Worst fear !


Dec 29, 2004
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Whats your worst fear ? and why do you fear that.

EDIT: what i fear most is spiders, tiny spiders. Not the huge hairy ones, they are cute but the small non hairy things. I dont know why but it might be because i saw lotsa spiders when i was a kid. Im still a kid but when i was a baby-kid
Becasue you didn't check the box saying "Yes, add a poll with this post."?
Garfield is a silly billy, anyway in the end most people have very different fears so a poll won't work.

Mr greatest fear is well people I guess, obviously not everyone :P but well the most ive been scared was related to people
Haha people :D yeh they can be scary, but not all. Snakes was my second worst fear before, but i held a snake in my hands and they are really nice and cute :D atleast tiny snakes who are not black.
im afraid of pyramid head :eek:

gives me heeby jibbies

*what do you mean only real things allowed*
jimbo118 said:
im afraid of pyramid head :eek:

gives me heeby jibbies

*what do you mean only real things allowed*

whats pyramid head?
My worst fear is getting illness of disgusting humans.

We commune and breed like rabbits, We shall die like rabbits.

Thankfully my immune system is probably one of the best in the world and i get ill for only a few hours, only ever been "sick" as such once, that was food poisoning anyway.

I just find it so worrying that i can be as fit and strong as i like, able to kill off any human but at the end of the day it would only take a few germs from another human (or other animal) to take me down.

I absolutley HATE it when i get any illness like a cold, i often get really pissed off with being not 100% feeling good and go and "run it off" by making my body go into overdrive from exertion.

My hatred for illness is one of the reasons i have vowed to never have sex with another human.

I'm not scared of a lot else.
short recoil said:
My worst fear is getting illness of disgusting humans.

We commune and breed like rabbits, We shall die like rabbits.

Thankfully my immune system is probably one of the best in the world and i get ill for only a few hours, only ever been "sick" as such once, that was food poisoning anyway.

I just find it so worrying that i can be as fit and strong as i like, able to kill off any human but at the end of the day it would only take a few germs from another human (or other animal) to take me down.

I absolutley HATE it when i get any illness like a cold, i often get really pissed off with being not 100% feeling good and go and "run it off" by making my body go into overdrive from exertion.

My hatred for illness is one of the reasons i have vowed to never have sex with another human.

I'm not scared of a lot else.

really your never going to have sex?
wow short recoil thats a different way to go through life, hope it works out for you however rather you then me matey :D
jimbo118 said:
really your never going to have sex?
I'm not going to have sex, it is not needed.
I do not require a child so i do not need sex to have one.
I do not think that the pleasure from it is worthwhile.
If a girl wants it from me (yes i have had this in the past) i will tell them to get stuffed (hehe, no pun intended).

There is no physical need to either really, if there is i can do it mechanically with my hand.

Some people seem as if they couldn't live without sex, i don't think it's too hard......i'm 19 years old and i've done without it so far, and before you think i'm immature or something i have given things like this much thought.
short recoil said:
I'm not going to have sex, it is not needed.
I do not require a child so i do not need sex to have one.
I do not think that the pleasure from it is worthwhile.
If a girl wants it from me (yes i have had this in the past) i will tell them to get stuffed (hehe, no pun intended).

There is no physical need to either really, if there is i can do it mechanically with my hand.

Some people seem as if they couldn't live without sex, i don't think it's too hard......i'm 19 years old and i've done without it so far, and before you think i'm immature or something i have given things like this much thought.
seems a bit extreme though?you dont want kids or anything?
The Pyramid Head is my favorite "thing" its so freaky,unexplainably looking and wierd. And he is nasty ;O
I wonder how it would feel to be a snake, without arms and legs i mean :D
jimbo118 said:
seems a bit extreme though?you dont want kids or anything?
No i don't want kids, several reasons.
-I gain nothing from it (sorry i'm a selfish person)
-There is allready far too many humans on this planet, i don't want to make a new one.
- It would take up my time and energy, all the people my age with kids i know are ****ed.

I don't know if there something "wrong" with me but i have no instincts to want a child, not like i have seen in others.
I still do have urges for sex, testosterone levels tend to get high when i do lots of physical work, anyway i can control them.

When people say "oh but you wont be able to pass on your genes" or something like that, i say what does is matter what i leave in the future, because i will be dead, and whatever is then will affect me in no way.

