World of Warcraft Macro delay


Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
If someone can tell me how to add 2 second delay into a macro id like it very much :cheers:
May I ask why?

I've tried this before, I don't believe it's possible.

But the reason I wanted to do it no longer exists in the game.
There is no delay function for macros in WoW. They removed it to prevent people from botting, or having the game function without user interaction.
Trinityxero said:
If someone can tell me how to add 2 second delay into a macro id like it very much :cheers:
can't you use a harmless action or something as a delay, or will that give away what your probably trying to do? :)
when i cant focus on the screen anymore from NO SLEEP yeah id like something where i can go strike strike evisc :borg: aka a bot.... no delay is a load of BS
Trinityxero said:
when i cant focus on the screen anymore from NO SLEEP yeah id like something where i can go strike strike evisc :borg: aka a bot.... no delay is a load of BS

Blizzard have put so much effort into making sure that bots are not possible. It was possible to make bots in SWG, and loads of people exploited it (and still do?) to get loads of EXP.

There were some exploits that were used to create a bot when the game first came out in the US... Blizzard found out who all of the people were who were using these exploits, and within a few days of the hacks being released on the net, over 600 accounts were banned.
bleh blizzard will always be gay IMO... cheap games but thare additive... ~hugs his WoW copy~ ... :afro: