worthy upgrade?

i know shit about nvidia cards but well, if a 9600 is an upgrade you need to save up and get something much better
I get some lag with fx 5200, will 9600 at least run hl2 flawless in 1024x768 resolution?
If it will run flawless at 1024x768 with medium quality im good to go..
I'm not certain to be honest...my friend has a 9600XT but I don't know what setting's he uses..
does he get any lag mainly in the c17 level? (scene with the striders) or any skipping..?
I have no idea...I don't think I've ever seen the game running on his PC.

Judging by my spec and how it runs I'd say medium settings and 800x600 maybe?
as long as I dont get that ANNYOING AS HELL sound skipping/loading thing im fine.. I want to play without any lag when I get the expansion..
Get a 9600XT instead, it'll hardly cost anymore than the 9600 Pro. I've got a 9600XT, P4 3.0ghz, and 1gb of RAM, and HL2 runs fine with all settings on high, 2x AA/4x AF, 1024x768 resolution.
special-ed said:
fx 5200 nvidia --> ati 9600 radeon pro 256 mb

Get a 9600XT 128MB :thumbs:

If you want a card that will last for a long time, save up your lunch money and get a 6800GT :D
I'm getting the 9600 pro 256 mb, it has more ddr than the one you just mentioned.