Worst Insect

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Worst insect, eh?

Hornets. I hate 'em. They're all around my house now that it's summer. The rest of the family is allergic to them and I ain't gonna get to know if I am or not before I'm stung by one. :(
Well, on the subject of bugs, the word "bug" actually has two meanings here, depending on the context. The more commonly used meaning just refers to invertebrates in general, but a more accurate meaning of the word bug actually refers to a specific family of insects (I'm pretty sure it's one of the families that have peircing mouthparts; hawthorn bugs and the like...)

Also, you haven't seen nasty bugs until you've been to Oz.

We've got the Whitetail spider, that'll make you real ill, then give you a practically incureable ulcerating necrosis...

We've got the Redback, which likes to hide in all those little places you have to put your fingers when picking up stuff like plant pots and kids toys that have been left in the garden for a week (I've got a pet one in a jar, and she's just hatched her babies...)

We've got a couple of varieties of Funnelweb spiders, the males of which are incredibly agressive, and to top it off, technically the deadliest spiders in the world...

We've got imported European wasps, which can kill you if you swallow them in your softdrink, or anything like that, and some really nasty and agressive (Not to mention HUGE) native wasps...

We've got Chinese Junk caterpillars, which look like a poisonous stinging sofa...

There's some really nasty big bush flies, which have biting mouthparts so big that they feel worse than a bee sting, and swarms of sandflies that will have you itching all week...

Back where I used to live, in a place called the Pilbara, there were foot-long centipedes and three-inch cockroaches, along with huntsman spiders (The "soldier" spiders from Arachnophobia) that could be up to four inches wide...

And since we're apparently not just talking about exoskeletal creatures here, there's also such things as the Chironex Fleckeri, the lethal "Box Jellyfish" of the Aussie tropics, which is the deadliest jellyfish in the world; two varieties of the deadly Blue-Ringed Octopus; and a creature called a "Ragworm", which looks like a some sort of aquatic nightmare, but behaves more like an agressive underwater snake, but with stinging bristles...
Brian Damage said:
Well, on the subject of bugs, the word "bug" actually has two meanings here, depending on the context. The more commonly used meaning just refers to invertebrates in general, but a more accurate meaning of the word bug actually refers to a specific family of insects (I'm pretty sure it's one of the families that have peircing mouthparts; hawthorn bugs and the like...)

Also, you haven't seen nasty bugs until you've been to Oz.

We've got the Whitetail spider, that'll make you real ill, then give you a practically incureable ulcerating necrosis...

We've got the Redback, which likes to hide in all those little places you have to put your fingers when picking up stuff like plant pots and kids toys that have been left in the garden for a week (I've got a pet one in a jar, and she's just hatched her babies...)

We've got a couple of varieties of Funnelweb spiders, the males of which are incredibly agressive, and to top it off, technically the deadliest spiders in the world...

We've got imported European wasps, which can kill you if you swallow them in your softdrink, or anything like that, and some really nasty and agressive (Not to mention HUGE) native wasps...

We've got Chinese Junk caterpillars, which look like a poisonous stinging sofa...

There's some really nasty big bush flies, which have biting mouthparts so big that they feel worse than a bee sting, and swarms of sandflies that will have you itching all week...

Back where I used to live, in a place called the Pilbara, there were foot-long centipedes and three-inch cockroaches, along with huntsman spiders (The "soldier" spiders from Arachnophobia) that could be up to four inches wide...

And since we're apparently not just talking about exoskeletal creatures here, there's also such things as the Chironex Fleckeri, the lethal "Box Jellyfish" of the Aussie tropics, which is the deadliest jellyfish in the world; two varieties of the deadly Blue-Ringed Octopus; and a creature called a "Ragworm", which looks like a some sort of aquatic nightmare, but behaves more like an agressive underwater snake, but with stinging bristles...

Where the hell do you live, Alien-land or something? :p
Brian Damage said:
Back where I used to live, in a place called the Pilbara, there were foot-long centipedes and three-inch cockroaches, along with huntsman spiders (The "soldier" spiders from Arachnophobia) that could be up to four inches wide...

