Working skyboxes


Jul 11, 2003
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Just got this working, and its a piece of cake!!

1. start by adding a skybox-textured brush to top off your level.
2. choose what skybox you want to use, look them up by filtering textures for 'sky', the name is the text after the slash and before the last 2 characters, i.e. havana is hav.
3. For sunlight, add a env_sun, and a info_target, named sun. Set the viewer_entity of the env_sun to sun.
4. Add a light_environment to the map.

Now for the displacement map.
5.Create an enclosed box of skybox-textured brushes, outside of your map area.
6. Plop a sky_camera entity somewhere inside the box
7. Add brushes and prefabs to the box.
8. THAT'S IT!!

The concept is simple, imagine the sky_camera entity as the level, and everything around it inside the box is blown up as many times as specified in the sky_camera properties, default is 16.

Here's a pic


  • sandbox0002.jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 307
Step 3 isnt necessary, it puts a bright light kinda like a spotlight in your eyes in the air. Its location and direction are dependant on the env_sun's location compared to the sun info_target.

I wasn't able to get a prop_static to work in the displacement box, anyone else try?
That's not displacement mapping

Displacement mapping is part of the texture application tool - it allows you to subdivide a brush and raise/lower vertices (mainly for creating terrain)
oops... well whatever wanna rename this thread to what its actually called?