Worth buying a 64 bit processor?


Oct 30, 2003
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I'm looking at upgrading my current CPU (Athlon XP 2500+). Is it worth buying a 64 bit processor? Are there any major performance benefits without using Windows XP 64bit Edition? What does a 64bit CPU (Athlon 64 3000+) offer to me that a cheaper 32 bit CPU doesn't?

Athlon XP to 64 is a BIG jump... Just look at the benchmarks, there's a major noticable difference. If you were to get a 64 bit process (athlon), the best deal and most affordable by quality in my opinion is the 3400+... If you have all the money in the world, grab a FX-53 or whatev... It's AMAZING.
the Athlon 64 bit processors have been know to do better in games, even in 32bit However the Pentium 4 seems to do better in windows and general speed. but you might aswell future proof your pc with a 64bit processor.
Dont buy it because it a 64 bit cpu. Buy it becasause it runs 32bit games faster then any other CPU out their right now.
Athlon 64 offers you a very efficent system with Hypertransport and ondie memory controller. There is no bottleneck there. The memory controller runs at the CPU's speed. Very low latency as well.
Awesome all around performance in desktop applications and they excel at games. Thats in 32Bit mode.

Also Cool&Quiet to keep your PC cool while doing everyday tasks like surfing the web or listening to music. Since your PC is much cooler it won't dry out the air in your room. My CPU is only running off 1 Volt right now and sitting around 35C, stock cooling and OCed btw. When I get into games it bumps right up to default volts and still doesn't go much beyond 40C.

Here is your Doom 3 performance.
More and more games.
Everyday applications with Business and Multimedia Winstone are important tests since they test office and internet creation applications.
Mulitasking test which increases in difficulty with the 3 tests. Read the discriptions.
Photoshop performance in seconds.
Development software plus a chart for overall performance.
Read other reviews too.
it's worth buying one, it's true potential hasn't even been unleashed yet (64 bit software) and it's already kicking intel butt
HL2, and Farcry are goign to be patched for 64 bit processors to get a big boost of performance. Doom 3 may as well, so 64bit apps are coming.
I'm lovin my athlon64 3400+ even more now.
In order to run something in 64 bit, you must have

- A 64 bit processor
- A 64 bit OS
- 64 bit applications
- And 64 bit drivers for your hardware.

So far we only have a 64 bit processor (and really early beta 64 bit video card drivers). We are ways away from experiencing a 64 bit game. You should buy a Athlon 64 because of its 32 bit performance not its 64 bit capabilities.
At the moment, I believe there is only one 64-bit program. You can download an early version of Windows XP 64-bit from Microsoft if your PC's capable. Check out their site and search for it.
blahblahblah said:
In order to run something in 64 bit, you must have

- A 64 bit processor
- A 64 bit OS
- 64 bit applications
- And 64 bit drivers for your hardware.

You dont need to have a 64 bit OS to play the 64 bit HL2 client when it comes. You can just use regular Win XP.
I have Athlon 3200 2.22ghz ...is it time for me to upgrade or in a later time?
WIN XP 64 will be released as soon as servis pack 2 is up and going and bug-free(ish)
The Terminator said:
You dont need to have a 64 bit OS to play the 64 bit HL2 client when it comes. You can just use regular Win XP.

That maybe true, but you will not receive any of the benefits of having a 64 bit HL2 client. That is a fact. You need all of those things above to notice a difference between 32 and 64 bit.
Thanks for your help dudes, will hopefully be getting the 64 bit CPU and mobo in a few weeks time. Anyone know how well they overclock?
Ive done a lot of reading on OCin A64s in the last couple weeks and they are prettty average. It depends a lot on the Mobo your using really, that more then cooling or anything holds them back. Im gettin a A64 3000+ with a NewCastle core, as opposed to the ClawHammer core. The Newcastle is used in the faster chips like the 3200 and 3400+. Ive read benches regarding the A64 3000+'s OC ability and its usually around 150-250 MHz gain on stock cooling, usually surpassing the 3200+ in benches once it gets OCed.
sum1 answer me question...do i need to update my athlon 3200 2.22ghz to a 64?
PrimeSuspect said:
sum1 answer me question...do i need to update my athlon 3200 2.22ghz to a 64?

be more descriptive. do u need to upgrade to run hl2 on max settings?no. but get it if u want i guess.....
It's up to you if you want to upgrade. I wouldn't bother, that's still a damn good CPU.
I'm having alot of problems with people hearing horrible demonic noises on the other end of my mic, anyone know if getting a new soundcard will help?
Subatomic said:
I'm having alot of problems with people hearing horrible demonic noises on the other end of my mic, anyone know if getting a new soundcard will help?

Good job of hijacking a thread! But anyway, it could just be your mic.
thanks guys heres my specs

AMD Athlon 3200+ 2.21ghz
512 RAM, 160 gb space
ATI Radeon 9800 xt, 256mb
WinXp, 6 fans inside
PrimeSuspect - I would be much more inclined to upgrade your RAM rather than your CPU. You would probably notice a reasonable gain in performance if you got another half gig. I have a similar system to yours, but in a couple of days I'm getting another 512mb, I'll let you know how much difference it makes if you like.
Yes please do man :)

it doesnt cost that much to upgrade to addictionaly 512 does it? i live in U.S sooo u think it would be like $100?
Yeah it doesn't cost much at all. Here in New Zealand it's about $180 for high quality stuff, so probably about $80-$100 US.
As long as you have a PCI/AGP lock on the board and it isn't stuffed under a desk with really poor cooling, you can OC A64's by quite a bit on default voltage. That is really appealing as you don't have to increase voltage and stress your system early on.

My Athlon 64 3000+ 10x200 = 2GHz 1.5Volts.
Now is 10x230=2.3GHz 1.5Volts with a little AS3 and Stock Cooler.
The new core revision really helps though. ;)
Wow, thats a pretty decent overclock at stock voltage, makes me wonder what they can handle with some aftermarket cooling and higher voltages.