Word has just spread that hl2 will be going to ps2...


Jul 30, 2003
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IGN screwed up majorly and misinterpreted a quote by doug lombardi saying that half life 2 would be available for xbox and sony's and nintendos "NEXT" consoles. IGN obviously thought this meant ps2 and made a post saying it will be on ps2... i think the ps2 would explode if it tried to run it. QUICK! someone send gabe an email for confirmation!!!!
the boards over there are going nuts with " HAHA xboxers no longer have it exclusive lol haha ownerz!!11!" they all think its going to ps2... i just sent an email to gabe.
You guys have to bug Gabe about every lil thing now? Heh..
this is my first email to him.... but you combine everyones emails and its pretty nuts :p
Originally posted by Adam
You guys have to bug Gabe about every lil thing now? Heh..

You do kinda get the impression that Gabe enjoys answering some of the weirder questions. Of course he often replies in kind but it must contribute something to an otherwise boring day where he's doing nothing but playtesting HL2 and answering the usual questions...
ive sent him a few emailed mostly about senseless things such as tshirts and posters :)
/me emails Gabe
*Gabe replys

Tredo: Hey Gabe, do you think I could work at valve if I tried real hard?
My ps2 broke when i was playing gta3.... ;(

It was right after i beat the whole game too!!!!

I was being really lazy and I had the playstation standing up horizontally without the support stand when i went to pull it closer to me with my controller and it fell down on a hard marble floor....

that was the last of it... like 2 years ago.... kill me
I think the typical Gabe email is along the lines of:

"Gabe I'm gona envite you to a game of CS and then personally pwn you with an AWP. I am teh l33t sniper."
The PS2....a three year old system...I hate to think of the Valve programmers who get stuck trying to port Source over to it..
bump cause abomination just posted in the anouncements that half life 2 was going to ps2.
ps2 would explode if it tried running half life 2 or even half the games that xbox runs at good settings

the xbox would probably just be able to run hl2 while looking somewhat decent, lol the ps2 mmm right yea thats about all I can say about that.
xbox gets bad fps just running halo, it does have the best specs of the consoles out there however
You people obviously know little of the PS2's capabilities. Yes it's becoming outdated, especially when compared to a PC, but then again all consoles are outdated compared to a PC.

HL2 is not as demanding of a game as you all seem to think. Remember, it can run on a 600 mhz system with a tnt2 so don't you think it's quite possible for a PS2 to run it? Naturely it won't look as good but it definitely won't be half bad either.
Half-Life 2 is confirmed for the Playstation 2. If any of you have seen Sonys "Halo Killer" PS2 FPS, you would know that HL2 can be ported to the Playstation 2.
killzone is gonna be just a good game, if that even- it doesnt have vehicles and the devs are just trying to show off a game with absolutely nothing (no media to public) to back up their halo killer claims. HALF LIFE 2 IS NOT CONFIRMED FOR PS2! geesh heres a quote from doug lombardi::

"Speaking recently with Vossey.com, Doug Lombardi, marketing director of Valve, let slip that Half Life 2 will be available to Nintendo gamers in the future.

Vossey.com : Will Half-Life 2 be released on other platforms?

DL : Yes, notably on Xbox. The game will be available on Xbox but not until 2004. The partnership with Microsoft isn’t exclusive and we will also see this game on the NEXT consoles by Sony and Nintendo. "
NEXT CONSOLE MEANS ps3 n5, not ps2......ign screwed up
kinggi--I am not talking about Killzones open potential to be a great game. I am just talking about the graphical look of the game and how it does look very good. Vehicles, etc...is all in a games code. Look at the newest age of PS2 games. MGS3, GT4, JA2, Silent Hill 3, and you see that these games are a perfect example of where the PS2 was, and where it is going[which at this point seems to be where it is at]
kinggi--By media I also hope you are excluding pictures. There has been 6-12 images released of the game.
I retort my current statement about it being confirmed on the PS2 then. Usually when I read a bit of news that is big, I go to other news sites and look for the same information[even though usually it is all from a linked network of sources]