Foot long centipedes!? /me drools. Why didn't you keep one in a terrarium? The neatest insect I have around here is the praying mantis, but it's illegal to keep them in captivity :x, and also the rarely seen walking sticks . Export me some of those cockroaches while you're at it. :thumbs:
So glad I live in Britain, the worst insects we get (in the city, at least) are like 3/4 inch bees or wasps.
I've got a fear of butterflies, so they scare me, i'm not a big fan of bugs at all :(
Murray_H said:
I've got a fear of butterflies, so they scare me, i'm not a big fan of bugs at all :(

Yeah, I'm a little tense when it comes to tiny critters and stuff.. Especially night flies.
MOSQUITOES!!!! I had a gig last night a mosquito was biting me on the arm over and over and over and over... It screwed my mad bass playin skillz all up! This happens all the time. I wish those things never existed!
I don't know how you guys can hate mantids. They're harmless and absolutely neato!


CrazyHarij said:
Where the hell do you live, Alien-land or something? :p

No, just Australia.

Sedako said:
Foot long centipedes!? /me drools. Why didn't you keep one in a terrarium? The neatest insect I have around here is the praying mantis, but it's illegal to keep them in captivity :x, and also the rarely seen walking sticks . Export me some of those cockroaches while you're at it. :thumbs:

I'd have to go back to WA to do that, and that's a three hour plane trip. No chance you wanna fork out... oh, I dunno... AU$300 for one of those big cockroaches?

Although, there is a place somewhere around here called "The Bug Farm", or something like that, where you can buy big six-inch wingless bush cockies...

Sedako said:
I don't know how you guys can hate mantids. They're harmless and absolutely neato!

... says the guy who's never had a huge Aussie mantis clamp onto one of his fingers...
... says the guy who's never had a huge Aussie mantis clamp onto one of his fingers...

Well, that's just being careless :p Mantids around here are small and harmless. I'd love to take a trip to Australia some time to check out the insects though.
Luckily, here in Finland, like brittain, the worst we have in terms of bugs are 3/4 inch bees or wasps, and mosqitoes.
CrazyHarij said:
Nah, spiders are cool!

True that. I know a few of people that are scared of common house spiders, but they like tarantulas. I guess being large and fuzzy can have it's appeal.
Zerox said:
I hate spiders more then anything.
Go play Resident Evil :E Nice way to deal with your fears for spiders. And you can shoot them!!

Whoa. Ladybugs are awesome. They can't do shit except just that :) take a shit. Orange poop... Most kids here in Sweden go "Aaaw that's cute. Can we play with it?" (not play with the poop dumbasses) when they see a ladybug on the ground or wherever :)
Yeah. I love going to terrarium thingies where you get to touch them and play with them.
All bugs freak me out. Period.

The only bug I will touch are lighting bugs, they are so fun to catch!

You see a split second yellow dot. You run over, carefully peering into the darkness...

There it is again, you see it, BAM! You got it, and it just crawls around your hand.

Or you can smack it down, and skid your foot on it and get glowy stuff all over! yayyyy!

Spiders are the scariest though. I am thankfull that my house has barely any bugs. We will see a silverfish every month or so, and they die by a couple drops of hot water. :)

That Saddam thing is hilarious.
I've read somewhere that the only kind of spider that very few people have a phobia of is the jumping spider. And there's only one dangerous jumping spider here in Oz (The Mopsus Mormon - Figures, dunnit?), and he lives in the deepest rainforest...

Jumping spiders are so cuuuuuute... With those big eyes, and the way they twitch around, and everything...

Sedako: If you want to come over here to Oz, bring heavy boots. At least, if you want to stay in the bush, where the highest concentrations of the cooler creatures live. Oh, and make sure to shake them out thoroughly before putting them on... I forgot to mention the sort of scorpions we get around here... they're more dangerous the smaller they get...

Oh, and don't even get me started on Bull Ants and Jumping Jacks......
Another I hate about bugs is the Human versus Insects quota. I've heard there are around 40 million (could be more or less obviously) insects per human being. That's enough to scare the big bejesus out of me.
Someone mentioned ladybugs? Those little buggers are cool... birds don't bother them much, as they exude an evil-tasting goop when something bothers them, and they go through an aphid infestation like salt water through a dog's digestive system...
Alec_85 said:
Whoa. Ladybugs are awesome. They can't do shit except just that :) take a shit. Orange poop... Most kids here in Sweden go "Aaaw that's cute. Can we play with it?" (not play with the poop dumbasses) when they see a ladybug on the ground or wherever :)

That's not poop! It's a smelly, foul tasting liquid the lady bug uses to detour predators. Birds absolutely hate it.

