Worst black friday ever

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The only really good deals in there are the DVD's and the 2GB SD card...
Day after Thanksgiving, when everybody goes to sales to buy xmas presents on sale!. Madness!
Day after Thanksgiving, when socccer moms and bargain hunters turn into vicious demons who will devour your soul if you even think about grabbing anything from a store shelf and putting it in your shopping cart. This is Madness! This is Wal-Martaaaaaa!!!

fixt :P
My first day of work is Black Friday. Zero training, just show up at 6 AM and work an 8 hour shift. Woo!
I so don't envy someone looking for something particular on BF. If it's worthy, I may, but I don't really care. Kinda have everything I want.
Oh, right. Americans. What a waste.

Hate on Americans bandwagon because they have a day for sales WOOWOOO!!

Seriously, that was the worst "anti-american" comment I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty shitty ones.
Omg! You all buy things cheaply! You're so crap!!

Pitchforks for everyone!
I have blackfriday every day (on woot.com, lol).

I would get a 1080p 50+ inch TV, but I'm out of money because of a one-month long loss in employment. Other than that, nothing looks too interesting.
Haha, it's not like I was serious in saying that. I just found the mental image of thousands of people flocking to the closest Wal-mart and fighting each other for deals pretty entertaining.

oh, it is pretty entertaining, but the real show is Best Buy, you'll see people camped out there over 24-hours ahead of time all over the country.

Why do people even shop there? If there was any justice in the world, they'd go out of business.

Because idiots are drawn to the way that they sales people horribly describe an item to them like it's the holy grail. Hell, I went in for something, and some douchebag tried to sell me Gold cable something or others. I was like "no, just need this.." But it transfers things SO MUCH FASTER!..."No, I'm fine." You can't live without it! "yes I can, plus you don't know what your talking about...."
Yeah, my family refuses to shop at Best Buy anymore because of all the bad experiences we've had there...first one being the time it took them 6 and a half hours to slap a tray under my dashboard to install my stereo...
I'm just going to make sure that you're all too busy ittoing each other to notice me pinching it :D
Wow looks like I found myself some stuff I want. A Video mp3 player for 50% off and a headset for $9.99
I'm going to go to Game Crazy or EB and sell some games to buy MAss Effect. :\
I'm going to go buy a Wii and Super Mario Galaxy :D
Lucky wieners, I have to work tomorrow all day at Best Buy. Stupid 4:30 am schedule.
i worked at the mall last black friday

it really was not a fun experience