Magicbox, IGN, Gamespy, Gamespot...pretty much sums up the top news sites. With that said, I still see a possibility that HL2 could be released on the PS2 and Gamecube. There is no doubting that the Gamecube could handle the game--that's for sure. Rogue Leader 3 by itself proves that the Gamecube is capable of outstanding performing options within a game.
theres no movies and through motion is the best way to determine how a game will look- the pictures dont even look all that impressive. Looking at a game like hl2 halo2 or doom3 and you can instantly see differences. And vehicles tie heavily into physics if you want them done right. Killzone may be a sign of the complexities of doing vehicular physics on the ps2, cause im sure they would have got them in there if they could. The ps2 is ageing hardware and designers are relying pon their artistic skills to make games look better cause the hardware has been already pushed. Theres no way in my mind that half life 2 could be done on ps2 with decent graphics. With everything involved in half life 2 its gonna take some work just to port it onto xbox and make it look good. Even splinter cell had to be dumbed down significantly to run on ps2. Mgs 3 is very similar to mgs2 in terms of graphics and silent hill 3 is a slight improvement over sh2. The character faces look great in that game though and thats because of the great artists at konami. GT4 is the only game ive seen for ps2 that i can look at and think that its a competitor with the xbox and gc. also rogue squadron 3 isnt exactly a good comparison- im pretty sure it doesnt have all the physics, lighting, and ai for a complex game like hl2......... i could imagin the gc would have quite a bit of trouble porting it also.
I agree that motion looks great, but you can recieve a clear idea of how a game looks in motion from a picture. I agree vehicles tie heavily into physics which are in a games coded aspects themself. That is not what I am talking about. Half-Life 2 could be done on the playstation 2's hardware, and could look and play very nicely. There are many techniques recently created in software mode for the playstation 2, which allow for richely detailed games using todays "advanced methods of creation." The PS2 itself is ageing hardware, but, it is also very complex hardware in which developers are finally starting to make the best looking games for that can compete with the X-Box and perhaps the Gamecube. DOT3 mapping, etc, are techniques that are going to be used a lot to create games that run smoothly. Let us not start the arguement on Splinter Cell. The development of that and its developers could be mentioned by some[on the Gamecube and PS2] to be rather dumbed down because of the specific developers making it.[Go search on forums and google for what this is all about...and why the GC and PS2 version look suprisingly close in their details even though the Gamecube is LOADS more powerful then the PS2.] MGS3 uses a new engine, and it looks VERY nice at this early point in its design. Silent Hill 2 already looked gorgeous, and people raved about how the X-Box version of it looked better...until Konami re-released it here on the PS2 with the updates. Silent Hill 3 only looks a little better because it only needs to look a little better lol. The engine itself is one of the best on the Playstation 2. Also--Rogue Leader 3 IS the most powerful game out right now on any console. Hell--Rogue Leader 2 can by itself be called that. Go out and search on the design specs for that game. The on-screen polys is the highest on any console game[which can be considered raw power] and it uses just about every special effect out there[bump mapping...etc]

The game ALSO runs at 60 FPS AND almost never takes a hit on performance. Rogue Leader 3 is suppose to almost double these on-screen polys, which seems almost impossible in design. Not to mention that Rogue Leader 3 lets you play Multi-player on the RL 2 levels, while at this point STILL giving the user 60 frames per second of action.

I have debated with people a LOT about how the Gamecube could be the most powerful next generation system, but people just keep throwing Halo and such at me...which is pretty weak in design. I have yet to see anyone give any proof that there is any game on the market right now that can out power Rogue Leader 2 and 3. Until that day--I will say the Gamecube is the most powerful system. That is why I think it can be ported with easy. It would most likely need two cds however.

