Would You Like to Thank Valve?

Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
This is by the community wanting to thank Valve for their exceptional and hard work as a game developer since 1996.
Each user has posted their own name and let the author kindly spend his time displaying it all in a big Thank You list
for Valve.

If you are interested and want your User Name listed along with the others,
Post in this thread requesting it to be added. Use the format: +USERNAME

Example: +Otto Grainer
You may choose whatever name you like as long as it is posted by you once.

When a relatively large number of IDs are up, it can all send over to valve. So go crazy, show your appreciation
for VALVe software and their games by saying a simple "Thank You"! I am merely spreading the word and am
not the designer of the site. Credit goes to the Skurk32 team with the idea submitted by Vonn64 at the official
Team Fortress 2 Forum Boards:

Steampowered.com/Forums/Showthread.php?t=863685 - Who wants to Thank Valve? I do

: Provided you have a steampowered account, visit the above thread and submit your post there instead.
For only Halflife2.net users, comment with your thanks and names here and they will be collected and added to the list.
(if you're not too late and the list isn't full).[/COLOR]
Heh, sorry. I figured since the original poster has a fascination for Purple when saying something important, I ought to follow at least a little bit. :p
And you can't complain about light blue, every address URL is in blue. Those are the rules.
Aw, I am sure you're either visibly impaired or have an intensely major monitor issue then, my good sir. :p
Are you on the blue or the tan layout?
Ahh, that explains a lot. I left out your forum display. Yeah, I'm on Tan. :p One second, I'm gonna see what it loo-- AWW, GOD!
I want to add but I can't be bothered finding my Steam Forums username.
No, that's fine, I'll collect your name here and submit it to the list. Thanks. That page has changed a lot since I saw it this morning.
It's ten times bigger with quotes and everything.
I'll thank Valve myself, thank you very much.

Also gtfo with that colour scheme.
Dear Gabe,

Please make some kind of TF2 movie or something awesome feature-length.

I would pay for that kind of thing.



Thanks, Patrick.


In Soviet Australia VALVE THANK ME
I lol'd at the ad at the bottom of the page.

"Valve Co., Ltd."
"Professional valve manufacturer"
Yeah but you didn't get a mail consisting entirely of thanks!
Great, It has been added. Remember if you have a name of a clan you want then you can't just add the title
of the group itself, but each individual users' account name so it won't be a competition.
We're up to about 2000 names up there now, good job. :p
Added, now in a list of over eighty that'll be sent to Von64 after his small break.

It's a shame my name was around the top near the first quote, but was accidentally removed and now places again waaaay at the bottom. :p

Tell them TF2 got me through the year.
Thanks, guys. You can see the updated page Here. Your names are on the top of the new list. (after 'the community's quote)
Can you put my name at the top of the list? I want to thank them more than anybody else. Thanks!
Heh, it's not up to me where to switch names around. I'm not the designer or manager of the page, I just collect names from different places when he's busy, and since these guys were waiting longer I put them in the text collection first. Don't think you're more of a fan than I am! :) I'd position them around if I could, and even mine was accidentally removed by a crash and put back waaay down the line.

I am joking, of course, about actually thinking I have a better spot of honor by having my username higher up. I don't think anyone's going to notice anyway. :p (FIRST COMMENT!) -YouTube
Getting VAC banned while in the process of moving to another state and never receiving specific details as to the circumstances of the ban really pisses a guy off.