Worst shows on TV

el Chi said:
moronicism (sure it's a word).
Apparently the noun for moronic can be either "moronism" or "moronity" but neither sound very good and both come up as incorrect in my spelling checker. I think "idiocy" is a good word. (Sorry to change the subject)

Anyway, I loathed Ally Mcbeal when it was on. Don't know if I mentioned it before, was probably blocking out the memory... *shudder* ;(
el Chi said:
YES! Those programs are obscene scare-mongering. Didn't the BBC do some shows like that? I would've thought they were better than that, but it seems they stooped down to tabloid-esque levels of moronicism (sure it's a word).

I was talking about the Sky ones, as the BBC ones were a little better, actually giving you some advice that wasn't "drop dead/stop doing it altogether/live in a disinfected bubble."

Both are pretty bad though. They did one about terrorism (I think), and that scared loads of fools I know, if my memory serves me correctly.
ugh! 7th heaven ..thinly disguised christian morality show where everyone is pretty and no one has any real problems

worst tv programs by far are the incessantly annoying "reality" shows. I like the amazing race and Airport but that's it ..the bachelor, bachelorette, the swan, apprentice etc are just vile disturbing tripe that has little to do with reality and more to do with vanity and ego stroking ...ya I dont like "reality" shows
Any anime show, and any reality show.
(Well, any reality show except for that Army one where they had to complete scenarios and beat the "enemy" better then the other teams, and win mini-"games" like be the first team to assemble several guns and fire each one.)

I also think shows like Friends, 7th Heaven, Touched by an (Hell's) Angel, Will & Grace, etc. are crap...
CptStern said:
ugh! 7th heaven ..thinly disguised christian morality show where everyone is pretty and no one has any real problems

worst tv programs by far are the incessantly annoying "reality" shows. I like the amazing race and Airport but that's it ..the bachelor, bachelorette, the swan, apprentice etc are just vile disturbing tripe that has little to do with reality and more to do with vanity and ego stroking ...ya I dont like "reality" shows

Well, back when the series was first starting, they dealt with serious problems kids and families might face(which mine have faced when I was growing up), so the show wasn't all that bad, but now its all about trivial stuff and is completely worthless.