worst commercials of all time

Kangy said:
Crazy Frog.

kill hack slash maim burn scream

Either that or the adverts for Pot Noodle :laugh:

"Have you got the pot noodle horn?"

Talk about completely random and useless :rolleyes:
All perfume adds make me want ot kill, along with ringtone ones. And ones where shops are trying to sell stuff by being 'hip'.
stress increases corisol!
cortisol inscreases belly fat!
relcore reduces belly fat!
xcellerate said:
stress increases corisol!
cortisol inscreases belly fat!
relcore reduces belly fat!

Damn I hate that!!
rofl it appeared he signed up just to post in this thread XD


im overusing that picture now i think
Moto-x_Pat said:
Everything that Mcdonald's has on TV is annoying. They have the shittiest food ever made and they seem to think that marketing to everyone except black people is pointless. I mean seriously, how many times do they have to be like "Yo G-unit, I gots 2 be havin' my motha fukin' McRibizzle foo. I'm lovin' it yo."

It's not that I'm a biggot, I think it's Mcdonald's that is racist. They only market with "hip-hop" (Why do they call it that?) and gangsta talk. The other day we were going dirt biking and on the radio it said "You gots to be givin me 'da bib 'cuz I'm eatin' da McRib." If I were black I would be offended.

Man you dont even have to say you're not a bigot...who cares if some dumbass thinks you're racist for stating the truth...we all know mcdonalds is trying to appeal to the black gangsta/hip hop culture...

"yo i is be lovin this foo cuz I be from da streetz and micdonalds giv me da enehgey i need to be a playa yo...ba da ba ba ba im lovin it"...mcdonalds are definitly the ones with the commercials aimed at the black/hip hop audience..it's definitly mcdonalds who are the racist ones..gearing all their advertising to one race making them all look ebonics-using stereotypes..
anyone seen that one commercial, i think it was car insurance, a guy is sitting in a car, and a bee flys on his ear.

suddenly he screams out "BEEEEEEEEEE" and drives hits his car at full acceleration, knocking over trash cans, poles, and ends up crashing into a building

its hilarious because its true
i have a fear for bees
anything from canadian tire. i want to kill that ****ing gay family.
The worst commercial in recent history is that Taco Bell one were the diplomat yells "I'm full!" at the end. For those of you who are not enlightned by Taco Bell, well you will just have to imagine it for yourselves.*

*or google it
those commercials that come up more than once during a break, or some that are the same one that are back to back...ARGH! i hate them all
A local satellite dish one which is so snobbish and stupid I was struck dumb.
It shows a kid in front of a static filled TV yelling in the most annoying voice ever "MOOOOOM!! The cables out again!"

Not only do I want to punch the kid, but even the very idea is retarded. (I can't remember the last time my cable went out....its a line buried several feet under the damn ground. How is that less reliable than a satellite dish?)
i have seen that one...and i live in florida...i would act as the cable guy and shoot him in the face...
I am ****ing sick of the DOOM commercial...YES we KNOW you ****ed a franchise Hollywood, now quit skull ****ing yourselves!

Jamster.... Give me a ****ing Crowbar.............

Taco Bell? "I'M FULL!" Yeah, say it again, it's likely someone will make you Full of Lead!

Sick of EVERY game commercial out there, as they are now crappy ads that overrate thier own games.

And HOP (Hooked on Phonics)? Makes me wanna get High on Pot!

The industry is now nothing but a horse banging, lying scum filled Hell-Spawning pile of crap, of course when wasn't it?:frown:
Hmmmm... worst commercials? Most of them... infact TV is pretty shit in general. There's the occasional commercial that makes me laugh and I find amusing, but most people in charge of making commercials just dont get the general public and end up making some silly crap that I could have directed better blindfolded, being raped by a posse of phillipino men through every orphice in my body until i am left a bleeding pile of nothing, and... bees, and swarms of bees attacking me too...

Killer bees...
MrWhite said:
Hmmmm... worst commercials? Most of them... infact TV is pretty shit in general. There's the occasional commercial that makes me laugh and I find amusing, but most people in charge of making commercials just dont get the general public and end up making some silly crap that I could have directed better blindfolded, being raped by a posse of phillipino men through every orphice in my body until i am left a bleeding pile of nothing, and... bees, and swarms of bees attacking me too...

Killer bees...
Wow man... thats harsh..... throw in some rabid, feces throwing chimps.
I like the geico commercials. Every geico commercial. This fact really makes me worry about subliminal messaging or something, as there have been fiftry or more, and I still find them funny. Seriously, everything from the original "do not push this button", to the lizard, to the caveman bigotry, to the fake-other-type-of-commercials, everything. Except their radio ads. But other than that, everything.
Well at least The King makes up for every bad commercial ever made.
And the Sponge Monkeys rocked too.
spookymooky said:
I like the geico commercials. Every geico commercial. This fact really makes me worry about subliminal messaging or something, as there have been fiftry or more, and I still find them funny. Seriously, everything from the original "do not push this button", to the lizard, to the caveman bigotry, to the fake-other-type-of-commercials, everything. Except their radio ads. But other than that, everything.
Speaking of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES, has anyone one who watches Family Guy noticed this? In one ep. Stewie has blocks stacked up and they clearly read Red Rum.... But red rum backwards spells Murder........ FOX is pulling mind Control tricks on us! HIDE TEH CHILDREN!
:eek: :x :frown:
And uh, Geico is ok.
The Redrum thing is from the Shining. (Or was it the Omen?)
I'd have to say most commercials from Taco Bell.
canadian tire commericals(canada)
london drugs comercials (western canada/my employer)
Shaw compercials(western canada)
I hate that commercial for the Bowflex thing where the "51" year old woman (who probably had skin grafting and plastic surgury) comes on and says.."I'm not 50, I'm 51!!" I wanna shoot that lady and the creator of the commerical.
dream431ca said:
I hate that commercial for the Bowflex thing where the "51" year old woman (who probably had skin grafting and plastic surgury) comes on and says.."I'm not 50, I'm 51!!" I wanna shoot that lady and the creator of the commerical.
i'd hit it.
women are like a fine wine--they only getter better with age

...wait, what?
The worst commercials are those local commercials that show.
i hate any kids food commercial, where you see kids stuffing themselves with sugar-filled cereals that have 20+ grams of sugar in one bowl and theres all this crappy music going on and kids sing about their cereal and crap.

or MISSION:PAINTBALL where you see 10 year old kids running around playin paintball then one runs into a house and dives on a couch playing a 2d paintball game