Halo 2 looks great, sure, but it is all bump-mapping. How about instead of them decreasing the polys on the characters, they increase them AND apply the bump mapping and retain a fluid 60 FPS? I doubt they could...but the Gamecube can.
regardless of how many polys a game has ( and personally owning rogue leader 2 i can say it isnt as impressive technically as certain xbox games, namely pdo of the same genre) but rogue leader doesnt have any of the complex physics, lighting, ect that is easily done in xbox and pc games today. Xbox is definately the most advanced of the 3 consoles, with gc being somewhere in the middle. Physics and all that other technical jazz is whats making games look more next gen in this day in age and rogue leader doesnt have a large portion of that. What rogue leader has is a nice poly count and nice textures- somehting thats being perfected as of late. I havent yet to see a game on ps2 or gc that significantly tries to atempt any of the current next gen technologies that pc games, and even a lot of xbox games are using as of now. I still dont understand why people like to say ps2 is more powerful than this ,gc is more powerful than or xbox is more powerful than this. When the developers have already stated that the xbox is the greatest of the three, the gc comes in second, and the ps2 comes in third when dealing with raw hardware.. The art school i go to, where i study vfx, its common knowledge that working with the xbox will produce the best graphics.
Technically--Rogue Leader 2 supports more phsyical special effects then any game on the market for consoles. I am glad that you own Rogue Leader 2, but put your glasses on and you will notice that the lighting,"etc" is easily done on the the games engine.[and the Gamecube itself] Phsyics by itself can be done on any game...lets not talk about physics. It can be encoded using any consoles pipeline...with the right programmers. Physics do not make games look better...just play better. I should probably mention this later in the post. X-Box is not "definately" the most advanced of the three consoles. Got any proof? I have yet to see any proof from developers on how the X-Box is the best console. Word of the mouth is weak, even by developers. Physics is NOT what makes games look better. They make games PLAY better. Do not ever say that again--you just exiled everything you said. Pure performance decides how powerful something is. As of now, it is the gamecube with Rogue Leader 2 and 3. They do almost EVERY SINGLE TRICK IN THE BOOK...From mapping to lighting...etc...while still using the most pure polygons on ANY GAME and STILL maintaining 60 FPS. Those are the facts. Can the X-Box maybe prove it wrong. What Rogue Leader has going for it is everything...and everything while running at 60 FPS almost perfectly. Those things are not being perfected as of late. Look at Halo 2. It is being dumbed down polygon wise to support the larger use of bump-mapping. Rogue Leader did not have to dumb down its mapping use...which is essentially has more of then Halo 2. Almost everything is mapped in Rogue Leader 2. From the grounds surfaces, to the maps in the environment...everything.
I have seen the Gamecube duplicate everything and in many cases pull off everything better then the X-Box. Go rent Star fox Adventures. That game uses the Gamecubes pipeline to create very nice effects. From the characer models, to the fur/grass, to the water. I have actually yet to see the X-Box do any of this at the same level of quality. As of now, the X-box is not the most powerful system. People keep on assuring themself that it is...I am not sure why. Could it be some of the developers statements...I am not sure.

I wrote this rather quickly...
bah polykarbon, i think you need to cut that down a little....i almost fell asleep reading it.
hehe, yeah i think im gonna stick to my teacher who just had the pleasure of working with the xbox- after workin on gc and ps2 before that- and hearing the words from his mouth " with the right time and money, xbox is a dream to work with and offers the most power available to any developer that can use it " - plus the bump mapping in halo2 2 is FAR greater than anything seen in a gc game- every surface is practically bump mapped with light reacting appropriately. The developers said, my professors say it, and my frickin eyes which dont need glasses see it- live with it, deal with it, all these imaginary arguements over the "hidden power" of ps2 and gc is getting old- wait till next gen to start your discussions, cause this gen is over.
Your teacher is a fool, and I suppose he has tricked you into being a fool as well. Rogue Leader 3 holds as much is not MORE bump-mapping then Halo 2, has about 3X the polygons on screen at once then it, oh and it runs at a blistering 60 FPS. Please give me your teachers name and work number, becuase I would love to discuss this with him.

halo2 2 is FAR greater than anything seen in a gc game. LOL. That is the stupidest thing you have ever said.

