worldwide release


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
hey, could someone please help me out and point me to an email/article where valve says for sure that steam users won't get to play before the boxed versions come out. i just don't remember ever hearing this. i've heard "worldwide release," but if you think about it releasing on steam would definately clarify as a worldwide release. everyone would be able to download/play at the same time.
nerdcorerocks said:
releasing on steam would definately clarify as a worldwide release. everyone would be able to download/play at the same time.

Not necessarily. The beauty of Steam is that the developer has complete control over localized content... everything from patches to releases.
SMT said:
Not necessarily. The beauty of Steam is that the developer has complete control over localized content... everything from patches to releases.

well why wouldn't they release worldwide on steam?
if you care enough to search through valve only thread, and anything gabe n. has ever said, among those things you will read it to be FACT that STEAM is the worldwide release medium.

Half Life 2 will be released on STEAM the same time the box hits SHELVES.


Also fact: you can download steam from anywhere, downloading is not restricted to the US.

FACT: Steam downloadable from anywhere in the world with comp and internet.

FACT: Half Life 2 on steam same day as box.

Am I really the only one that can see this?

What ever is said after this post that conflicts with this fact is incorrect according to what gabe n. personally has written in e-mail and more.

I was around when this was questioned the first time. Surprise! This is not the first time this whole thing has been questioned and had you searched you would realize it.

I guess people need a tutorial on where search is.... here it is...

step one:
Scroll to the top of the page and click the word "Search".

Ok... well, that's it.

Didn't realize it would be this hard to comprehend. This topic is more annoying then people that start hl2 vs doomiii arguements. honestly.
omg exoeight you're so awesome! thank you for enlightening me. actually the point of this thread was to have someone like you to direct me to the exact page and thread where gabe has stated this. i used the search function for steam release and some other combinations and i haven't seen anything. i don't feel like wasting more time than i have to to find it. so next time don't be such a douche bag and try help people out.
Let's keep this thread on topic please
wow... u must just feel so mighty exoeight... waft

as for the release .. all I know is I have it preloaded and can do nothing but wait... so speculation seems to me a waste of time and effort.
come on guys. not a single one of you can point out the email/article where valve says that they will be releasing on steam the same day as it comes out in a box
nerdcorerocks said:
come on guys. not a single one of you can point out the email/article where valve says that they will be releasing on steam the same day as it comes out in a box

Go read the valve info's in there somewhere. You just gotta sift through about 700+ posts but you can do it!
It would be finincal suicide for VU to let valve release early on steam, though i would not be suprised if it was only released to Europe and North America at the time it is released on steam.
i know that vivendi would obviously be unhappy if valve released early one steam, but doesn't valve have the upper hand? they funded hl2 completely inhouse, so they don't really have to answer to anyone. i just really want to see a quote (fairly recent) that specifically says "steam purchasers will be able to play when the game is released in retail stores"
Can someone show me a post where Gabe or some other Valve employee has said that it will be available on Steam the same time as retail.
nerdcorerocks said:
i know that vivendi would obviously be unhappy if valve released early one steam, but doesn't valve have the upper hand? they funded hl2 completely inhouse, so they don't really have to answer to anyone. i just really want to see a quote (fairly recent) that specifically says "steam purchasers will be able to play when the game is released in retail stores"

No valve doesn't have the upperhand actually. Without vivendi, CD manufacturing can't be done. So that means that anyone who wants the game is going to have to buy off steam. And a lot of people don't want to do that (credit cards and what not). Also, there is no shot in hell, steam can handle downloads from all over the world all at one time (not everyone preloaded, you know).
well i know this might be a bit extreme, but couldn't valve had said (when they were working out their contract) "if you don't like it, we'll find a new publisher."