Would you play 'HL2: Opposing Force"?

WOuld you play HL2:OpFor?

  • Yes, I'd definately play it!

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Maybe... I don't want to commit.

    Votes: 12 12.9%
  • No, I think it would suck.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • How about a different add-on? (Discuss)

    Votes: 5 5.4%

  • Total voters
Neo_Kuja said:
It's already beeen confirmed that there's going to be an expansion pack for Alyx, and (possibly) Barney .... I think Shepard's days are well gone myself, bringing him into the picture would kind of be insulting to gordon's ability as the G-Man's employee, keep him in the Border Dimension/s ......
It was never confirmed who would be in the expansion pack, unless you have a quote that says otherwise.
If I could play as the combine, I would go ape and kill several bystanders in my atempt to get in the second it came out. I mean, who would pass up the chance to be one of them? I can almost see myself walking into a lab and putting a hole in gordons face, and then beating alyx's face in with a stun baton right now:naughty:.
The thing I really liked about Op4 was the idea of leading your own little military team, trying to get them through hell alive. HL2 seems to have some of that already (with the other resistance fighters) but it's just not the same as having other soldiers ony our side...
Viking Kitty said:
If I could play as the combine, I would go ape and kill several bystanders in my atempt to get in the second it came out. I mean, who would pass up the chance to be one of them? I can almost see myself walking into a lab and putting a hole in gordons face, and then beating alyx's face in with a stun baton right now:naughty:.

You realize you have problems... right?
I think Shepard was actually G-Man's bluff.

I mean, he needed to show his employers (Breen) that he had someone, and maybe the G-Man wanted to keep Gordon a secret, so he showed Breen Shepard instead. I expect Shepard is long dead by the time of HL2, if this is true, since he was probably killed when G-Man and Breen parted ways.

yeah, he's probably six feet under now. but the rest probably is not what happend. we will NEVER find out what happend, due to the fact that Valve wants to leave holes in the story so that we have wonder and create theores. :smoking: :naughty:
I want Shepherd to feature somewhere, if only for closure...

Oh, and you might want to reduce that signature down to the required four lines, Viking Kitty...
thanks, but why? forum rule? my wonderfull sig.................;( and yeah, I know what you mean. It really drove me nuts wondering about him :x.
Yeah, forum rule. Four lines max. Don't worry about it, I don't think anyone ever reads the rules, more's the pity...
i think we will never know what happened to shepard .
Yeah, everyone talks about him coming back, but its not gonna happen.
Viking Kitty said:
yeah, he's probably six feet under now. but the rest probably is not what happend. we will NEVER find out what happend, due to the fact that Valve wants to leave holes in the story so that we have wonder and create theores. :smoking: :naughty:
hes not 6 feet under. the gman put him in a "safe" place remember?
i think we will be able to see shepeard again when the g-man's plans go a bit awry.
I would most certainly love to play another OpFor (but hopefully with a more clever title lthan OpFor2). Playing as a combine soldier would be pretty neat, but I'm curious as to how it would be done. For some reason, I doubt you'd be fighting the resistance. In the main game, you would have made bonds with the characters and the resistance fighters. Suddenly placing you in a position where you have to kill those people would be somewhat iffy. In OpFor, you were never forced to gundown scientists and security guards. In fact, due to the way the story was presented to you, you never knew that was your objective. And so you actually befriended quite a few of the Black Mesa personnel. Valve would probably do something similar with the story for OpFor2 (if they even do it), so that you're fighting something completely different.

I would also love to see Shepard come back in some way, hopefully as a playable character. I would be quite pissed off if Valve just decided to just forget about him so we can be left to our own theories. He fought off aliens, highly trained black ops, disarmed a nuclear device, pushed back the geneworm, and survived Black Mesa. Unlike Freeman, who was an observed subject the whole time, G-Man only took notice of Shepard when he excellently displayed his abilities to fight and survive. It even seemed as if he shut off Shepard's escape (remember being closed off from the evac chopper?) just so he can further observe him. In the end, that was why G-Man spared Shepard.
Are you going to tell me that such a story could go nowhere? Did it all just happen for nothing? Shepard was an unforseen variable in all this, yet the G-Man still saw something in him. No, my friends, I don't think we've seen the last of Shepard.

And maybe I'm just not up to date, but I've never read any confirming source that Alyx or Barney would be the main characters in the expansions. I also find it highly unlikely that Valve would cast them those roles. They're already defined characters with personalities and speaking roles, and I don't know how the Hell they would manage scenes with Gordon. You're best bet is that they'll either use Shepard or a completely new character.
However, if I am wrong, feel free to link me to the source of this info.
Good post on the subject of Shepherd, there. I want to find out what happened to him, too.

Remember, though, Barney Calhoun's already had his own expansion, where he was a non-speaking playable character, like Gordon. Now that he's in HL2, he speaks, because his contemporaries (the "barney" security guards in HL) talked. Barney is a logical extension of them, both in Blue Shift and HL2, so he can talk. I think it'd be the same for Shepherd... He seems to be an extension of the marines...

Gordon is more pure. He could be said to be an extension of the scientists, but he's not really like any of them... he's a character on his own, and much more player-centric.

And nothing says they (Barney or Alyx) have to meet Gordon, or if they do, that he has to talk to them. Remember, we caught glimpses of Gordon in OP4 and BS, and he never spoke... or they could just put them in a prequel, which would mean they never have to meet him...
That scene where the G-Man closes the door before I can escape with the other grunts to the chopper pissed me off. Actually it, to me, is the most memorable part of OP4. OP4 is my favorite HL1 game...