Words that mean one thing in one country and mean something else in another

Tredoslop said:
In the movie Ocean's Eleven, there is this guy who calls these guys a bunch of tossers!

for a full discourse on british slang, obtain a copy of 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' and 'Snatch', both directed by Guy Ritchie. there are other films but these two are generally more accessible. you'll like the pikeys in Snatch :p

there's another one, anyone use 'pikey'?
I'm not sure but I think that's more of a London saying than anything. I've always used gypsie.
well, nine and nein(SP?!?)
English = 9
German = no (I think)
Most of these words depend on the context of the conversation. Take bum, pissed and several other words mentioned. They mean the same as in the US if the conversation is right.

Although we dont often say fag, people do say ****** sometimes...but there are many words.

Edit: Hmm it appears to be blocked. fagg ot
I know this guy on Planet Medal of Honor's forums that is from England. He came here to America on vacation and when he was in the airport, he said "I'm going to go smoke some f-a-g-g-o-t-s. people overheard him and thought that he was going to go shoot and kill some gay people. :LOL:
Chris_D said:
"Bugger" how ever is a) an expression of being displeased (like shit or ****) and b) a reference to sex, normally gay sex.

A Toyota pickup ad here in New Zealand was nearly banned because of it's profound use of the word "bugger". Instead it was only able to be shown after 8pm... see if I can find a download somewhere, it's brilliant :)

Pogrom said:
Well, in Australia 'bum' has two meanings - the two you have described above.

Same here, NZ take after Aus in many ways, but some expressions are exclusive.

Pogrom said:
Bloody cannot be shortened. It just is. It also is not very offensive (except to my grandmother).

Not to mine, every second thing that comes out of her mouth is followed by "bloody hell" :D

A2597 said:
well, nine and nein(SP?!?)
English = 9
German = no (I think)

From a sketch show I saw -

English Man: Would you like a cigarette?
German Man: Nein.
English Man: Righto *hands him nine*
G'day mates (roflmao)

When the crocodile hunter went to America it was noted that one American asked what langauge we spoke. I thought it was obvious.

Rather funny really.
I heard that Pokemon sounds like a word that means vagina or something in Tagalog(language of the Phillipines).
OCybrManO said:
I like the word "fanny" because to us (Americans) it is a harmless name for your buttocks, but in England it is an impolite sexual slang word for vagina.
I nearly couldn't contain my laughter when I was in America because of this. In America they call 'bum bags' (those leather pouches that attach round your waist) 'fanny packs'... I heard it everywhere, I came so close to bursting out laughing. Jeeze. Mothers were talking to thier children like "Okay kids, let's attach our fanny packs and go!".
Lol is an actual word here, it means fun.
'Lol hebben' means 'To have fun' :)

And a 'Fagot' here is a musical instrument. :p

Can't think of any other right now.
Tredoslop said:
So, someone could say, "Do you want to blood with me?" and have it mean , " Do you want to fcuk with me?"
That's one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard...
As Abom said - "fanny Pack" produces interesting images... But then so does "Bum bag" I suppose

F*ggot is also a foodstuff.
Unfortunately you guys don't understand Portuguesem b/c from our "language" to the adulterated Portuguese from Brazil, there are some nice misunderstandings as wel...

i.e. "bicha" in PT means a line

"bicha" in BR means a gay person. *depreciative term*
Fags here are cigarettes. For you they're gays.
No its both :p. Oh and wanker and tosser are insults if you havent worked it out :eek:
Hey i have another good one. A rubber in Britain means a condom in America, when actually it really is the same as what is called an eraser in Amercia i.e. too rub out pencil marks.
Another of my favorite UK words is poof... meaning an effeminate or homosexual man.

There's not much of a meaning for it in the US unless you use it as in South Park's "Cheesy Poofs" or as in the following sentence:
"One second they were here then, poof, they disappeared."
To clear some things up:

Pleb = Plebeian. Definition: [n] one of the common people. (What us Scottish folks sometimes call NED's or "townies" for all you english folk. The little buggers that hang around in herds for about 20 with kappa/nike/adidas head to toe)

Smeg = Smegma. The Technical term for the cheesey substance that folk sometimes refer to on one's head.... not there forehead ;) Red Dwarf did not make this up however it did start "Smeg Head".
English = Gift: A present of some sort to another person.

German = Gift: Poison!

So if you're in Germany, don't ask for a gift. :smoking:
So that explains why i was arrested after i went handing out gifts at the German orphanage.

Not actually true