World of Warcraft: An interesting adventure


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
This is the first part of my story. I'll post the rest later.

There are links hidden throughout the story, if you click them you can see a screenshot at the time (because this actually happenned :) )

I wrote this really quickly just now, it's not supposed to be a work of art, just a short story ^_^

Oh and by the way, CLICK THE TITLES! VVV
1. The beginning

The zeppelin tore through the sky like the huge, mechanical bastion it was. A huge turbine propelled the machine forward and ugly, bulking bruisers littered the deck. It shredded the thick, misty air and dwarfed the tiny, crumbling cottages that lay in ruin below us.

But I paid no heed to my surroundings. My fingers grasped a small purse by my side, that clinked with the sound of metal as the zeppelin battered on. I had finally saved up enough coin to earn what I deserved - a gallant, rapid beast that would carry me into battle from now on, trampling over my enemies and speeding me into the distance. Suddenly my dreams of a fell-steed were interrupted by a huge, motorized CLUNK, and a small, strange creature hobbled onto the deck, raised his hands and screamed “EVERYBODY OFF!!”

Brill. The air stank of rotting carcasses, and the streets were deserted apart from a few bedraggled undead. The buckling houses merged into the dark, dreary background of dead trees, and stray beasts that were long since deceased energetically scampered past, flinging specks of dirt, grime and dead skin into my face. Wiping off the mess with my skeletal hand, I breathed a sigh of relief. Home sweet home.

Before I knew it, coins were being exchanged and the emotionless horse trainer dragged out one of his finest steeds. It’s bones were old and were clean of flesh or muscle, and long, wiry hair flowed from it’s empty skull. I grasped it’s neck and hurled myself onto it’s back. Patting it carefully, the name “Edicius” came to mind. At that moment a small, subtle smile slid across my mouth, and my eyes gleamed with pleasure. The horse trainer began mumbling about some meaningless dribble, and completely ignoring him, I slapped Edicius sternly on the side, pointed into the unknown distance, and sped away, laughing.

2. Orgrimmar

A few days later, I returned to Orgrimmar. The moon was high in the sky, and stars shone brightly behind thin clouds. I rode proudly through the huge, stern doors and emerged into the great city.
I smiled.
The opening was alive with bustling Horde. Traders screamed from the rooftops, listing their cotton, linen, armour, potions, pets and meals for sale. Great warriors tore past on bulking mounts, while tired travellers laughed and drank at the inn. The auction house was overflowing with eager entrepreneurs as usual, while a huge circle of jeering, cheering, screaming orcs surrounded what seemed to be the corpse of a human. Everything was lively and crowded, just like it should be.

“SUI!!! There you are! I see you’ve got your mount, now where the hell’s my money?”

I cringed as the giant Tauren bounded towards me. His staff clunked behind him, and bright bottles of herbs and liquids hung from his thick, leathery armour that chafed his huge chest. I reluctantly grinned as the Tauren embraced me with a friendly hug, then opened his hand, as if expecting something.

“Look… Sulk.. About the money… I haven’t quite got in touch with that trader yet..”

The Tauren looked slightly disappointed.. But the feeling passed, and a beaming smile spread across his face as he placed his huge, bulging hand on my frail shoulder.

“Sui! I can forgive you. After all, we’re friends right? That’s what friends do!”

Hearing this word made me sneer. I work alone, and always have. Never have I cared for another’s well-being- the word “friend” is just a convinent lie used to make stupid people do what you say.

“Hey, I’ve an Idea”, beamed the Tauren. “Come with me on an expedition, and I’ll eradicate all your debt. It’s just a short flight, you’ll enjoy it!”

Before I could answer, the Tauren exploded in a burst of smoke, before emerging from this shroud in a new form. In an instant his fur had retracted into his body, his torso had shrunk and his limbs had crumpled into agile legs. His entire proportion had been turned upside down, and with this, he grabbed hold of my arm with his sharp teeth, yanked me off my steed and bounded out of Orgrimmar, dragging me along the bumpy ground. Edicius grunted, before unwillingly following.

I hate druids.

3. Stranglethorn Vale

We caught a zeppelin out of Orgrimmar. Apparently, we were going to see the Elves. The very thought of those snobby, elegant prats brought a shiver down my cold spine… But it was the only way to remove my debt. Sulkdodds, my druid host, informed me that the journey would be quick and easy, and that I was only being brought along as an extra precaution. After all, being an experienced and skilled rogue, I can navigate my way through the most complicated environments, where my druid “friend” would be stumbling into Alliance, monsters and god knows what else. Then, once we got there, I’d be free to return to my travels, leaving Sulk to meet with his fellow druid or something equally pathetic.

We exited the Zeppelin tower to be confronted with a wave of heat. Even my numb bones could sense the temperature of this tropical jungle. We were now in “Stranglethorn Vale”, and it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Dense bushes and leaves blocked our way as we waded through tall grass, murky swamps and crumbling ruins.

The whole place was a mess, with raptors, crocodiles and strange cats roaming around you. Life was everywhere, but in a very different way to Orgrimmar. There were no traders or welcoming locals here, only unseen stalkers that prowl around you, waiting for you to let your guard down. It was nearing midnight and the overgrown jungle was merging into one dreaded entity- living and breathing. Sulk wasn’t complaining, but I could tell he was suffering in the excruciating heat. his fur was dripping with sweat, and his eyes wandered. I was pulling Edicius through the jungle by the chain hanging from his neck- his sturdy bones showed no sign of discomfort in the atmosphere… which made me wonder why I was so depressed.

4. Duskwood

Eventually, the jungle began to thin, and the plants started to look discoloured and bland. After a while the dense jungle had all but dispersed, and we were walking past decaying trees, battered fences and abandoned farms. I felt strangely compelled to these lands… they seemed to feel like home. Sulk was looking much better, and began to explain about the history of this dreary forest. Hearing his knowledge surprised me… maybe this Tauren wasn’t as annoying and needlessly energetic as I had first believed.

“Duskwood”, as it was called, happened to be Alliance territory. Sulk had morphed into some sort of horned cat, and was running alongside me as I sat on top of Edicius. We galloped past many humans, and even saw some gnomes and Dwarves… that I promptly slay. Sulk was reluctant to particpate in the killing of Alliance, and tended to watch as I sliced their throats, ripped off their heads and threw them at the black trees. He even became rather emotional after I sliced a particular watchman,
although I don’t know why.

Eventually we came across a small river, and on the other side we could see lush grass and fat pigs, surrounding prosperous farms and huge, glorious trees. In the distance I could see some sort of castle…

“Elwynn,” Sulkdodds muttered… “Human lands”.

I grinned, and unsheathed my daggers.


there are about 8 more "chapters" to go, I'll post 2 more parts after this.

And just to say, I know we have a fanfic section, but this is really just an overdramaticised list of screenshots, not a fanfic :LOL:

*edit* Some of the URL tags won't work, So I've just placed the link underneath the paragraph
5. Elwynn Forest

We crept on our bellies through the grass. Boars slept in small clearings, birds were nested in the branches above our heads. The whole land was sleeping, quietly, peacefully. I was going to end that.

Sulkdodds was oblivious to my intent. He crept into the farm and gathered food for our journey… and by the time he heard the screams it was too late to stop me. I killed every single one of them.
Without remorse I slit the throats of the wife, the father, the children, the workers… and threw their bloodied bodies around the stained house. I was jealous. Jealous that they could feel pain, that they could feel heat, that they could live, breath, read, cook, love. I am in constant agony… constant darkness. It’s not fair. As I sheathed my daggers and beckoned my horse over, Sulkdodds said nothing. He hung his head, and sat down. His eyes were watering.

“You must be tired…” I muttered. “We’ll rest here for a while”.

We talked for a good hour. At first we laughed and joked, talked about the things we like… the things we take for granted. But eventually we talked about the things we disliked… the parts of our lives that sadden us. During this conversation, I learned a lot about my Tauren companion. He was similar to me… no home, nowhere to go, nowhere to stay… just a wanderer. He even shared my hatred for the Alliance... although I could tell he hated the concept of killing. Underneath his annoying, simplistic nature, it seemed that this Tauren had much darker… deeper feelings.

“Where to next?” I asked, taking a bite out of some raw bird meat. “It seems like we’re just getting further and further away from the Elves…”

“If we were to travel north from Orgrimmar,” Sulk explained, “we would be cut down by the Elven patrols. In order to enter the heart of their civilisation, we need to enter it through the heart of another.”

“What do you mean?” I was confused.

“Get Edicius well fed, and pack light. We’re headed for Stormwind”.
Very nice :D

you guys are on Bladefist right? me to :D

Im a Dwarf Pally lvl 60, If i come across you we should promptly do battle if we have not already :dozey:

For the Alliance!
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Very nice :D

you guys are on Bladefist right? me to :D

Im a Dwarf Pally lvl 60, If i come across you we should promptly do battle if we have not already :dozey:

For the Alliance!

That's a coincidence... we both live in the same country.. in the same city... we both play WoW... and we're both on the bladefist server ^_^
Good show!

I always enjoy your fictionalized retelling of videogame events Suicide. You're a very good writer with a great style. I want some more GTA ones!
Stop it! I'm still waiting for my copy!

