Words you have for Drunk


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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I use:

Drunk, Pissed, Shit Faced, ****ed, Wankered, Blocked.

What others can you think of?
retarded, hammered, ****ed up, messed up, out of my mind, shitfaced
bombed, destroyed, retarded, hammered, smashed...that's all i can think of lol
Drunk, Inebriated, Intoxicated.

Sure, I could say the other ones, but they're stupid.
Tipsy (when not so drunk), sozzled, 'in his cups'. Rat-arsed?
Oot ey it

Or, in polite conversation:

"Aye, I was out last night.... didn't know if it was shrove Tuesday or Sheffield Wednesday/New year or New York".


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Pissed, ****ed, shitfaced, wankered, bolloxed, twatted, arseholed, paedo.

I'll post more as I remember them.
Drunk, piss drunk, shitfaced, wasted, plastered, hammered, jackhammered, banana, cacti, fungi, dad, brother, hoboken

sloshed, defcon 1, wrecked, tanked, trashed, etc.
too drunk to ****.
"I'm never too drunk to **** and I'm never to ****ed to drink!"

Points if you get it.
plastered, hammered, destroyed, shitfaced, blasted, ruined, celebriated, boozed up, crunk, tipsy, soggy, flopped, corkered, f*cked up, f*cked, toasted, sobrietally challenged, etc.
Rat-arsed and shit-faced. Oh, and ****ed.
crunk, ham-faced, knackered, totalled...

oh and inebriated
When sober: Drunk.
When drunk: Not drunk.
When drunk, but realizing it: Trulmssklockwhat time is it, oh shit, I love you man!

Otherwise, all descriptors (eg ****ed, wankered) are always preceded by the phrase "a bit".
Not one I use but I think "hosed" is a term used quite often.
Mostly pissed and shitfaced here. Sometimes wasted.
Really drunk
****ing drunk
You're a dumbass, you should stop drinking
Somebody take the bottle away from him
You're gonna throw up, aren't you
Someone make sure he doesn't fall asleep on his back
Hammered, bashed, smashed, dogbreath(Nasty smell), stupified, mooshed, buzzed, confuzzled, intoxicated, owned, pwned, wtflol, spam?, dunno, any, more...,

We really say owned, and pwnt though.

when someones high I hear these

Drilled, jerked, freaked, screwed, and lost. When someone tells me they smoke weed, I always say "So you like sucking on Mary Jane?" HAHA! Get it? I maded a joke. :D

Shut up. :(

Ah, usual dialect slang over hear.

I dont drink
Berusad, dragen, p? kanelen, full, packad, aspackad, dr?ngfull

In order of magnitude.