World's oldest drug bust.

A barrage of tests proves the marijuana possessed potent psychoactive properties

Must have hired a few of the local teens to do the tests.
I like how "getting high" is hyperlinked, in case readers are like "What? Marijuana does what?"
He probably died from smoking marijuana and that's why they buried marijuana with him.
Any hieroglyphic porn stashed in there with it? Maybe a goatskin-baggie of cheetos?
2700 year old weed? They should smoke it, i bet it's aged to perfection
was there any evidence that the 2700 old stoner threw his kids off a bridge?
It's the Gobi Desert... wtf are they going to bridge to.
But that's futile! And it must go against some ancient Asian philosophy or something!

If your destination in life always shifts around, building a bridge is quite unsound.
But that's futile! And it must go against some ancient Asian philosophy or something!

If your destination in life always shifts around, building a bridge is quite unsound.

That actually makes perfect scientific sense. Considering that sand dunes move, building a bridge to one would be very foolish.