World of Warcraft Character Details Thread.


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
If someone could sticky this it would help.

Anyway, post you character details and what not in here like this incase anyone else wants to meet up with you and do some questing in WoW

My character
Server: Crushridge
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Level: 13
Location: Auberdine
Name: Sonydiscman

Its pretty simple, so go for it.
Aw dammit, i didn't see this so i posted it in the other thread

aw well

Name: Ardrellis
Level: 12
Server: Mannoroth (PVP)
Location: Darkshore
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
*information not valid until game released in europe*

Server: N/A
Race: Undead
Class: warlock (may change)
Level: very high!
Location: A graveyard near YOU
Name: Suicide42 (what's the likelyhood someone will get that before me?)

Can't wait to play :D I'm being horde this time as i spend so long as alliance in the betas, and i know all of the starting quests inside out for all 3 starting areas, and most of the mid- level areas too :p
Level 43 Troll Warrior on Laughing Skull (Los)

Level 32 Gnome Warlock on Illidan (Letters)

I quit playing my warrior cold-turkey, though... who knows, I may go back to it... someday...
Server: lightbringer
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Level: 39
Location: stranglethorn vale
Name: Elewyn
Server: Uther
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 12 :(
Location: West of Stormwind.
Name: Pewpin
Name: Myden
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Level: 19
Server: Magtheridon (PvP)
Guild: Vincere Vel Mori
Location: ...basicly all over the place. Spent last night in Loch Modan doing the dungeon thing. That was fun.
*information not valid until the game is released in europe*

Server: N/A
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue
Level: not high enough!
Location: Under your toilet seat, stealing your wallet :naughty:
Name: oldagerocker (i have no imagination, and evidently this is shown by my name choice and blatent copying of suicides post :p)
I'm from the UK, but when I get it i'll be a Paladin, because I heard they were overpowered. :D
StardogChampion said:
I'm from the UK, but when I get it i'll be a Paladin, because I heard they were overpowered. :D

even if they ARE overpowered now, It will probally be by about 0.5% or something. Blizzard are the masters of balancing!! my advice- choose a class that you will find the most interesting and fun to play. Paladins are fun though, because you can just go around helping people and sharing your power with lesser alliance players :)
*information ALSO not valid until the game is released in europe*

Server: Unknown at this time
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Level: 0 :eek:
Location: Being a Dwarf you'll most likely find me around or in the thunderbrew ;)
Name: Glanus

I play as Dem0nEgg in every single game I play - but

I hope you guys are unaffected by it, but you might want to try to think of/find a fantasy name that suits you just the same.

Oh and i'll probably create a horde character on another server.
Name: Servius

Server: Archimonde
Race: Undead
Level: 20 (expected to change :p)
I'm pretty new to posting here but I thought I might as well post my character up in case there are any players on the Gilneas server.

Name: Vishnuu
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 40
Server: Gilneas
Guild: Seekers of Lore
Server: Mannoroth
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 18
Location: Iron Forge
Name: Arolin
Server: Kel'Thuzad
Race: Night Elf
Class: Priest
Level: 43
Location: Gadgetzan, Tanaris
Name: Nyctrin
Hey guys- this game rox0rz.
Name: Sirko
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Level: 18
Server: Llane
I have a few questions about World of Warcraft.
How would it run on a P4 1.8 Ghz, 512, ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 128MB computer? Is it like Half-Life 2 where the game requires a lot of processing power?
Is there a free trial?
Yes, it will run well

The first month is free, but you still have to buy the game
It sucks how Blizzard really cracks down on player and guild names. Someone thought Slutcakes (my original name) was too offensive.

Name: Stedman
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Level: 38
Server: Kil' Jaeden
Guild: The Best Guild EVER
Location: Arathi
Of the characters I just started the one I've been using most (which is not very much... seeing as I've only had the game for a couple of days) is Ike the Gnome Mage (currently at lvl 11 with engineering, mining, and all three secondary skills) on the Spinebreaker server. Well, I think that's the server. I didn't pay attention to that part of the character creation process.

EDIT: I've also created other characters like Dan the Human Warrior, Colin the Dwarf Hunter, Burt the Night Elf Druid, Beth the Human Warlock, Olga the Night Elf Rogue, Ruth the Human Priestess, and Champ the Dwarf Paladin. They're all alliance characters, they all have generic names, and the only other one I've played as so far is Dan.
How good is that ranking system- it even tells you how long you've played and a screen of your unventory :D can't wait for a european release
race: Night elf
class: Hunter
level: 26
server: frostwolf
guild: lostboys
location: IronFoge
Server: Proudmoore
Race: Night elf
Class: Rouge
Level: 17
Location: Iron Forge
Name: Troar
27 undead warrior on burning leagon

20 human mage on kil'jaeden
name: Colmay
server: Mannoroth (PVP)
race: Dwarf
class: Hunter
level: 19
location: where ever the quest takes me
I'm now level 18 :D
And i've trained my Night Elf to use one-handed and two-handed swords :D. This game rocks
Level 39 Troll Warrior

The rest of the info is Unknown.
Name: Madacian
Server: Thunderhorn
Race: Human
Class: Level 30 Paladin
As of this post Ike is 18½ and he looks like this (those goggles, which I made, require at least 100 engineering skill to wear):
name: Zerokewl
server: Beta server
race: human
class: mage
level: 47 :D

name: Zerocool
server: beta server
race: human
class: warlock
level: 22 :p
Server: Destromath
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter
Level: 27(as of friday 07)
Location: Thousand needles and Stonetalon mtns
Name: Wewt