And once he's finished I'll tell you what really happened. :p
If you haven't noticed, the story is really crappy at the moment, because I'm just writing it in the quick reply box as I go :) But I've been talking with sulk, and we've decided to do it better... so basically he's going to re-write the first 5 chapters (but well), and I'm going to carry on with the rest of the story, but write it in MS word, and think before writing each sentence :)
Suicide42 said:
If you haven't noticed, the story is really crappy at the moment, because I'm just writing it in the quick reply box as I go :) But I've been talking with sulk, and we've decided to do it better... so basically he's going to re-write the first 5 chapters (but well), and I'm going to carry on with the rest of the story, but write it in MS word, and think before writing each sentence :)

If you need an alliance player for the screenshots give me a shout :D

EDIT: Crazy :bonce: 3 Diffrent poeple all from Brighton posting in 3 consecutive posts :p
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Very nice :D

you guys are on Bladefist right? me to :D

Im a Dwarf Pally lvl 60, If i come across you we should promptly do battle if we have not already :dozey:

For the Alliance!

How are you 60 already? Didn't WoW just come out in Europe not very long ago?

I got the game on Christmas and I have a level 56 Warrior and 48 Rogue.
I would be lvl 60 if it wasn't GCSE season..bah...

Okay maybe I wouldn't, but I'd have a mount. :p
Last night 10 guys from my guild started from Darkshire and went all the way to South Shore laying waste to all the Alliance towns on the way. We must have killed atleast 300 NPC guards, and we didn't really see an alliance willing to fight until we got to Tarren Mill. There was a rather large assault on it (about 15 alliance) so we group up, run in and kill them all without losing a single guy. All the Horde are now praising our guild while we are getting ready to attack South Shore. We attacked South Shore, held it for about 20 minutes but they had about 20 guys now and just zerged us so we ran back to Tarren Mill to regroup and regen. We also picked up 5 more so now we have about 15, and the alliance now have about 30. We easily defeat their attack and then hold South Shore for about 20 minutes, this keeps going back and forth...I ended up getting off as it was midnight but it was tons of fun.
WoW is pretty cool, but it really is consuming my friends their lives. They spend the whole day on it, just to get higher and higher. It's getting pretty sick, I know I half life a lot but this is getting out of hand. I'm not jealous, I can live without wow (Not without hl however ;)) but they can't! Has anyone got the same problem?
hah Sui, all this for your mount !! :p well done on getting it btw... :)

I have the same problem Fokke.... im on wow instead of sleeping, doing really important coursework and filling out app forms for summer jobs... so... yeah. I felt like going on it just now, so tempting to click that little W button, but i must do these forms. ;(
It's drug that won't ruin your body, just your personal life ;)
I think the fact that you have to pay is really to blame.
Because you feel you have to get your monies worth, hence log in and play? I guess thats partly to blame, but also because you always want to get better, go up that level... get that item, do that instance/quest. It sucks away your other things to do... as if its more important (maybe because you've paid... having paid, time is literally money)...
Dont worry Kagey baby, it'll settle down and you can get back to your big pink cow :LOL:
Me and sulk were writing for ages last night, and he's sucessfully finished the first 4 chapters, and I've written the 6th, as well as this interesting ganking scene that probally won't be used in the final story:

Ganking scene said:
The troll was lying on the floor, motionless. His face was strewn with agony, his final living emotion frozen in time. Crimson tears poured from the carcass, and three shadowy figures towered above him, basking in the anguish of their slain foe. One was extremely short with a blunderbuss and a coarse, tangled beard- the other of average height, grasping a sturdy mace, fashioning heavy armour- while the tall one had long, sharp ears, mimicking her sleek daggers.

Sulk shook his head. “fiendish, bastard gankers. No honour. No honour at all.”

I wasn’t paying attention to him. My finger caressed the butt of my dagger, and my eyes pursed into slits.


As I hissed this word, I sprung from my position. The enemy saw me, and readied their weapons. Too late. Here. There. I darted between them, toying with them, confusing them.



The tall one struck me with her dagger- I caught her blade with mine, twisted it and grabbed her arm, pulled her towards me, embracing, twisting, slitting- I gouged my dagger through her throat, and while the dwarf aimed his blunderbuss I grabbed the elf’s head and smashed her into the ground, stamped on her head, then flipped behind the Dwarf. Grabbing his blunderbuss I swirled it round, slipped it under his head and snapped his neck. Sliding my hand down to his ankle, I hurled his lifeless body at the human, who dodged and ran at me with his mace. I ran, ducked, slid under his legs and rolled to my feet.

Behind you.

He dropped to the floor, dead. Blood was draining from their wounds, merging into one large pool of black death. I reached down, pulled up the human’s body and stuck my dagger into the pale neck. With a swift slit and a satisfying squelch I tore the skin, cracked the bone and ripped off the head. The blood was pouring down my arm, wrapping itself around me, melting into my rotting skin. I threw the head into the wilderness, and it bounced a few times before rolling to a halt. The face stared at me. It had the same frozen emotion.

I had the same satisfaction.


