Would you like to have bunny hop and/or conc jumping in TF2?

Would you like to have bunny hop and/or conc jumping in TF2?

  • Neither.

    Votes: 19 15.6%
  • Bunnyhop yes, conc jumping no.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Conc jumping yes, bunnyhop no.

    Votes: 37 30.3%
  • Both.

    Votes: 63 51.6%

  • Total voters


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
There's been a lot of debating about this at the Steampowered TF2 forum.
I can't do polls over there, so I'm asking here.
It's short for concussion grenade jumping. As scout or medic you prime a secondary grenade, optionally throw it behind you, then move and jump at the right moment. If done right, it'll send you flying through the air. Here's a more detailed description:

It's set in a cartoonish setting so I guess it's fine.


The more skill required the better.

Not in every game IMHO. If the game is supposed to look like it's based IRL, I think it's unacceptable.
With out both jumps a major gameplay features will be taken out. and even tho i never liked tfc i think it should be a feature.
Anything that steepens the learning curve is good in my mind. I don't like being a master of a multiplayer game the moment I start it.

Oh and bunnyhopping takes skill mate, constant acceleration is hard to achive.

I cannot wait..

EDIT: Oh, and scripting/macros actually slow you down, it's faster to do them without
Is the bunnyhop similar to quake 3's bunnyhop (the REAL bunnyhop, circlejump + strafejumping)? If so, sex. I love the movement system in quake 3. Love, just love. It's fast, skillful, beautiful, hard to master and very satisfying.

A movie might give you a better idea if the theoretical part at Wikipedia didn't cut it.

Here's a high quality version of Skillout: http://www.gamingmp.com/movie.php?mid=37

Anyone got a mirror? I clicked 'download' and it said: You can't download this movie again for 11hrs. :|
Is the bunnyhop similar to quake 3's bunnyhop (the REAL bunnyhop, circlejump + strafejumping)?
Didn't HL/CS also have that ability before they started messing with your air acc speed and slowing you down after jumping (CS)?
Dunno, my first counterstrike experience was the css beta. And bhopping is possible in css, just not feasible. I can only do it in low gravity servers (500 or less) and ramps. The timing just has to be perfect, the relative angles between jumps and midair have to be perfect.. It's only possible with scripts. And I'm not lame enough to do that.
I'm pretty sure you could in CS 1.3 or 1.1 and before (not source). Can't remember when exactly they changed it.
Anything that steepens the learning curve is good in my mind. I don't like being a master of a multiplayer game the moment I start it.

Oh and bunnyhopping takes skill mate, constant acceleration is hard to achive.

I cannot wait..

EDIT: Oh, and scripting/macros actually slow you down, it's faster to do them without

Oh you won't be rocket or conc jumping when I am around sir, I'll make sure of it. :thumbs:
Conc jumping yes, Bunny Hops, no.

I do agree some things should be rewarded by skill, but unfair speed advantages I disagree with. I can agree with conc jumping, because you only get two conc grenades per life.
Each class has already been assigned a speed.
I voted neither because I dislike Jumping high, If I wanted to I would play Battlefield 2 or CS.

I looks stupid & idiotic to be honest.

Whats next dolphin diving?
Jumping high in BF2 and CS? Never seen it.

And yet it seems out of place in a ridiculous game like TF?

And what the ****, may I ask, is dolphin diving.
I guess you never played BF2 if you know what I mean ;).

Well Dolphin diving is when you jump up in the air then imediatly go prone to increase accuracy on the weapon. Gun battle become's such a pain in the arse, it losses it fun because every fire-fight is "Hit the floor" tactic's.

I just don't want to see the same thing happen here :)
I can't see the reason for either. I think anything that games the game engine is not about skill, per se, and more about the player padding their stats.
Didn't HL/CS also have that ability before they started messing with your air acc speed and slowing you down after jumping (CS)?

Yeah it did, it was better back then (it didn't fit in in CS imo) but it ****ing ruined TFC and HLDM.
I guess you never played BF2 if you know what I mean ;).

Well Dolphin diving is when you jump up in the air then imediatly go prone to increase accuracy on the weapon. Gun battle become's such a pain in the arse, it losses it fun because every fire-fight is "Hit the floor" tactic's.

I just don't want to see the same thing happen here :)

I thought that was fixed in some update. But I've never played the game so I'm not sure. And there is no high jumping in any counterstrike game.

So if you DON'T like fast and high jumping, you should be liking BF2 and css.
Conc jumping is an absolute hands-down necessity. There should not even be an option on the poll for asking if conc jumping should be allowed because it is a requirement.

I will say the same thing for bunnyhopping. It is not as necessary, of course, but it's an important part of the game. Without bunnyhopping you cripple some classes, and you remove a major tactical advantage. Those who can bunnyhop can get in, get the flag, and getout in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of damage. And seeing as how this game's gone totally cartoon it'd be strange NOT to see bunnyhopping.
Anything that steepens the learning curve is good in my mind. I don't like being a master of a multiplayer game the moment I start it.

Oh and bunnyhopping takes skill mate, constant acceleration is hard to achive.

I cannot wait..

EDIT: Oh, and scripting/macros actually slow you down, it's faster to do them without

But the game will start looking gay after a while, because everybody is jumping around like... well, bunnies. :|

Anyway, I vote for only conc jump in, because conc was already designed to knock the guy awai. As for bunnyhop, 'tis exploitish, so me would leave it out.
At the least, I think certain classes should be able to bunnyhop. Scouts need all the maneuverability they can get. The HWGuy? Not so much.
scouts are already motorcycle fast. I don't think they need to be any faster

I voted bunnyhop no, conc jump yes

Bunnyhop is irritating to those players that don't want to spend half the game in midjump just to compete. Conc jumping however, definitely needs to be in since we are already seeing rocket jumping.

and kamikazi, you are totally missing the point of the TF games. And yes, i hate bf2 dolphin divers as much as you do. but TF2 is not bf2.

Only reason i don't want bunnyhopping is that it doesn't look nearly as cool as rocket jumping and i think all that hopping takes from the immersiveness.
scouts are already motorcycle fast. I don't think they need to be any faster

They also crumple if you so much as sneeze at them. Scouts were not an issue to take out in TFC with bunnyhopping. What makes you think they'd suddenly get an unfair advantage?

I don't see how bunnyhopping could possibly ruin immersion when you're already playing a game involving people launching themselves through the air with the aid of explosives. :|
I'd prefer not to have everyone bouncing around like an idiot. I can play any other DM game for that.
They also crumple if you so much as sneeze at them. Scouts were not an issue to take out in TFC with bunnyhopping. What makes you think they'd suddenly get an unfair advantage?

I don't see how bunnyhopping could possibly ruin immersion when you're already playing a game involving people launching themselves through the air with the aid of explosives. :|

Everyone jumping around like nuts will look really, really gay. Also, bhop doesn't damage yourself, and any class can pull it off.
I'd say yes to conc jumping since it is a big tfc feature but personally im not a fan of bunny hopping but thats only because it's too difficult to do and not everyone can do it. Conc jumping anyone can do it once they get the timing right at least to a minor extend. I quite happy with strafe jumping, thats cool enough.
Not any class can pull it off if it's only available to a limited selection.