Garfield_ said:
I wonder how it would feel to be a snake, without arms and legs i mean :D

Snakes have very few neuro receptors for feeling on their skin, it would feel "numb" if you put a human brain interface.
Although saying that if you flicked your tounge out you would be like "WTF, all these really intense smells, mmmmmm rat"
OR you would find it cool that you could see the thermal signature of a mammal!
Garfield_ said:
The Pyramid Head is my favorite "thing" its so freaky,unexplainably looking and wierd. And he is nasty ;O
lol yeah,the mannequins and all,the way he walks aswell like hes pissed is freaky,the 1st time i saw him it scared the shit outta me,he just stood there watching me through the bars with the radios static going nuts
Garfield you sure like to double post :P try using teh edit button
Haha, and first time you get to see the Pyramid Head, in Silent Hill 2 it seems like he is screwing some mannequin
Garfield_ said:
Haha, and first time you get to see the Pyramid Head, in Silent Hill 2 it seems like he is screwing some mannequin
yeah thats what i meant,some people thinks he is just abusing em but the scene is pretty sugesstive
let's just say it involves a stick of butter, a skimpy g-string and a rather obese woman ...wake up screaming everytime :E
falling underwater with a heavy weight tied to my foot, eventually drowning

captured by terrorists, eventually beheaded...

captured by chinese gangsters, they have the worst torture methods

being run over by a steam roller.

tied to a traintrack.
KoreBolteR said:
falling underwater with a heavy weight tied to my foot, eventually drowning

captured by terrorists, eventually beheaded...

yeah me 2,particurly the 2nd 1,the 1st is more general for me,just being lost at sea :(
Falling under water, or with a shark must be really horrible :(
KoreBolteR said:
falling underwater with a heavy weight tied to my foot, eventually drowning

captured by terrorists, eventually beheaded...

captured by chinese gangsters, they have the worst torture methods

being run over by a steam roller.

tied to a traintrack.
Torture is a pretty nasty fear most people have, it is a sickening thought to think of what it would be like having your head cut off, you would be concious for at least a few seconds, you would feel the warm blood gushing out, yourself feeling more and more dizzy, coughing and gargling on your own blood.
man, i can make myself feel ill *shudders*
I would absolutley dread that, I'm never going to let that happen, give me a gun.
short recoil said:
Torture is a pretty nasty fear most people have, it is a sickening thought to think of what it would be like having your head cut off, you would be concious for at least a few seconds, you would feel the warm blood gushing out, yourself feeling more and more dizzy, coughing and gargling on your own blood.
man, i can make myself feel ill *shudders*
I would absolutley dread that, I'm never going to let that happen, give me a gun.
did you have to be so graphic? ;(
I cant say i fear torture, i just dont want any experience in it :D
I fear only one thing, dying a failure having never done anything meaningful with my life.
Knowing that what I see isn't real. I get this feeling sometimes and it freaks me out.
short recoil said:
Torture is a pretty nasty fear most people have, it is a sickening thought to think of what it would be like having your head cut off, you would be concious for at least a few seconds, you would feel the warm blood gushing out, yourself feeling more and more dizzy, coughing and gargling on your own blood.
man, i can make myself feel ill *shudders*
I would absolutley dread that, I'm never going to let that happen, give me a gun.

But then again you'd be too paralysed to actually feel any of it ;)
They say shooting someone in the head doesn't kill you instantly, but it puts you in a whole different place so those few extra seconds of agony doesn't really matter
And i doubt you'd be able to use any of your muscles in your head/face/throught when it's been dicapited =o

BTW to your previous posts, what about when your like 65 with no purpose in life other then thinking about how nice it would be to have someone care about you? Well anyway just don't start wearing one of those breathing masks :P
Illness make bodies stronger in the long run :D

Oh and my worst fear, eternity i guess. That would suck.. my nightmares are about that =P

I don't know if anyone saw this movie but there was this cop who died, and he came to this white place. So he wakes up and theres no one there, apart from a tv, so he puts it on and it says in a friendly voice "Welcome to hell".
He blows it away and starts walking in a direction. After a couple of hours he sees the same broken tv he sees before, he panics and shoots himself. He then wakes up in the same place and shoots himself again, and when he then wakes up and pulls the trigger the gun says click.

That shit scared the hell out of me
CptStern said:
let's just say it involves a stick of butter, a skimpy g-string and a rather obese man ...wake up creaming everytime :E

:eek: blimey!! :eek:

My biggest fear is being lonely, growing old lonely.