
Llama said:
thats only assuming you're stupid enough to use the Patterns in Combat form. A good Martial artist will be able to kick someone hard enough to cripple them before the other person can land a punch. My teacher could take on pretty much any one I can think of (7 times Uk champion, 20 years training, also did streetfighting and Kickboxing). All depends on the pupil and the teacher.
Taewkondo is in many respects superior to Kickboxing, in many ways kickboxing is superior to Taewkondo.
Also, most people these days ARNT champion street fighters. More likely than not the people you fight are ordinary people.

(I have no idea which version I do, though the stuff we learn also depends on Belt and Age. )
If you mean sparring, after a certain age and belt we can do full contact street fight style sparring, wheras at my age + Belt i'm limited to sporty sparring.

And as one final point, Taewknodo (along with most other fighting styles) isnt just for performing techniques and patterns. Its useless if you are an absolute wuss. Taekwondo teaches you to be a hard bastard as much as it teaches you to learn self control.

(Edit; Im also starting Kickboxing when im 16, so I dont have to worry about being destroyed in a street fight :p)

A pattern is a collection of Techniques, not a fight plan.
+ Most Taewkondo practitioners dont go full contact because it takes MORE effort to control a Technique than it does to go full-force.

I have spoken to black belts in Karate that did it for 6 years solid that have turned round and said it was a waste of time and have learnt far more about fighting in street fights from something like Muay Thai or Jeet Kune Do in 6 months then in 6 years in Karate.

What i mean by a street fight is someone attacking you in a street, not a proper organised mma fight or anything like that. And Kata is 99% useless in a fight as it teachs restrictive movments and patterns, not free flowing movement where you move from one blow to another. For self defensive and fighting, there are far better fighting styles out there. The worst fighting style i've ever learnt though is Combat Tai Chi.

edit: What i would say though is you should definately have a look into doing something like Jeet Kune Do and go along to watch. I do 2 hours on a Monday, 1 hour of weapons and 1 hour of hand to hand, 1.5 hours of hand to hand combat on a Thursday and i do a private 1 on 1 lesson on a Sunday for an hour. Did Nunchucks last Thursday though, might be pointless in combat but it definately was a fun lesson to learn :).
Depends on what style. I take Goju Ryo, an Okinawan discipline, and we have sparring and fighting, so it's not just katas.
Wtf, you call them 'patterns'. The real names 'kata'.

Pah, when I used to do wado ryu karate we called everything in it's japenese names. Our instructor learnt karate at a place where they beat him with bamboo if he didn't do anything exactly right.

Now that's hardcore.
Solaris said:
Wtf, you call them 'patterns'. The real names 'kata'.

Pah, when I used to do wado ryu karate we called everything in it's japenese names. Our instructor learnt karate at a place where they beat him with bamboo if he didn't do anything exactly right.

Now that's hardcore.

My teacher was telling me that his teacher went for a 4 months training package to Thailand to learn Thai Boxing and they train constantly for 10hours a day and if you make a mistake like put your rear heal down, you get a good crack from an Eskrima stick to the rear shin. And Kata to me is just a routine of kicks and punches, mainly for show then to learn how to fight.
Razor said:
My teacher was telling me that his teacher went for a 4 months training package to Thailand to learn Thai Boxing and they train constantly for 10hours a day and if you make a mistake like put your rear heal down, you get a good crack from an Eskrima stick to the rear shin. And Kata to me is just a routine of kicks and punches, mainly for show then to learn how to fight.
I hated katas, about an hour twice a week doing to same sequence over and over. I went for 3 years and got to orange belt:

Red, yello, orange.

No-one progressed any faster than that in our group.
Then some guy came along t join our club. He was 15 and was a black belt.
His instructor had charged him like 100quid a month and just kept grading him up when in reality he couldn't do shit.
Razor said:
No, from what i've heard, Kick Boxing comes from Muay Thai originally.

There are two types of kickboxing.

Theres one that is part karate and part western boxing. Most kickboxing gyms do this. The other is a watered down version of muay thai.

But Muay Thai is best :p

Then I would say that.

Excelent work in the tournament btw, coming second is fantastic. And don't feel too bad about the patterns, I never really saw much use in them myself.

I've been doing martial arts for some time now, tried tai kwon do, ju jit su, muay thai, kickboxing, judo and i've also learnt alot from my brother who trained in similar things plus jeet kun do, wing chun, kapoeara (sp?), escrima and some other random things.

<3 martial arts. They are a biiiig part of my life now. :)
Razor said:
I have spoken to black belts in Karate that did it for 6 years solid that have turned round and said it was a waste of time and have learnt far more about fighting in street fights from something like Muay Thai or Jeet Kune Do in 6 months then in 6 years in Karate.

What i mean by a street fight is someone attacking you in a street, not a proper organised mma fight or anything like that. And Kata is 99% useless in a fight as it teachs restrictive movments and patterns, not free flowing movement where you move from one blow to another. For self defensive and fighting, there are far better fighting styles out there. The worst fighting style i've ever learnt though is Combat Tai Chi.

Its all relative to the person using it. A black belt doesnt mean you are skilled (Hell, in Taekwondo until you reach 4th Degree you are still a novice) Also, as ive said several times before, only an idiot uses a Taekwondo pattern in a street fight.
Not only that, but its not like most fights are against professional fighters.
You know I wouldn't be surprised if the commercialized TKD didn't have combat useful "patterns" anymore. Overtime I guess people misunderstood them so they started making up unuseful but visually nice looking ones thinking that was what they were all about.