Worst Nightmare?

May 24, 2003
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I just had a thought...What has been your worst dream?

Scariest dream I had (probably the only thing like a nightmare I've had since I was but a little boy) had a friend in it who had left school about a year before I had the dream. Anyway, he was bugging me a lot. I don't know what he was doing exactly, but it was really annoying me and so I started to strangle him. The thing is, he jsut turned to look at me and smiled, but it was a really horrible smile. So I smashed him ove the head with a bean tin the was full of concrete and it didn't hurt him at all. Then I woke up...Just thinking about it is almost making me shake. When I dreamt it, it felt about a hundred times worse than anything I've experienced in life.
When I was young (methinks around 5-6 or thereabouts), I dreamt that I was going to be locked up because the city didn't have enough space for more people :|
I'm sure there was more ot it, but I cant remember right now.

Anyways, it was terrifying at the time :(
the one I had yesterday with the 'hilarious' crow.

It was a distorted little thing, with this deep shriek of a voice, like what hubert cumberdale sounded like except he actually spoke words. the thing was on my shoulder and talking to me like he was trying to corrupt me. At times it would flash to that horrible.. woman thing in the bathtub in "The Shining"

it was overall very frightening, the voice was so clear in my head during the dream it was awful.

yep. back to daydreaming about my horrible death

edit: and the eyes were indeed like in my picture, except you know.. realistic looking. that was the most frightening aspect of its appearance. didn't look real crowish, though I knew it was one, but its eyes bulged out like that, and were frightening. It was so real :(

any shrinks here?
Last night I dreamt I had a visit to Valves offices, which is sad in it's self, but I got there, and there were loads of Nadia's from Big Brother UK playtesting Half Life 2 all cackling... basically it left me with 2 questions.

1. why the **** am I dreaming about visting Valve (answer: cos Half Life 2 is waaaay overdue IMO).

2. why the hell was Nadia there? (answer: cos s/he has been the most annoying one on Big Brother aside from Michelle).

Isn't it wierd how the world is percieved in dreams.
Still the one with the giant rotten pumpkin/jack o' lantern thing chasing me, I'm afraid...
It wasnt really a dream, more of a hallusionation (sp?) because I had a fever and was very hot. Basically there was this freaky alien thing crawling all over my walls. Looked so real and scared the crap outta me. :(
I had a recurring one as a child which was quite obtuse - it was basically lots of bizarre images of certain objects, all in black and white, and they started to move. In the background was someone speaking, what they were saying wasn't clear or important although the general vibe was that they weren't pleased with me at all. But then the objects started to move faster and faster, and the voice got louder and more and more agressive. Sounds peculiar but it was absolutely terrifying.
I told the #halflife2 folks about my worst nightmare ever a while ago, it resulted in +m, a ban and the nickname "pelvisboy".. I dunno if I should tell you about it. :p
Tell us! My worst dream was a fevered hallucination in which I was imagining a war going on but I couldn't stop imagining it, as if thousands of years worth of death and noise were forcing their way into my room, all around me. I just wanted to go to sleep, but I couldn't, they wouldn't let me have any peace...Until around 5am when the blissful realisation that none of it was real and that therefore I didn't have to pay any attention hit me like a slippery fish and I promptly went to sleep.
I had a dream like two days ago, I was going to make a thread about... but seems yuo beat me to it :)

First it started off wierd, I was walking around with this really tall guy who had to be about Six four and he had on a clown mask with green hair, we were walking down this long street and It was sort of like a freak show, and the surroundings like buildings and such reminded me of Universal Studios, When we were walking to our so called destination I saw a group of clowns talking, then I saw Frankenstein he like walked right past me, and my friend was way ahead of me so I started running and I finally caught up.

So we were looking at this Universal studio ride the earthquake one, and I was telling him how lame it seemed and I guess he agreed so we kept walking. Then we came to theese big brown doors. He knocked on it and ran to the right, and I guess he was nickerknockingn so I ran to the left, I ran from what I dont know. So i just kept running down the road we had cameup, everything had changed it seemed as if I were outside a big big huge castle. Finally I found an opening in the wall, and I guessed if I hid in the dark for a little while the thing that was chasing me wouldn't notice me. So I walked in the corner of this door like area and crouched.

