Name: Surface Reflex
Description: A first person shooter with a twist. Players are geared up in a "gravity point suit" which allows your suit to syncronize it's gravitational pull with the targeted surface plane(the face's normal), in other words: The player hovers his crosshair over the surface they wish to make their new ground plane, and when pressing a button their gravity direction is adjusted accordingly. If a player's suit takes a critical hit(their backpack), their gravity is restored to the map's default direction.
5 minute conceptual shot.
Description: A first person shooter with a twist. Players are geared up in a "gravity point suit" which allows your suit to syncronize it's gravitational pull with the targeted surface plane(the face's normal), in other words: The player hovers his crosshair over the surface they wish to make their new ground plane, and when pressing a button their gravity direction is adjusted accordingly. If a player's suit takes a critical hit(their backpack), their gravity is restored to the map's default direction.
5 minute conceptual shot.
- Gravity Point Suit: Allows the ability to walk on any surface. All players are equiped with this. It converts zero point energy into useable power, but uses it faster than it can make it when the suit is activated(undecided).
- Safety Cable(Hook): This can shoot a cable into a surface, allowing you to be connected to a targeted point. Useing this along with the suit can open up different ways of traverseing a map.
- Gravity Gun: The generic weapon from HL2. Pick up objects and shoot them, object's gravity is the map's default direction.
- Scrambler: This is a sort of tazer, which when shot into a suit's backpack, causes it to malfunction and go in random directions.
- Motion Detector Mines: Can attach these to any surface.
- Railgun: Standard railgun.