Worst ****ing Fads You Banned


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
Name some of those dumbest fads you lived through and didn't participate in

Snap Bands, really ****ing stupid right idea, yet it probably made millions


Pogs, hands down the worst fad i've seen

Clogs, i think they still exist but look god awful

Magic Cards, still pretty popular, but Star Wars cards totally killed them imo

I can think of a ton more fads but what were your most annoying fads you've seen
"The ABC Game" was a game where a kid would start scratching his nail into the side of your hand, you had to go through your ABC's until you were done; the objective was to obviously go as far as Z.

The moment I saw it I thought it was stupid, a couple of weeks later every kid who played it got a tetanus shot.
I had pogs.

buy I hate those plastic shoes....asian dude wearing a fine suit comes in to work all the time wearing those damn shoes.
Yeah but ****ing Dutch with their clogs.

I liked Pogs.
Box shaped cars. Scion XB's, Cubes, **** em all.

I forgot to mention those ear-stretchers.

I'm not saying they're terrible if you're actually interested in body modification etc. but when I see skinny-jean, pink tight v-neck wearin' Homofag.jpeg's with stretchers in their ears I can't help but feel whatever awesomeness that comes out of it to wane.
Shut ya mouth foo, pog's where the shit!
Stormy, your avatar makes me physically recoil every time I see it. arf arf ;(

God I remember pogs, they were like gold to me.

Ugg Boots, Oompa Loompa Tans, and booty shorts combined into one super ugly, indestructible whore.
i have a TON of pogs, and a decent collection of slammers. only reason i still have them is they are worth money.

my slammers though...****ing epic
Pretty much every fad.

Cept Pogs. They where awesome.
Did you just say something bad about pogs?
I lived through most all of them because (god bless em) my parents refused to buy me this crap or supply with me with cash to inevitably buy said crap.

There was this one thing I really wanted, I don't even remember what it was called or what it did, but it was a large-ish metal ring with like... bolts or something on it. You'd spin it or some crap and they'd slide round it and do stuff... I really don't recall the point of it, but it was cool as heck at the time and all my friends had one.

Also, tech decks. **** those things.

Edit - Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Girls. :(

Darkside, you need to start toning it down whenever anyone insults one of your many, many childhood passions, or sooner or later somebody's going to find you with shards of old RGB monitor in your wrists and a note saying 'NOBODY DICKS WITH MY FAVOURITE FORMATIVE CANDY/TRANSFORMERS FIGURINE/DIGIMON SLASHFIC'
tone it down
Man, it's like you people can't get enough of reaction faces so you say this kind of stuff. Well I'm not giving you what you want today. Besides, I tried toning it down before, remember? I knocked it off with the glowing eyes and was nice to everybody for like two weeks and everything. I didn't even break the wordfilter. Everyone was even more frightened because they thought it was a trick.

Besides man, come on, he talked shit about pogs. POGS, man. COME ON. You have to be broken inside to hate pogs. If there's one time I'm justified in not toning it down it's RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. How are you going to hate a game where you gather in circles on the blacktop at recess with your fat stack of milk caps and your slammers made of heavy plastic, glass, or metal, with their embossed yin-yang symbols, spiders, and 8-balls, some shaped like razor blades, and the whole point of the game is to take your opponents' stuff? It was kiddy gambling. You paid for pogs, you paid for the slammer, you anted up with a group of other kids who were betting what they had, and then you threw that slammer down and picked up the ones that were face up. Those were yours. You kept that shit. You could join a circle with like five pogs and walk away with thirty.

And everybody got into that shit. It was the one time on the playground where everybody stopped whatever the fuck they'd been doing before, forgot about cliques and everything, and got down on some gambling. Everybody in the sixth grade was on that shit. Didn't matter who you were before then, you were king of the fucking school if you had those long containers clipped to your belt. Everybody got along and had a good time with pogs, up until teachers banned it 'cause of stupid shit like "You could put your eye out with a slammer." But we all know they just didn't want us gambling.


Come on, Jondy. This is not the time for toning it down.
*agreeing with darkside*

I feel dirty.
How someone could have anything against pogs is beyond me. Then again, pogs were beyond me. I really didn't understand what they were for. I just hoarded them.
How someone could have anything against pogs is beyond me. Then again, pogs were beyond me. I really didn't understand what they were for. I just hoarded them.