Now I was looking around trying to find the best dark spot to hide in, then I thought man this guy whoever it is is going to see me, so I stood up and started to look around and I found a door on the wall. I opened it and it was my room, I dont know what was in it but my room was really really dark, and when I opened the door I just felt as if some kind monster was in there like a monster like youd see in The Ring, or Chainsaw Massacre. I mean when I walked in the room it seemed like it was just another part of my house but something was in their waiting for me, I could ust feel it.

BTW I have really wierd dreams, and my house is really really old like 50+ years, Im quite certain there is somewhere in my house that my parents nor I don't know about and it has some kind of dark force in it but thats just one of my nightmares :)


I was at an old babysitter or something, some weird house smelling badly and the other kids were disfigured and mutilated stuff, sorta like the baby Satan is holding in Passion of the christ.. I became sort of horny and wanted to have sex with the babysitter, and she agreed..

We went to a very strange and old bed thingie and I started "doing it", when suddenly her face twisted and morphed to my mothers face and she was suddenly dismembered in pieces, I was holding her pelvis in my left hand and ****ing it from all kinds of weird directions, blood was spurting everywhere and the walls started to bleed, and the kids were put on fire and sung together in a VERY freaky octave, while the head of my mother was laughing manically next to me.

I asked her if she really was my mother and she answered yes.. Her bodyparts were lying all over the bed, they never stopped bleeding and the fire was all around us.. My mother kept laughing, I kept ****ing her pelvis. I remember looking at it from the inside, and all the organs and stuff. Then I noticed that in my right hand I was holding the chainsaw that was sawing her in pieces.

Then, suddenly, like I was hit in the forehead by a huge bullet, I realized what I was doing and experienced this short, extremely intense feeling of discomfort and woke up.

The worst thing was that I actually enjoyed it in the dream,
and I'll never forget the feeling of penetrating that thing, soft and bloody tissue stuff. :x
CrazyHarij said:

I was at an old babysitter or something, some weird house smelling badly and the other kids were disfigured and mutilated stuff, sorta like the baby Satan is holding in Passion of the christ.. I became sort of horny and wanted to have sex with the babysitter, and she agreed..

We went to a very strange and old bed thingie and I started "doing it", when suddenly her face twisted and morphed to my mothers face and she was suddenly dismembered in pieces, I was holding her pelvis in my left hand and ****ing it from all kinds of weird directions, blood was spurting everywhere and the walls started to bleed, and the kids were put on fire and sung together in a VERY freaky octave, while the head of my mother was laughing manically next to me.

I asked her if she really was my mother and she answered yes.. Her bodyparts were lying all over the bed, they never stopped bleeding and the fire was all around us.. My mother kept laughing, I kept ****ing her pelvis. I remember looking at it from the inside, and all the organs and stuff. Then I noticed that in my right hand I was holding the chainsaw that was sawing her in pieces.

Then, suddenly, like I was hit in the forehead by a huge bullet, I realized what I was doing and experienced this short, extremely intense feeling of discomfort and woke up.

The worst thing was that I actually enjoyed it in the dream,
and I'll never forget the feeling of penetrating that thing, soft and bloody tissue stuff. :x

Damn that had to suck, seems like some outer force might have hit you in the end.
this is an animated version of cyber's nightmare that i made...


*edit* crazyharij you scare me. a lot.
Sulkdodds said:
My worst dream was a fevered hallucination in which I was imagining a war going on but I couldn't stop imagining it, as if thousands of years worth of death and noise were forcing their way into my room, all around me.
I tripped out after a really bad reaction to some skunk (strong type of marijuana) at Reading 2002 (rock festival). It was at night-time and so everyone was in the huge campsite and there was a lot of noise going on. I was convinced I was about to die so I went back to my tent on my own. When I was in there and heard all the noise and shouting, I was convinced my tent was in the middle pf the Omaha beach landing on D-Day. That was absolutely terrifying. I don't smoke weed very often any more.

CrazyHarij - That was one of the most horrific things I've ever read. No offense, but I'm glad that's your dream and not mine.
My worst dream Was...

I was hideing in a bag, and someone shot and killed me.
Crazyharj, i dont say this very often but...your going to hell...KTHXBYE
All my dreams are either sex, game based or movie based, and so far the worst one is as follows.

I was the cop from Resevoir Dogs and Micheal Madsen was cutting my ear off. It was pretty bad, felt the knife and everything. When I woke up I felt the side of my head to see if it was still there, first dream I've had where it really hurt.
Actually, it did for awhile, I was still half in the dream and half awake. Sometimes when I have a dream involving pain I'll have a slight headache or something for 20 mins or so.
ooh i had one like that, i fell asleep on the couch one night and i was dreaming some guy with a chainsaw chased me and caught me then proceeded to cut my arm off while i was screaming, I woke up and tried to move my arm and i couldn't move it or feel it, i thought it was reall gone it was freaking weird, the reason i couldn't move it was because i had slept on it funny and my entire arm from the shoulder down was completely asleep, i was freaking scared
My worst dream was being seriously buggered by the Tellytubbies while Linda Barker was cutting off my appendages with a pair of scissors...

Dreams where i die or kill people suit me fine, i like those with a passion.
The worst dream I've ever had was being inside a room made out of human flesh with a tattoo of a pentagram on the floor (it was probably Doom influenced, I played a lot of that when I was 6). And on all the walls I could see faces being pressed up against it from the other side. Then an arm reached through all the flesh but it didn't break the skin, so it looked just like the wall had an arm. It started reaching at me (it was a huge arm, like the size of my whole body) and when I struggled against it the flesh ripped easily and underneath the skin was grey rotten tissue, right down to the bone. I woke up and puked for a long time, it was horrible. I remember it so vividly, and it was only a few weeks ago.
Haha, I can relate to Harij, I've never had it that weird/creepy but... actually no just stay away from me.

Worst one was when I was younger, I walked into my room and it was dark and what I thought was a small boy was playing with my toys so I approached him, he turned, was a goblin or something, starting screaming really ear-piercingly loud and approached me, and as he did he grew larger and larger until he had me cornered and I woke up. I don't have many nightmares but that freaked me pretty good.

BTW was joking, I still want your babies CH :)
Damn Fuhrer, that's pretty weird. I like it :O

I dreamt once I was in a graveyard with a friend, idunno probably mourning someone, anyway it was typical graveyard scenario, dark and misty and generally eerie. So we go up to this grave and stand there a while, then this zombie turns up, quick one like in the HL2 trailer with that monk guy, started chasing us so we ran. Van pulls up, tells us to get in so we do, I hop in the back with the large sliding door and sit against it with a seat or something on the other side of me. The zombie catches us as we're moving and starts slamming the side where I'm sitting so the door caves in against me and pins me between the two objects, I could actually feel the crushing sensation quite vividly as he continued to hammer it, but I woke up pretty quick.
my worst dream involved some toy that we picked up from a garage sale in my dream. it was one of those series dreams where you have one of them a night for a week or so. i was around 6-7 years old and i had these alot. well, it started off, we went and got the toy (it looks kinda like Voicebot (http://www.regensburg.franken.de/homepages/users/starcom/images/voicebot_1.jpg), if anyone was familiar with that toy, but has a human head) we bring it home and it starts talking to us. it started shooting us with its missiles, killed my brother, and then wanted to be friends again. we took out the batteries, but it still worked from some sort of internal battery or something.we shotguned it in he head a couple times. each time nothing happened even though we hit it dead on. this stuff happened for a long time, it killed my family, and finally shot me and i woke up with one of those spasms that feel like you just fell from a foot above your bed.

it sounds stupid but it was very scary as a 6-7 year old
Seriously that is one weird dream. Its a shame Stone isn't here, he was good with dreams and interpretation...
...ah well.

