Worldwide Release Date... Heh heh heh.

Originally posted by Tull91
To The Rook: If you post ANY spoilers we will hunt you down like a dog and make you play Sims until the day you die!
Shit. Now I'm pissed.
I moved from Australia to the Netherlands.
I should have thought about the release of HL2!!!
It will be released on steam for everyone in the world at exactly the same time.
Does it actually matter? Unless you plan to sleep for a day and get up 10 hours earlier than normal on release day the game will still released in your region when you wake up anyway. Oh no the aussies will be playing it while I'm asleep, whatever will i do?
Originally posted by mallet
On the downside, we get the game "late".
On the upside, we don't live in Australia.
Sounds ok to me.


Well i guess i come out the winner because i wouldn't want to live anywhere else and i get half life 2 first.:cheers: :cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by PLas
Shit. Now I'm pissed.
I moved from Australia to the Netherlands.
I should have thought about the release of HL2!!!

lol, I'm Dutch so hopefully it willbe here the 30st, however, I'm in school that day :\ I hope some teachers are sick or something so I can go buy it... otherwise, I'm in class till 16:00
The 30th is a Tuesday, the day that games typically get released in the US if I'm not mistaken.
In Europe, the standard day of release is Friday, so even with a simultaneous worldwide release I don't expect to see HL2 in stores before 3/10.
Originally posted by Tr0n
No America gets it because were closer to the Greenwhich line in England.So that means we get it before you Aussies do!HAHAHAHAHA!!!
You really haven't grasped the concept of time-zones, have you?
But nice avatar, anyway.
10 hours? Who cares? With any luck you'll be playing singleplayer for at least a month or so...
And X-Vector, whilst you're right, this is not the case with world-wide simultaneous release dates. Enter the Matrix, for example was, I believe, released on the same day in the UK as it was everywhere else.

Edit: sucks for me - it's my first day of Uni that day (well, I say sucks... I mean cool but hey) so I doubt I'll be able to play it for about a week.
See 10 hours really is no big deal. Even a week isn't that bad but here I am griping my little socks off.
I'm in kinda the same boat as El_Chi. It's released in my fresher's week at Uni. That's when I'm supposed to meet everyone and get friends. And I can image buying it and coming out of my room later and people saying "Who are you? We've never seen you before".

Thank, and I'd probably be drunk whenever I play it. Or at the very least, hungover.
Originally posted by Feath
Thank, and I'd probably be drunk whenever I play it. Or at the very least, hungover.
Here here!!:cheers:
I think what I'll do is buy it on that day and just smell it and lick it every so often before installing it after a week or two so that I don't instantly become some hermit recluse with a weird reputation on campus.
And yes I realise the sexual nature of what I just wrote, but hey it's the anticipation that makes the experience even more enjoyable. Grrrrr.
<Rubs thighs>
But no, I do not intend to make love to my copy. That'd just be f*cking weird.
Originally posted by mallet
On the downside, we get the game "late".
On the upside, we don't live in Australia.
Sounds ok to me.


Took the words right out of my mouth! :cheese:
No America gets it because were closer to the Greenwhich line in England.So that means we get it before you Aussies do!HAHAHAHAHA!!!
The first people to experience a calender day on earth are those on the immediate western side of the international date line. The Greenwich meridian (which I live about 3 miles from) is the furthest point from the international date line.

Need to pay more attention in geography class.
Originally posted by mallet
On the downside, we get the game "late".
On the upside, we don't live in Australia.

On the rebound, you all wish that you were living there :D
Yeah, I hope HL2 is a full, burnable download from Steam. Opposing Force was horrible - I tried it, and it would lock up every 3 seconds and take about 5 minutes to load between each level.. and I got about 1mbps downloading CS from it, so I know it's not a bandwidth issue.
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
Yeah, I hope HL2 is a full, burnable download from Steam. Opposing Force was horrible - I tried it, and it would lock up every 3 seconds and take about 5 minutes to load between each level.. and I got about 1mbps downloading CS from it, so I know it's not a bandwidth issue.

It speeds up after a while. When you first start it, it takes a while but after a few levels, you barely notice the pause.
Actually, it will be released in the US first, in box form. The game will be available in ALL COUNTRIES over Steam at the same time. Otherwise, you must wait for the boxed version to reach you, and we have little knowledge on when that would be :(
Originally posted by Feath
I'm in kinda the same boat as El_Chi. It's released in my fresher's week at Uni. That's when I'm supposed to meet everyone and get friends. And I can image buying it and coming out of my room later and people saying "Who are you? We've never seen you before".

Thank, and I'd probably be drunk whenever I play it. Or at the very least, hungover.

When you drink you're supposed to go out, not stay in.

Besides what's the deal with all the australians roaring about the release date... why in God's name should Australia get the game first? It's ridiculous, they have to ship the boxes that takes time.
G... I hope the Australian coast guard dosen't stop the HL2 ship. Then Nuru will get to Play HL2 first :D
Originally posted by Curator
Valve is located in Seattle, WA buddy.

I think he is referring to CA - Canada (he probably lives in BC like me, I'm pretty close to Seattle.)
And by the way Doug lombardi confirmed a worldwide release date.
Originally posted by Dagobert
The first people to experience a calender day on earth are those on the immediate western side of the international date line. The Greenwich meridian (which I live about 3 miles from) is the furthest point from the international date line.

Need to pay more attention in geography class.

To add to that ...

The furthest point, but not the furthest in time. The US lies behind the greenwich merdian in the calendar day therefore they are even further behind in time.

It must be weird living on that -12/+12 border, you can walk back and forward in time!
Hopefully the boxed retail version is out of the 3oth. I don't go for this Steam crap.
Agreed, Cowboy. The feel of the box, the case, the manual, they're worth whatever small amount of money or time I save through Steam.
It must be weird living on that -12/+12 border, you can walk back and forward in time!
It's set up so it only covers ocean (apart from the polar caps, obviously) Still, guys working on shipping in that area must be a bit freaked!
It must be weird living on that -12/+12 border, you can walk back and forward in time!
Erm, there is no +12/-12 border. Each time zone is bordered by +1 and -1 hours on either side.
im thinking that sept. 30 is the ship date...and seeing as valve is an american company, it'll be in stores in the US before the rest of the world, if only by a few days.
Originally posted by SupaKoopa
im thinking that sept. 30 is the ship date...and seeing as valve is an american company, it'll be in stores in the US before the rest of the world, if only by a few days.

nah itll be in Canada same time
...and if you're interested in the International Date Line (where the date changes, but not the time, to keep calendard from berring b0rked by global circumnavigation), there's a lot of information here.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
No, the "worldwide" realease is one Steam. If you have a credit card and internet acces, you cna play HL2 as soon as it's released. If you ant a boxed verison, you'll have to wait.

please su, i dont like it when ppl start inventing things