Guess what. Rogue Leader 2 from scratch was created in 6 months and is the most powerful game in terms of POWER. I do not care what you think it greater, I care about what IS greater.

lol...you sound like a fanboy with that statement.
Could you also tell me why the developers are having to decrease the polygons on the models, etc so that they can use the bump-mapping techniques. Oh and why that even though everything can be cached and streamed, that the game will not run at 60 FPS? Oh could you also tell me why Halo 2 does not use land-surface mapping and every other trick in the book to increase its "great-ness" look while keeping a high poly count and 60 FPS? Yea...I think this discussion is over....
yeah ill have to inform all my game design proffesors a gamer on a game message board thinks there all wrong, sorry dude their knowledge outweighs yours, and certainly if these rogue leaders are so damn powerful, they certainly dont look it. Call me whatever you want, facts are facts, just people are too blind to see it. You hold no water when put up to the knowledge of devs that actually worked with the hardware. Seriously you need to start listening to people and realize what your saying is wrong. State t as your personal preference but keep all the "no im right your wrong" out of it. Really i'd love to see you get into a discussion with the devs at my school, they'd tear you a new one.
Lets ALSO point out that developer Factor 5 who is developing Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is already doing 12 million polygons/second, and the developer says they are only using 50 percent of Gamecube's power. Now--take a guess as to how much Halo uses and how much Halo 2 will use...even though Rogue Leader/Squadron uses FULL mapping on almost everything[a little ahead of Halo 2 ^_^] and doing everything else while mainting 60 FPS.
jesus man i hope your not looking for a job in the game industry- your POLYGONS OH MY GOD POLYGONS!! attitude is really getting hold. Its easy to push the poly limit ith fewer processes running in the background, and trust me with the linear engine that is used in rogue leader to provide fixed gameplay, that is very possible.
Your wrong man. I have given you proof. You have given me nothing but "OMG MY PROCESSOR IS 1337." Give me their work number...give me your work number. I will set up a discussion with them and destroy them. The Gamecube in pure power out performs the X-Box. It is as simple as that. I do not care how pretty your games are because they look cool. I care about the facts. You said you do as well...but...LMAO...provide some. Word of the mouth is cheap in business, especially in a competitive business such as this.

Should I provide some more facts. Guess what console uses the most shadow/lighting effects that are dynamic. Gamecube[Resident Evil 4]

Guess what console has the highest polygonal character of all the consoles. Gamecube[Resident Evil]

Guess what console uses true hard-ware lighting in an environment with Refractions and Reflections in water.[Sorry guys HL2 isnt the first] Gamecube![Star Fox Adventures + Metroid Prime]

how about the highest polygonal performance and true mapping on almost everything while using complex shadowing[even self-shadowing in volumetric space] Gamecube! [Rogue Leader series]

DOT3 mapping--60 FPS--Bump mapped sub-division surfaces?
Almost was Panzer Dragon or whatever...too bad that it had a large amount of slow down in excessive areas.

Gamecube takes this award as well[F-Zero GX]

I could go on forever. There is a reason why developers LOVE the Gamecube.

I will wait for you to post again so I can laugh at you and your mis-informed professor.
Hey Kinggi--do not be bitter and slander me for providing facts based on how a systems power is concluded. It is all about true performance within Polygons. Why do you think companies release the possible MPS first when they release the specs. This is what developers need to know with first before even starting a games development. From there they can look at the systems faults[X-Box] and use subtle effects like Bump-Mapping to simulate the effect that other systems like the gamecube can already do WITH bump-mapping.
By the way--Rogue Leader 2/3 is far from using a fixed linear engine. It is highly open and can be used to anything.


see this. This is one of the Rogue Leader 3 levels. Using the same specific Rogue Leader 3 air engine, it can use the games effects at the same level. Notice the bump-mapping...the singular DOT-3 mapping...on the trees and the surface mapping on the ground. Notice the self-shadowing and singular shadowing from the trees leave patterns from above. Good call there man...keep on replying with your garble lol...


I dont even think you want me to comment on this...lmao...
By the way what school do you go to? Can I get the schools name and the professor there. I would love to be in contact with them and discuss this. I am always open to discussions with "know it all" professors.
wow man talk about insecurity- 3 posts without reply. hehe- well im not exactly crazy enough to give out any personal info but ill say its an art institute. You wanna be a bigshot and argue with them be my guest, although your extremely naive to think the way you do, its gonna bite you in the ass in the future. While ill be working ona movie or game- youl be busy arguing about which is better.