Would you play 'HL2: Opposing Force"?

WOuld you play HL2:OpFor?

  • Yes, I'd definately play it!

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Maybe... I don't want to commit.

    Votes: 12 12.9%
  • No, I think it would suck.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • How about a different add-on? (Discuss)

    Votes: 5 5.4%

  • Total voters


Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
I have a feeling that HL2 will be followed up by HL2: OpFor. But, would we play it? I'm thinking yes, but who knows. Some of my friends hated OpFor. Do you think that Shepard will return? Discuss dammit!

Edit: Damn smilies!
It's already beeen confirmed that there's going to be an expansion pack for Alyx, and (possibly) Barney .... I think Shepard's days are well gone myself, bringing him into the picture would kind of be insulting to gordon's ability as the G-Man's employee, keep him in the Border Dimension/s ......
maybe. opfor was good, if it followed the same concept as the previous expansion packs, each viewing the same carnage through a different characters eyes. Then i dunno, i'll have to play the original to find out what each of the other characters did. except for barney ;). I'm guessing that Adrian Shepard was brought back from being detained from the g-man(sorry for opfor spoiler), and is like working as some commander or leader for the resistance.
I sure would. But whilst i was thinking about it i kinda came up with this little theory

I just figured out that the G-man has been in every single one of the expansions (i think he's in Blue Shift). Now since they are making one of Alyx and another one of Barney, everybody is playing a part in the G-man's game. He may work for Breen (or at least he says he works for Breen) But i'm pretty sure this guy has his own agenda.
I think that all the HL games will be converted to Source and will have good physics and sweet graphics so I will probably play through all those games again... Except for the multiplayer, I will most likely on play mods for multiplayer such as CS:Source and DoD:Source

merc said:
I think that all the HL games will be converted to Source and will have good physics and sweet graphics so I will probably play through all those games again... Except for the multiplayer, I will most likely on play mods for multiplayer such as CS:Source and DoD:Source


That's actually not what I meant. I envisioned HL2: OpFor from a Combine POV.
Ah I see... that would be pretty neat!

i dont think there would be one from the g-mans point of view.
his experience is basically boring.

lets see
G-Mans daily routine:

Put in indestructable suit
Pick up briefcase
Meet with scientists.
Stare at people.
Pop in and out unexpectately at random times
Adjust tie.
Wipe away dust on indestructable suit.
Give long speech to a select few that survived.

Neo_Kuja said:
It's already beeen confirmed that there's going to be an expansion pack for Alyx, and (possibly) Barney .... I think Shepard's days are well gone myself, bringing him into the picture would kind of be insulting to gordon's ability as the G-Man's employee, keep him in the Border Dimension/s ......
how can you say that ,well i dont think so.
look, alyx and barney have "speaking" roles in half-life 2, but the characters ur playin in h-l dont speak ! would be boring .
hell i will play it. but i dont think shepard will be in it...
eber said:
how can you say that ,well i dont think so.
look, alyx and barney have "speaking" roles in half-life 2, but the characters ur playin in h-l dont speak ! would be boring .
But you've already played as barney before. I sure do hope they make a new Blue Shift.
I would definetly play Opposing Force2. I really enjoyed the first one, and am actually starting it again from scratch. Just finished HL1 the other day and want to play this one again before HL2.
I would play OpFor: Source, but not OpFor2 because the Combine aren't as cool as Marines.
i would play opfor2. but how could it be alyx when she sees gordon so much? unless it's of her life in a different time frame than HL2 with gordon. It would be cool to hear about gordon from scientists and her father and such...
Yeah, apparently an Alyx one is most likely going to be a prequel. I haven't seen a quote to that effect myself, but it's what everyone on these boards says.
Where the hell did that quote come from?

How utterly peculiar...

I'd certainly play another game from Shepherd's PoV... Though I think an expansion where you play as a Combine Soldier would be just as cool...
That is NOT me...

[EDIT]: Okay, this deserves a "WTF"... Apparently the other guy turned out to be BabyHeadcrab...
It'd have to last a bit longer, I clocked op forces in under an hour the other day (rushing)
I didn't really think so. It's all quite confusing, but that edit made the post worth sigging :)
Now read my edit, Eejit...

Hey, how would everyone feel about an expansion from the PoV of a non-HEV wearing resistance member? Come to think of it, Barney'd probably cover that...
Yeah, he has. That's why Barney Calhoun is the ultimate Half-life hero!
Nah, Dr. Rosenburg pwned everyone else in the Half-Life unvierse.
Well, personally, i can't wait to put a bullet in the head of the Gman for what he did to Shephard. Anyway, it would be amazing for Shephard to come back as i found him to be on par with Gordon, interms of likability.
Surely Op2 would be from a combine soldiers poit of view and you would be after gordon...again, or maybe you defect to the resistance ect?
Maybe i would if it looked good.,..i would rather have a new tale with shephard than a rehash of an old one.
a combine point of view would be neat...

and one with shephard would be neat too, but isnt it wierd that the gman helped him out? anyone know why?
Of course i would play it, i really enjoyed Opposing Force for HL, and a different view of City 17 would be exciting.
Just think how cool it would be if you could be that Combine police officer that brings Gordon to the detention room, as seen in the E3 2k4 movie.
I'd love it. IN the first, we leanred more about the HL universe and got some solid gameplay. Shepard isnt dead, so he could easily come back. I'm looking forward to it.
falconwind said:
That's actually not what I meant. I envisioned HL2: OpFor from a Combine POV.
Just like to change my vote to definately play it. I was under the impression of a Adrian Shepard point of view.

But, I would like to see some new variety and not the same old stuf. Maybe something like a resistance fighter expansion kinda like Blue Shift for HL1.
I was thinkingin
in the end of HL1 we remenber that Gman say that if freeman dont accept his job, he will face a death that he cannot defeat
but Gman get whiout freeman and hav nobody to telepost to city17
but is someone that has pass the "test", and his name is Adrian shepard

I mean

that will be cool if freeman when he denied the Gman jobs in some part he fights againdt shepard

but I like the idea to be a combine and kill gordon
where is the option "i'm gonna play anything remotely related to the HL story"? :p
I'd play it if it was actually made by Valve (*cough*, GearBox, *cough*).
ZombieBudgie said:
I'd play it if it was actually made by Valve (*cough*, GearBox, *cough*).
Good news: All the expansions will be valve-made. :)
(Although I do think that Gearbox did an admirable job with the expansions.)
Personally, I'd like to play any add-on they had, they were all so good for the original! Wait a minute... Opposing Force, what was the other one... BLUE SHIFT! GAH! I SPENT MONEY ON THAT?!?

Heh, but seriously, Shephard was my favorite HL1 character... I would love for his return. A combine-side add-on would be okay, too, I suppose.