And just to say, Sulkdodds is practically a proffecional writer already (All he needs to do is pass his GCSEs and write a few novels, then get them published) So excpect the chapters he writes to be a lot better than mine lol ^_^
Seriously Suicide, you and sulks have to move into some part of the creative industries as a team...Now, not after your GCSE's :p
Kage, that helmet is damn ugly :) you are now known as.... the ugly-helmet-who-used-to-be-pink cow :p
:LOL: Pink armour! Hee-hee!

Okay, it's time for the first part of Our Adventure, redux:


Mechanical throb of a high-speed, steam powered turbine, vibrating up through the flooring and making the burnished bronze railings sing. Wind in my hair. Sting in my eyes. Behind me, under the bloated patchwork quilt of the airbag, two huge orcs in tasteless armour were grunting at each other. I ignored them. Today was a good day. I didn't want the usual bitterness.

The landscape below was a blur, fading from green to brown to grey. Sometimes, a ruined cottage would crawl underneath us, the thatch roofs festering where they had collapsed, the chimneys crumbling. Quaint, idyllic, rural. All dead now, because of that war. How long ago was it? Six years? Again, I didn't really care.

I lit a thin cigarette. Safety regulations? They're for other people.

The huge bulk of the airship cut through the misty air, thin spirals of vapour peeling off the sharpened prow. My fingers played with my jingling money bag. It was heavy and full. Luckily it was attached to my belt with a triple-duplex spiral-twist Hesherman's loop knot with a magical bind applied. I stole from other people; they didn't steal from me.

The massive turbine choked and there was a series of clunks and metallic groans as the propeller, three times as long as me, span slower and slower and stopped with a jolt. Suddenly all was silent. Then the Tirisfall Spire Hordelink Air Traffic Tower loomed from the fog, and the goblin in the cockpit started screeching his pre-written lines. Thank you for flying with us. Keep your limbs inside the aircraft. Have a nice day.

The Air Traffic Handling gobbos threw their mooring lines, securing the airship to the tower. Our pilot scurried over to the gangplank and jumped up to grab the controls. The sight of the stunted little thing dangling from the lever, struggling to pull it down with his own weight, almost made me smile. He dropped with a thump and twin rolls of thick chains rattled out slack, dropping the gangplank. Everyone winced at the clang.

"Everyone off!" screeched the gobbo. "Thank you for flying with-"

I kicked him off the zeppellin and the troll behind me laughed uncontrollably.
Brill. I hate Brill. The air stank of rotting corpses, and not a living soul could be seen on the streets. A few ragged undead, however, were slouching about or muttering in corners. But hey, it was home.

A loud galloping sound grew louder and louder behind me and I turned around just in time to get a faceful of grey dirt as the cackling troll raced past me on his enormous lizard-like mount. I was literally bowled over.Coughing, I brushed myself down. Normally I would have been pissed off. But not today. Oh no. Not today.

The rotting horses were bucking and thrashing in their pen when I approached. The horse merchant was sprawled nearby on a brightly coloured red and white deck chair, a sun hat drawn over his eyes. I looked up into the grey sky. Then I looked back at his deck chair and sun hat. Sky. Sun hat.

I shrugged, and coughed loudly.

The horse vendor raised a skeletal hand to the brim of his hat and lifted it. He was chewing something, though I dared not ask what it was.

"So," he said, half Southern Kalimdor drawl, half death rattle. "Wanna buy a really fast horse?"

He babbled on about hoof differential ratings, manewidth, co-axial blinkers, mithril spurs, tip-to-tip spring ratio, gallop equalisers, optional extras, fluffy dice, leather saddle, beverage holders, turbo horseshoes, advanced carrot-on-stick propulsion system, power steering, handweight, saddleweight, would sir like flesh on his horse, would sir like his horse to have a stomach?

I closed my eyes. "I'll have the red one, please."

"One hundred big ones."



Fifty-five. Eighty. Seventy. Seventy-two. "Seventy-two gold pieces," he drawled, settling back in his deck chair. He then proceeded to babble on incessantly while I mounted the horse. It was something I had never done before and took a few tries. The merchant just kept on talking and talking and talking while I tried to balance on the stirrup with one foot, fell off five times, and he was still talking when I finally gave up and just climbed a tree, only to jump down onto the horse. Any other day all this would have seriously pissed me off. But I was buying a mount. Not today.

The merchant was still gabbing when I dug my spurs into the horse's flanks, realised it didn't have flanks, only a ribcage, and prodded it on the back of the head. It got the message. I laughed, loudly and freely, for the first time in years, as I left the idiot vendor and his stupid hat and his stupid chair in a cloud of choking dust. Free! Why had I even considered being pissed off? It had all been worth it for this moment.

My head hit a branch and the horse flew out from under me.

Okay. Now I was pissed off.

* * * *