worst game ever made


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
please read the review. AND WATCH THE VIDEO (its at the bottom)....this is possibly the worst computer game ever made. i dont quite understand how someone could actually expect sucess out of this game. did the publisher even see the game before they shipped it? i just dont see how people would release a game with so many terrible bugs and glitches. i need answers!
For some reason I still just can't help but feel bad for the people that made this stuff. I care so much sometimes, it hurts. :LOL:

EDIT: Hell, it even has its own wikipedia entry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_rigs:over_the_road_racing

I'm serious though, sometimes I feel so unnessesarily bad about these things. Like, I feel sorry for the people who made it. Its an obviously bad game, but I feel kind of depressed and sorry for them, for some strange, odd reason. Must be a chemical imbalance.
Jesus H. Christ... That game is a freakin' abomination.
The Dark Elf said:
LMAO! oh dear god thats bad.. I suddenly feel less depressed now.

http://www.stellarstone.com/ this working properly for anyone else? or did they just give up and go home?

Doesn't work in firefox. Works in IE though. However, the website doesn't contain that much.
lmfao... that games so bad.. the video was hilarious lol and what annoying music :D
lol....thats game absolutely reaks of crapyness....hehe

I almost feel bad for the developers...then again, I don't think they actually care, that game is so bad that it's probably a joke. The video gave me a good laugh, it was hilarious

I think this game right here is a tough challenger tough
Probably same developer's. ..Only took them half a day to make! :p
:LOL: That was hilarious.
gamespot said:
The basic idea in the actual game is that you pick one from four vaguely different trucks and then one from five vaguely different levels. You then compete against another truck in a simple checkpoint race. That's it. However, Big Rigs can't even get this basic concept right. The supposedly computer-controlled truck you're supposed to be racing against in the game never actually moves. It's right there next to you at the beginning of a race, but it has no purpose in the game. This is to say, actually, that none of the game's races have a purpose because there's no competition and no time limit. You win every single time. So unless you especially like seeing a winning-screen over and over again that reads "You're Winner!", there is absolutely no point in playing Big Rigs.

Stellar Stone LLC, developers of the game, released a patch that alters the behavior of the computer-controlled truck. With the patch applied, the opponent does participate in the race, but stops before it reaches the finish line.
:LOL: LMAO! That was great. I loved the way you just stick to the ground no matter if it's a flat road or a mountain :p
JiMmEh said:
:LOL: LMAO! That was great. I loved the way you just stick to the ground no matter if it's a flat road or a mountain :p

or bridge :D

That video review was hilarious - i don't know how anybody can put together such a terrible game.

Anyone remember that game called "Iznogoud" on the PSX? Didn't think so.

And yes, it was pronounced "is no good". :|
cough cough...skynet...cough cough....westworld..cough cough...

worse games have been made.
Only one thing was worse than that game. The acting in the Gamespot video *cringe*
/me remembers the "skydive" pcg review

"You're Winner!" HAHA!. Not only can they not write code, they can't even use english.
www.stellarstone.com said:
We strive is to provide our clients with best of gaming technologies and cut their development expenses, allowing them to concentrate on product rather than on technology hustles of development. We are capable of doing large scale sophisticated technological projects, utilizing the best technologies and guarantee customer satisfaction.


Aww... I almost feel sorry for them...
the video review is entertaining
as for the game, well... what can i say?
looks like it was mind by a team of people with the combined IQ of 80
what a waste of time and money!
I'm crossing my fingers that "Big Rigs" was made to be a joke on purpose. If not, then the developers certainly don't know how to create a game.
Steller Stone said:
We combine stong management ( with our Santa Monica, CA based headquarters ) with superb creative, yet non expensive development teams in Russia. This allows our clients to cut development expenses 3-5 times comparing to cost of local European or US development team or employees. At same time we provide instant feedback to our clients, thanks to our management offices in Los Angeles and London.

haha, no wonder, they got a load of Russian peasants to develop it for food.
don_johnson said:
i just dont see how people would release a game with so many terrible bugs and glitches. i need answers!

Hmm.... Reminds me of when Valve brought out Steam.
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is "so astoundingly bad that it manages to transcend nearly every boundary put forth by some of gaming's absolute worst of the worst and easily makes it into that dubiously extraordinary category of being one of the most atrocious games ever published."


Haha! One day I'll be as damned svelte as those game reviewers. That video review is hilarious.