Wooo, were all dieing tomorrow

...Because we all know some fat dude behind a desk knows everything.
...Because we all know some fat dude behind a desk knows everything.

One day, some fat guy behind a desk is going to guess something, and it's going to happen...then we'll be sorry we said that!
I'm glad he said his name, cuz I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to figure it out.
Again? I'm still worn out from the last 3 apocalypses.
Good thing I'm teleporting to the Space Station tonight. Whew.
What the hell drives people to try to predict these things?

Like... what does he do when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes nothing happened? Does he sit at his desk... shuffle his papers around for a bit, then quietly tell himself that he must have made a mistake somewhere along the way in his calculations, go through whatever he did again... then make another date?


Yeah, runon sentences I know.
You are correct sir. Here's a cookie. Another video will probably pop up. "October 24th! Nuclear war! RAAAAWR!"
I would find immense enjoyment in spending "judgement day" with this guy and watching him explain away the lack of nuclear hell fire.

"So ... it's now officialy September 13th ... was this apocalypse EST or PST?"
"**** you"

EDIT: heh ... that was a crappy 1000th post.
I thought we were all suppose to die a week ago?

God damnit! I think my prediction will be closer than all these.
We all die when we all die. I win!
I thought we were all suppose to die a week ago?

God damnit! I think my prediction will be closer than all these.
We all die when we all die. I win!

We were supposed to die countless times in history.
yes we were also supposed to die on new years 1999 Y2K MAN
lol stupid people
I was home alone on Y2k... with my brother. My dad was down in texas(we lived in Iowa back then)... he had no fears of anything bad happening... and its funny cause nothing did. I bet all the neighbors were holed up in their houses with mountains of canned food.

My dad was just like... "Don't be tearing up the house... i'll be back next year."
I'm gonna laugh at all you bastards when this guy is right.

Oh, and Y2K was f*cking weak. It pissed me off so much.
Unless he gives a time, I call bullshit.

It's already the 12th here. Touch wood, I'm still here.
What the hell drives people to try to predict these things?

Like... what does he do when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes nothing happened? Does he sit at his desk... shuffle his papers around for a bit, then quietly tell himself that he must have made a mistake somewhere along the way in his calculations, go through whatever he did again... then make another date?


Yeah, runon sentences I know.

haha, probably
What the hell drives people to try to predict these things?

Like... what does he do when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes nothing happened? Does he sit at his desk... shuffle his papers around for a bit, then quietly tell himself that he must have made a mistake somewhere along the way in his calculations, go through whatever he did again... then make another date?


Yeah, runon sentences I know.
Apparently this guy has predicted things that have came true.

I'm not bsing this, but I'm not building a bomb shelter either
Apparently this guy has predicted things that have came true.

I'm not bsing this, but I'm not building a bomb shelter either

What'd he predict? I think its a far stretch from what he predicted... to the end of the world. There might be a 'teensy' bit more involved.
What the hell is he going to have on his site at 13/11/06??

"Oh.. god saved us because we prayed!" haha :LOL:
I especially like this from his website.

The Days After September 12, 2006
The days following September 12, 2006 will be filled with fear of reprisal and more nuclear destruction. The cause of war and fighting will still remain; as long as the cause remains so will the threat of war. The cause is plainly shown in the inspired prophecies from Genesis to Revelation.

The cause of war and fighting will still remain; as long as the cause remains so will the thread of war.

Heh... yeah. A bunch of nukes drop on places all around the world. I think its a GIVEN that fighting will remain. You don't just go from having nuclear bombs dropped around the world... and a couple days later, "I think we've had enough, yeah? Yeah... okay. Maybe just one more nuke. No? Alright... no more nukes. We're done."
dont you see?! where all gonna die! OMFG. *fills up bathtub full of water*
What part of "No man, not even I, only the Father knows the hour" doesn't this man understand?
just wait until 6/6/66, that'll be the real apocalypse.


no guys, for real this time, honest!!
What'd he predict? I think its a far stretch from what he predicted... to the end of the world. There might be a 'teensy' bit more involved.

I thought this was not the end of the world, just that 1/4 of man would die or something like that
Cutting Crew said:
I just died in your arms tonight, and last night and the night before and the night before that and the night before that.
Must've been something I said

Or something like that.
Maybe the people who make bottled water and batteries pay these people to start up these scares. I bet they made a fortune off Y2K.