Brian Damage said:
Sedako: If you want to come over here to Oz, bring heavy boots. At least, if you want to stay in the bush, where the highest concentrations of the cooler creatures live. Oh, and make sure to shake them out thoroughly before putting them on... I forgot to mention the sort of scorpions we get around here... they're more dangerous the smaller they get...

Don't worry, I know how to prepare for such expeditions. It's good to hear it from someone with experience though. Is it illegal for you to contain any of the insects over there?
Errrm... well, some of them are rare... taking things like swallowtail butterflies can get you some serious jail time...

But basically, if it's anything that the natives want to squash flat on sight, then sure, bung it in your terrarium... I've got a redback spider sitting in a jar on my bookshelf, as I mentioned before... actually, it's closer to a hundred redbacks now, I reckon, seeing as her egg sac hatched a few days ago...
Sedako said:
That's not poop! It's a smelly, foul tasting liquid the lady bug uses to detour predators. Birds absolutely hate it.
Cool. Didn't know that. Makes me proud ;) Death to bugs I say. That's the terrorism, the States should be fighting ;)
Brian Damage said:
Errrm... well, some of them are rare... taking things like swallowtail butterflies can get you some serious jail time...

But basically, if it's anything that the natives want to squash flat on sight, then sure, bung it in your terrarium... I've got a redback spider sitting in a jar on my bookshelf, as I mentioned before... actually, it's closer to a hundred redbacks now, I reckon, seeing as her egg sac hatched a few days ago...

You're an avid collector too right? Does Australia offer licences for collecting certian bugs, or do you have to be employed in a field first?
I hate any bug that flies in your nose, mouth or ears.

Luckly, I've only had ones in the nose and ears that quickly fly out.
Hazar Dakiri said:
I hate any bug that flies in your nose, mouth or ears.

Luckly, I've only had ones in the nose and ears that quickly fly out.

That's because you move. Try standing still when they do that and see what happens. :angel:
I dunno about "Avid"... I've got the redbacks, a jar with a chinese junk cocoon in it, and I used to have a jar full of the sort of wasps that like to parasitise chinese junks, but I wouldn't call myself an avid collector. More of a "Ooh, what's that crawling across the patio?" collector.

I do believe, however, that you need certain local licenses, at least for the more exotic bugs, or have the sort of credentials that the guys at the CSIRO entomology (SP?) division have. I'd check on the internet. Also, I don't think you're allowed to export bugs, or bring them into the country (REALLY strict quarantine laws here) without governmental consent...

Epyon said:
camel spiders......

Aren't spiders...
Epyon said:
camel spiders......

Yes, they are very big, but luckily they aren't venomous. They can run at a top speed of about 10 mph though.
Evil^Milk said:
That sucks, you should've used mosquito repellant

try living in wisconsin in the middle of a small wooded area with a creek running through your front lawn and see how your mosquito repellant works out for ya. i swear the little bastards must be laughing when you put that stuff on. :E
Brian Damage said:
They're a sort of whip/wind scorpion, aren't they?

Whip scorpions are cousins of spiders. Not sure if camels spiders are considered a type of whip scorpion though.

EDIT: Yes, they are classified as wind scorpions.
Sedako said:
That's because you move. Try standing still when they do that and see what happens. :angel:

Ummm, no. :P

I wanted them to fly out. :D
Epyon said:
camel spiders......

my dad told me about those things when he was in saudi arabi with the air force a few years ago.

said one was sitting like 15 feet in front of a guy walking, so the guy moved sideways to go around it and it just shuffled sideways staying in front of him and wouldn't let him pass.

i guess they crawl in at night though and paralyze your skin and some people wake up with a bunch of their face eaten away.
ACLeroK212 said:
my dad told me about those things when he was in saudi arabi with the air force a few years ago.

said one was sitting like 15 feet in front of a guy walking, so the guy moved sideways to go around it and it just shuffled sideways staying in front of him and wouldn't let him pass.

i guess they crawl in at night though and paralyze your skin and some people wake up with a bunch of their face eaten away.

That's a lot of BS right there. They may bite, but they aren't vemonous and can't paralyze people. It feeds on small lizards birds, rodents and invertibrates. Trust me, you'd know if you were bitten by one. It's painful and would wake you up almost 100% of the time.