Would you be mad if HL2 has no stand-alone MP?


Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Now that HL2 is going gold on monday, I thought this topic might be appropriate. I would be really disappointed and feel left out. I thought HL multiplayer was really fun and I played it a lot. I know CS:S is looking really good, but it will be a real let down if HL has no stand-alone multiplayer, what do you guys think?
kinda and kinda not. if there isn't one, im going to make sure a quality one gets modded even if i have to do all the work myself
Yes I would be, but it wont happan, hl2 has its own multiplayer.
If there isnt that means Ill have to wait what 2 weeks for 800 mods to come out, oh god, how will I survive. I kinda expect mp from this type of "high title" game.
I don't really mind. I'll be playign singlplayer until i finished it. THen hopefully there fill be TONS of mods out for us to play :D
Yes, I will be, but thank goodness for those nice people who mod things.
Yes, if mp isn't included I will be confused. With valves apparent "players can mod that in" attitude, it might happen tho.
I didn't like HLDM so no, I wouldn't care at all if they left it out. I'm only looking forward to the mods anyway.
They would have announced its multiplayer by monday or else it won't have one outside CS:S
There is nothing that could make me mad right now... but HL2 will have its own MP.
i already know what hl2's mp is

gabe licked my face and it came to me in a dream
actually.. the question i am wondering would be something along the lines of:

would u be more upset if HL2's MP was just simple DM/TDM
if it had no MP at all.

theres a chance of course that the MP could be very unique.. just as theres a chance of the above 2 options.. but i think a unique MP would take a lot more time too.. hmm..
I would be right pissed considering I probably won't play very far into the single player mode.
If they include something like hl1 mp, I won't care a wit. My spidey sense though indicates it's something more original. A quick DOD:S release would let me forgive the absence of anything new.
Mr Neutron said:
If they include something like hl1 mp, I won't care a wit. My spidey sense though indicates it's something more original. A quick DOD:S release would let me forgive the absence of anything new.

hmm.. i wouldn't hold my breath for that honestly.
not very much info have been given about it.. so unless its a surprise.. i don't see it being included with HL2 in any way.
Why not play the single player mode? Whats wrong with you man>?
Nart Focker
Not mad, since we'll still have all the old stuff, but I'll be severely disappointed and annoyance at valve's disregard for those who don't like or even hate cs with a passion. True not many are playing HLDM these days but we still want it with the new game with all of HL2's new content and they MUST let us play with grav guns in multiplayer! if not I sure hope someone mods something like this together.
i wanna see a stand alone mp... i totally wanna use the manipulator against people. :D
Strategically it makes more sense if Valve spent all their time developing tools for people to make MP games and focus on an excellent single player game. But it would be cheap if they didn't put the extra thought into a new multiplayer. I would be very dissapointed if there wasn't any MP. It's probably the number one thing I am looking forward to because they haven't released any information on it.

When I first boot up HL2 the first thing I'm going to try is HL2 MP. If it's not there I will be pissed.
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm.. i wouldn't hold my breath for that honestly.
not very much info have been given about it.. so unless its a surprise.. i don't see it being included with HL2 in any way.

if there's any hl2 themed mp, it's not vanilla dm and ctf
Mr Neutron said:
if there's any hl2 themed mp, it's not vanilla dm and ctf

why can't HL2's MP be DM or CTF?
i mean Valve does not need to do anything fancy for MP.. considering there are over 300+ mods listed for HL2.

Valve can certainly get away with making a simple DM/TDM/CTF MP.
and i don't think pple should be upset with that... simply because something unique would mean HL2 coming out much later..
Valve have always said CS:S is HL2s miltiplayer. They have NEVER said there would be diffirent HL2 multiplayer. As for using the physic gun to fire barrels at ur enemies I dont think its possible in multiplayer judging by the limited physics cs:s has.

so no i wont be mad when theres no other Hl2 multiplayer. Altho HL1 death match is going to have a source version but its a straight port.
Yea, I would be mad if it didnt have stand alone mp. Wouldn't even buy the game right away prolly. Cause im not really a single player guy. And CS : source is not my kind of game either. :(
I would be mad.

However, I would also be somewhat happy. It allows me to go up to all the narrow-minded "Of course, HL2 will have it's own MP! You're stupid!" people and say "I ****ING TOLD YOU SO".
yes I would be really pissed off.
i hate cs and such n00bistic slow-action mods so I want it to have DM and it better be like in HL1 or even faster (else I`ll still be playing q3:a) :p
There will be a stand alone mp, and it will be revolutionary... at least thats what I expect from valve :p

Let the modmakers do the mp, I'm fine with CS:S

It would be nice though to have some sort of objective based resistance vs combine multiplayer, but I will lose no sleep over it if it isn't there.
gorgon prepare to be angry. altho u have no reason to be valve have always said cs:s is the mp. why do u people expect something thats only in ur imagination? Show me a link to valve saying there will be another hl2 mp? it doesnt exist!!
as i remember, there has been an interview with gabe, approx a year ago, in which he stated that everyone will be surprised by the mp-mode of hl2. and, cs as the mp-part of hl2 is not something i would call, hm, surpising. have to look for the link....


found it -> take a look

for the lazy ones:
GS: Valve hasn't said anything about Half-Life 2's multiplayer. Is it fully developed and blossoming behind the scenes?

GN: Half-Life 2's multiplayer is something we're not talking about because we want to keep it as a surprise for our customers as we roll into our launch cycle. I play it every day. I think it's going to be very popular with the community.
If Valve don't take the opportunity to make something of the Resistance vs Combine gameplay in Multiplayer then they are idiots.
machima said:
If Valve don't take the opportunity to make something of the Resistance vs Combine gameplay in Multiplayer then they are idiots.

INDEED! :bounce:
Maybe they are saving the 'mp revolution' for the likes of TF2
I will be too busy playing the single player to be angry,

well not really angry as they are busy enough with it is, they have enough titles underdevelpment/planned.