I remember having an halucination once, in fact its quite a story (Well it means a lot to me). I must have been about 3 and I was really ill. In fact I found out recently that I was close to death(Quite a sobering thought finding out that so young I could ahve died and the last 15 years of my life may never have happened) and I was only at home because there was nothing that could be done and it would be better for me to be somewhere familiar. Anyway, I woke up in the night and went to my mum and dads bedroom because I was really running a terrible fever and I was starting to get delirious. So I woke my mum and dad up, and climbed into their bed. About 10 minutes later, my dad thought he smelled smoke (We used to own a cafe back then) so he went downstais to check it out and the office to the side of the cafe where the fuse box was, had an electrical fire going wild in there. So my dad, realising going for an extinguisher will take too long and water will make it worse, took in a lungful of air and blew it out. its quite cool, because it wasnt like a candle flame, it was covering the fuse box and part of the desk. So anyway, I nearly died but because of that my family and I are still alive today. Now that, like I said, is a sobering thought. Anyway, onto the halucination. I used to watch Ghost busters quite a lot back then, and so naturally that was a big influence in what I saw. My mum and dad, also had a skylight window in their room just over the bed so I was lying there while my dad was downstairs (Now with the fire brigade who quite frankly felt there wasn't much to do other than make sure the fire didn't start up agian) and my mum was sitting with me making sure I was alright, when suddeny over the skylight I see this big red (Well, I say red but it was no colour I've seen or even imagined before) monster that was like a combination of every ghost and creature from ghost busters, yet at the same time something completely different, stood over the window and looked right at me. It didn't exactly make a noise, it was more like suddenly a thought was in my head that it had made a noise. Then it reached towards the window and I was scared out of my life, but my mum looked up and it reacted to that. It flinched and suddenly it was if it had never existed.
i have lots of bad dreams when i eventually get to sleep, but i can never remember them. they all seem to be around the same sort of level of 'weirdness' though.

for example, i might see someone from work talking to a gargoyle in a teutonic cathedral, then out of nowhere terry wogan will appear, telling me ulrika johnson would like a mortgage. i guess that's not a 'nightmare' as such, but still they're flippin weird.

i've had a few dreams where i'm eating blue tack while drinking beer. i also had a dream where i managed to get my head stuck in the monitor (not even gonna bother explaining the mechanics behind that) and went around crying my eyes out because no-one would hug me :(

crazyharij...mate....freud would think it was his birthday if you told him that :/
I one had a dream where i was suspended in a near pitch black room in a star shape with a huge rusty chain pulling each limb hard enough so that i cant move... i then began to feel something sharp in the middle of my back pushing hard enough so that i was forced forced forwards whilst it slowly entering my back. Then in one quick movement it skewered me really fast to which i then grab whatever it is with both hands that are now unchained...

was a very dark and freaky dream :(
Dedalus....Do you inject cheese into your bloodstream or something :O

I know what you mean though, although perhaps not as frequent as you, I get dreams like that. I quite enjoy them, in fact the last dream I didn't like was th eone I started this thread with and that was a long time ago. Before that, I don't know.

I had a dream the other night which was incredible. I can't explain anything in it other than all was perfect and when I awoke I literally had a tear in my eye because it was sadly...Just a dream.
wow these are some really deep dreams, that monitor 1 i think has to do with your love the computer and its wonderfull uses, and the lack of hug, thats just sad man... i mean i like hugs.... i am a hug kinda guy, but..... my dreams are like so pointless and random that i dont remember them until like 3 years later, i am just sitting and all of a sudden BOOM, the nightmare were mom and dad are ruining my birthday party when i was 5, its basicly a lot of them screeming and moaing from there room...whats this mean!
I had a nightmare where I had a party and no-one came ;(

But that was before my birthday :) where everyone came :D
Especially you ;)

Ooooh Don't touch me I'm on fire tonight!

No really, someone call the fire brigade.
Pelvisboy... heh...

please tell me you just made up that part about having sex with your dismembered mother while burning children were singing... please... or we'll all go to hell!
le fromage? in le bloodstream? sacre bleu!

no really, i'm just a messed up person. Twisted Imagination of The Year 3 years in a row at school :(
PvtRyan said:
Pelvisboy... heh...

please tell me you just made up that part about having sex with your dismembered mother while burning children were singing... please... or we'll all go to hell!

It's not made up.. ;(

CrazyHarij said:
It's not made up.. ;(


/me unzips...


but honestly, have you asked anyone to interpret it for you?