far from hot CPUs. Mine (130nm 3000+) is OCed from 2GHz to 2.3GHz.

The performance is basicly the same between a 130nm 3500+ and a 90nm 3500+ but the power consumption and heat is much less on the 90nm version.
well my dillima is that i have to find a motherboard/cpu combo for $400 a tad more or a tad less and i dont know what would be the best quality for that price. i can add the 150 for 1gb of ddr400 ram. Any suggestions are welcome. :)
It's a tough choice really and is much up to preference. Do you care if it has a VIA or Nvidia chipset?
Would you rather buy from Asus or EPoX?

Personally, I'd say go with the EPoX just because it has the nForce 3 chipset and not the VIA. It also looks a little cheaper.
Obviously I'd also recommend the 90nm version of the 3500+ although it wouldn't matter really. It's a slightly better choice if your box will be behind a cabnet, in a warm room, have hot summers or if you just want to OC it later on.
So, are the Epox trust worthy to hold up? It doesn't get above 70 degrees here its most 60 degrees and my computer is out in the open also so i dont think that there will be a problem with over heating, would you recommend the paste stuff to put in between the cpu and heatsink or not?
I have that exact same setup right now and I couldn't be any more happier >.< well maybe if I had a fx-55..
The asus board will work with new socket 939 chips.
But if you can hold out and get the Pci Express boards that would rock too, although you'll have to buy a new graphics card that runs on the new pci-e technology
so do games like half-life 2 run smoothly on high quality with the 3500+?
Foxhound888 said:
so do games like half-life 2 run smoothly on high quality with the 3500+?

I've been looking at a 3500+for the past month or so now, and I would say yes.

But i'm still going to go for a socket 939 3400+ (with the 1mb cache) because in the benchmarks I saw, the 754 3400+ surpassed the 3500+ in gaming. I've never seen any benchmarks for the 939 3400+ (Damn you google) but it seems like it would be better than a 3500+ since the 754 3400 with a single channel beat out the 3500+ and it's dual ddr.
yea thats a good point but i didn't know that they made 3400's with the socket 939... but what i also noticed is that the clock speed of the 3500 was 2.2ghz , and im not sure if the 3400 is 2.0ghz or 2.2ghz. Does anyone know?
There is no Socket 939 3400+...
There are two Socket 754 versions.
The 3400+ is a good CPU (2.4GHz version is even better) but I'd still recommend going into the Socket 939 platform.
Asus said:
There is no Socket 939 3400+



can't remeber where I found the 1mb cace model.

I just found out that the 939 3400+ has an 800mhz ht speed, so I just might go with the 3500+. I'm wondering if they make 2.4 ghz 3500+'s. Asus and his magical hardware powers, please help me in my time of plight!!!........1..........
I think it's good. My mobo is a Gigabyte and I'm gettin an AMD 64 3000+ which I'll upgrade to 3700+ at a later time. Gigabyte and ASUS are the best mobos around I think.
So do you guys think that the EPoX "Ep-9nda3+" ---here--- , will be a sufficient enough mobo for the 3500 and for future upgrades to the 4000+ and/or the athlon 64 fx53/55? im also wondering what you think of this ram ---here--- any suggestions on what i should get for a good price. ( $430 for mobo and cpu combo, and nothing above 170 for 1gb of ddr ram.)

I was also wondering what the difference between ddr2 and regular ddr ram.
i forgot to put this in my last post but would my radeon 9700 128mb(not sure if it's pro), would run hl2 very smoothly?