Same here, I barely ever played. I just liked collecting them and knowing that I had the best slammers in town. (i do)

I challenge darkside to a game. Heads or tails for whoever buys the plane ticket.
But wait minute, I was wrong! I did know what to do with them. Darkside's post awakened the memory. I'd been trying to work out how I "hoarded" pogs without actually playing them. But I did play. It's just that the first pog I got was a seriously heavy metal slammer that always somehow seemed to give me amazing results. With this magic disc in my hand I won enormous amounts of pogs from my friends, acquaintances, and enemies. Okay, I was too young to really honestly have many enemies, I think I must have been about 5, but anyway, I won - continuously and almost without fail - all because of this amazing slammer I'd somehow acquired.

And then they stopped being popular and I was left with a useless collection of knick-knacks and a faded artefact of power.

Then again, I could be making this all up without realising.

I think one of the coolest fads I wish I had when I was a kid are those shoes with roller blades. I'd do so much vandalism if I had those
I challenge darkside to a game.
Sorry bro, I'd love to play with you, I really would, but I no longer have my slammer. And without it, all my powers are gone.

Like Sulk, the first pog I ever got was a heavy, metal slammer. It was heavy, metal, and shined a blue that shamed sapphires. I cannot, for the life of me, remember the design on it...I think it was a yin yang, with one part being radiant blue and the other a cold, onyx black. I'm almost certain that's what it was, but my mind can't recollect it, can't even form an image of it to go with the description. It's like it's beyond me now that I no longer have it; a mystical item of power that stole away my memory of it, took all the definition out of my mind and replaced it with only a vague, blurry, nondescript image of itself.

Which is pretty strange given how much I loved that thing. I discovered it in a glass case in an old record store on East 14th in San Leandro. A real decrepit, musty place, with dim lighting and old wood paneled walls that showed their age. Records slotted in wood bins on cheap carpet. Various memorabilia that had no place being there like Gremlins lunchboxes and Teddy Ruxpins. And there on the bottom shelf of the glass case near the front of the store was that slammer. It was ten dollars. Being that my family was broke I couldn't even afford regular pogs, much less $10 for a slammer. So for two weeks I went without eating--I saved my lunch money from school to buy that thing without telling my parents. I managed to get a few regular pogs off the guy at the store, too; just enough to make ante with.

And just like Sulk's, I could not fail with that thing. Without err I smashed through everybody's stacks, never flipped the poison pog, not even once. I took peoples' stuff and moved on from circle to circle, building a massive collection that I kept in my backpack. I was ruthless, taking peoples' pogs and switching circles before they had a chance to reclaim what they'd lost.

And then...at some point after the teachers banned pogs I don't know what happened to that slammer. I've tried looking up slammers on the internet to see if anyone might have the same kind of slammer I did...but I've never found it. No giant lot on ebay has ever had it, no e-memorabilia store has ever had one that looked even close to my vague memory of it. I miss that thing. ;(

Last year I was in line at a con and I saw a girl there playing with pogs; she'd never been a part of the fad when it'd happened but she thought they were cool and she was trying to learn how to play it. She had a clear plastic slammer, and I tried using it to teach her...but man, it just wasn't the same. Like all my ability had just left me. It went away. I can't play pogs any more. I already had my one good run with them.
i gotta say pokemon was probably the only one i did partake in, the rest i stayed away from.
Christ, Darkside, that's two wall of texts in one page.
I actually only read the first and last sentences, since they sum it up quite nicely.
Those little rubber wrist band type things, except they're way thick and sometimes have messages.

EDIT - These
Aren't those those ones that girls would wear to signify what sexual acts they've done?
I have no idea. I know some are to support charities.
Yeah, that's them. Gel bracelets, they're called. There was an urban legend going around about them that different colored bracelets denoted different sexual acts, and it was enough to get the bracelets banned in a couple schools.
Yu-Gi-Oh cards, in High School everybody was playing them. I said **** it.
Yeah, that's them. Gel bracelets, they're called. There was an urban legend going around about them that different colored bracelets denoted different sexual acts, and it was enough to get the bracelets banned in a couple schools.

That kind of behaviour has been going on for decades with different items.
Socks. Ain't just urban legends neither.