Worst forums ever

I suggest a full attack on


It would be awsome 2 just have about 100 ppl join an post teribble grammir an then haev them ban us all so we can be like "lol we where bannt!"

Seriously entertaining for a few seconds. WHO ARE WITH ME?!

Ríomaire said:
Banned. (Allowed)
john3571000 said:
(No use of capitals)
Apocalypse89 said:
Banned. (Or, how a Facepunch moderator would say it: Learn to use the ****ing space bar.)
kirovman said:
over zealous
Banned. (It's 'overzealous' .)
Reaktor4 said:
Banned. (Use the Shift key.)
Danimal said:
Banned. (Would have)
Banned. (Learn to use the Shift key when it's appropriate.)
Raziaar said:
Banned. (See above.)
Direwolf said:
Something Awful has a whole weekly feature called the Weekend Web that is quotes from all the worst forums they can find.
Banned. (Odd sentence, LEARN ENLGISH. [/evilfacepunchmoderator])
WacK said:
teh crazy forums of xenobia!
Banned. (leetspeek.)
SpArKs said:
Banned. (Use the Shift key.)
Sulkdodds said:
Banned. (leetspeek.)
CrazyHarij said:
Banned. (They say.)
FictiousWill said:
Personally I think it sounds fantastic.
Banned. ("Personally,")
Solaris said:
its teh 1337.
Banned. (leetspeek.)
Boogymanx said:
Typed 'The' twice. BAN!!1!1!!1!1111!!!!!1!1!1
Banned. (Telling the moderators when to ban someone.)
xcellerate said:
Banned. (Use the Shift key.)
Erestheux said:
It would be awsome 2 just have about 100 ppl join an post teribble grammir an then haev them ban us all so we can be like "lol we where bannt!"
Banned. (leetspeek.)
outpost said:
Reply With Quote
Banned. (leetspeek.)

Some rules.
Ha! I escaped Beerend's vicious banning fetish!
No Beerend, you cannot ban me! I am your father!

Why are you called Beerend anyway, I thought you were Beerdude? Meh.
beerend derives its legend from an older thread
just like 15357 is number jumble and ríomhaire is rimfire

and just like newcomers do not understand the munro incidents and the fabulous phase *sigh
Or those secret hentai bastards who have their own forum. That's gotta be the worst forum anyway.

Reaktor4 said:
That got old before it started.

Yeah but the real challenge has only started today, what with all the adware and that. I wish you boys luck! :burp:

It started so quickly... One person said it and all it takes is another guy to copy, and BOOM it's a fad. Maybe if you started a fad, Reaktor, you wouldn't think it was retarded! :D
If i inadvertantly started a fad i would still think it was retarded.
vegeta897 said:
It started so quickly... One person said it and all it takes is another guy to copy, and BOOM it's a fad. Maybe if you started a fad, Reaktor, you wouldn't think it was retarded! :D

It's the truth! :D Fabulous!
ríomhaire said:
Yes, I think we should ban anyone who accidentaly types your intead of you're :|

you're opinons suck

I actually find the my g0t forums endlessly amusing with all it's kangaroo sodomy goodness.
Reaktor4 said:
If i inadvertantly started a fad i would still think it was retarded.

Jealous you're not fabulous? You don't even know. :laugh: Fabulous!
I don't think I'll take part in this one.
Reaktor4 said:
Forum fads are retarded.
Only if you think they are. But seriously it just appears after my post. Fabulous!
It's not actually a fad, as such. It's compulsorary. Fabulous! :x

EDIT: Kill....me...kill....me! Fabulous!
I'm tempted to start editing people's posts to take it out, but I think that might be a slight abuse of my power.
Reaktor4 said:
Forum fads are retarded.
Yes they are, but they're funny if you let yourself get caught up in them, fabulously so!
Erestheux said:
I suggest a full attack on


It would be awsome 2 just have about 100 ppl join an post teribble grammir an then haev them ban us all so we can be like "lol we where bannt!"

Seriously entertaining for a few seconds. WHO ARE WITH ME?!


I second this motion
Ennui said:
I'm tempted to start editing people's posts to take it out, but I think that might be a slight abuse of my power.
Also, it would be completely pointless :thumbs:
ríomhaire said:
He speaks teh Shens.


I support and condone the actions of Face Punch moderators. Forum use is not a right, but a privilege.

Also, forum invasions are retarded and immature.

Oh man, am I awesome.
I think I made a thread a while back called "I got banned from garrys mod forum for saying rofl"