World at War mod needs your help!



Open positions:
The World at War team continues to make massive strides towards our beta release candidate. However, there is still much that has to be done.

As you can see, we've got a lot of great meshes on hand. Some of them are unwrapped and skinned and ingame, while many of them are not. Our 2D/3D pipeline is hindered due to the fact that we have very few team members dedicated to just one position. All of our skinners serve as modellers and unwrappers, and vice versa. And, of course, there's the intrusion of real life obligations. While there are a great many talented people helping us out, we're still looking for more recruits in specific areas.

  • Skinners
  • Unwrappers
  • Modellers
We need skinners primarily for weapon and vehicle models, although player models and map props are on standby as well.

We are also looking for unwrappers. With the exception of the AK74 and the M18 smoke grenade on the weapon render, none of those guns are unwrapped. Once unwrapped, a gun can be animated and implemented ingame , even while a skin is in-progress. So, any unwrappers' talents would be greatly appreciated.

As you can see, our modellers have accomplished alot. However, there's still more to be done. Absent from the renders are such notable weaponry as the American light machineguns (M249 and M240), Soviet sniper rifles (SV98 and OSV96), and more, including attachment addons for various weapons. To round these out, we're still looking for modellers to come onboard.

Note: Nearly two years after HL2's release, we understand that most of the best and willing artists are already busy on other mods. We want to recruit full-time contributors on the World at War team, but it's understandable that many artists would feel allegiance to only one mod. So, for anyone who's willing, we'd love to have contributing artists, people who would work on single-project contracts. They wouldn't have to join the team, but would be able to do minor projects on the side for us. All contributors would get full and complete credit for their work, not to mention our thanks.

However, due to security concerns, contributors will not get access to our SVN concurrent versioning system. (You guys have heard plenty about what's happened with the WaW team, so I don't need to elaborate.) Full team members do get SVN access.

Other positions: The World at War team is also looking for:

  • Coders
  • 2D artists
Our lead coder, Johnny "Olah" Salazar, has done great work with our code thus far. However, the coding department would be more effective if we had more than, y'know... just the one guy. If anyone with experience with coding and the HL2 SDK is interested, please let us know.

Also, we are looking for 2D artists to do work primarily on our HUD and VGUI systems. The prime skill needed for this would be Photoshop or a similar program. No experience with skinning is necessary.

Contact: If anyone is interested, please post in this thread and/or email me at [email protected]. I've entered the world of 9-to-5 slavery, so I won't be able to view this thread between those times, thanks to an overtly-effective office website blocking tool. However, I can check my Gmail whenever I want, so I can respond ASAP to email. I can also be found as "@Alex" in #worldatwar on on IRC.

You can also check out the rest of our work at

Alex "AlejandroDaJ" Jordan
World at War Team Lead