Worst ****ing Fads You Banned

Any type of bracelt fad.

Although I still have, and if I see it in my room I'll wear it from time to time, my Help For Heroes gel band. In my opinion, its the only one worth letting people see you wear. Its the triple coloured one; red, sky/baby blue and..err..cant remember the last colour. I have a funny feeling its either two colours of red or two colours of blue, but theres definitely atleast one of red and one of blue.

X factor and Big Brother, since they come in once a year, everyone goes pathetically mad over it and cant stop watching it, then it all dissappears and you wont hear of it again till next year. So theyre pretty much the ultimate fad.
I forgot to mention those ear-stretchers.

I'm not saying they're terrible if you're actually interested in body modification etc. but when I see skinny-jean, pink tight v-neck wearin' Homofag.jpeg's with stretchers in their ears I can't help but feel whatever awesomeness that comes out of it to wane.

They are terrible. You ever go to kiss a girl's ear who has one of those things? It makes her ear smell ****ing awful.
Those shoes are called crocs not CLOGS!

I think my elementary or middle school actually had a ban on pogs... I've never really understood what they were, but there was some sort of gambling controversy.
Yeah, that's them. Gel bracelets, they're called. There was an urban legend going around about them that different colored bracelets denoted different sexual acts, and it was enough to get the bracelets banned in a couple schools.

No, those ones were much thinner.

Edit: Ah nevermind, those were included as well.

lold at bible, but yeah, same here
Oh crap man, POGS! How did I ever forget about those? Back in the hayday, I had a slammer that was sawblade shaped and a dazzling gold color. Shit was epic. I remember that at one time, I had six tubes filled with pogs i'd won.


Used to love them before they were banned in school.