Would you prefer more horror levels in AM?

Darksabre said:
But the idea of "extreme" difficulty isn't really suited to a game like Hl2 as a time limit wouldn't work (imagine when there is a dialogue conversation thing ala Red Letter Day).
I think it would be a kind of unlockable setting, so you actually make the concious decision to focus on especially tense gameplay rather than the story. Defined dialogue segments either (invisibly) halt the ticking clock or simply don't happen / are given in terse format (Gordon, Go here and do this). It would add variety and tension, but it's very unlikely to ever happen :) Still, I hope that Valve work on disguising the linearity and "triggered" nature of the City 17 meltdown. I don't want to feel like the entire catastrophe is waiting till I'm safe to do something.
Max35 said:
But I suppose AM is more "fast paced" considering the need to escape from C17 in a hurry
I think it'll be more frantic than horrifying - the tension of escape.
Sheikah42 said:
he wasn't like touching me or anything

Zombies touch me in my special places. D:

Says I: Gradual ramping of pace from horror to battle to all-out-holy-shit-run-for-your-life ftw.
I'd say that the stalkers in the trailer seemed scary enough. Fighting against monsters in a large open area is one thing, but fighting against them in a narrow trainwagon is another. The walking without weapons idea sucks if you ask me, I found it annoying enough being shot at by cp's only carrying a crowbar in part 2, I'm not interested in doing so again.
kupoartist said:
I think it would be a kind of unlockable setting, so you actually make the concious decision to focus on especially tense gameplay rather than the story. Defined dialogue segments either (invisibly) halt the ticking clock or simply don't happen / are given in terse format (Gordon, Go here and do this). It would add variety and tension, but it's very unlikely to ever happen :) Still, I hope that Valve work on disguising the linearity and "triggered" nature of the City 17 meltdown. I don't want to feel like the entire catastrophe is waiting till I'm safe to do something.
As I said, all the antlions shoudl hurry even thestupidest player up.
antlions in the city is a good idea! since the main power source in city 17 (the dark energy fusion reactor) has been disabled, the thumpers won't work anymore and the antlions come streaming in. As much as I hated fighting the "multiple so many antlions", I'd love seeing them battle combine battalions though.
kupoartist said:
Escape timelimit
You know, I really like this idea. Kind of like "New York Minute" in Max Payne. Especially if it was an unlockable, since I can see how most people wouldn't want to be rushed through playing (including me, as I like to stop and look at everything, if possible), but having the option...that's cool. If Valve ever took a suggestion from the community about Aftermath, I would hope it'd be this one.
Sheikah42 said:
i had a dream one night i went downstairs to get a snack and one of those zombies was sitting at the table. he wasn't like touching me or anything he was just sitting at the table and i was pretty scared!
I swear to God, you're becoming my new favorite poster.
I'd like some horror... But it has to step up a notch from ravenholm. I was really scared towards the end o F.E.A.R and at Doom3 was really tense(All the time=BORING!!!).

I had a nice experience when playing ravenholm though. Headphones and late at night. I wasn't to cocky at points.

The zombies aren't scary though although the fast zombies can deliver a jolt at times. We need something new. I love horror though and incorporating fear into a game makes for a very intense experience.
Hehe, fast zombies are the weakest variety, yet create the most fear.

Poor Sheikah, you get really freaked out by this kind of thing, don't you? I get scared by stupid crap sometimes. Watching that new Mack and Mesh video using FEAR made it hard for me to fall asleep for two nights; amongst other things, I kept having to look in the reflection my tv shows to make sure that one ghost that came up that corridor without moving wasn't coming up my hallway. I HATE that kind of thing especially. You guys remember near the end of Exorcist: The Beginning or whatever where the posessed lady was running down the tunnel? That gave me the willies.
I feel the same as DannyC., and playing Half-Life always makes me think of zombies and stuff at night, which can irritate me.
But I think Half-Life 2 contained the right balance of everything. Throughout the game you encounter a good variety of enemies.

Ravenholm always takes me a while to do - I have to make sure every last enemy is dead before I move to the next building, because I hate it when they come back to surprise you later. Well, I love it as well... having said that I jumped past a poison zombie the other day.

I never liked fighting fast zombies. The bastards. I had trouble hitting them with the shotgun because I would be running around frantically trying to get them off me, and the other weapons aren't immediately effective, unless there's a good old razor disc... the problem with fast zombies is unlike poison and regular zombies, you can't hear them wailing and staggering around, half-dead and obviously unhappy and in pain. Fast zombies are just rabid bastards, they feel like so much more of a threat, even though they are not.

I would like it if the amount of horror in Aftermath was about the same; you have to have some, I suppose. And like I said, it just becomes a lovely balance of enemies in the end.
Ravenholm was the scariest level of gaming i've ever played. The enviroment of it just has the "scary" feeling. The darkness, the noises of monsters in the myst, it had it all. When I first seen the fast zombies, I nearly pissed my pants and tore out my keyboard and mouse. So, yes, I was pretty scared.

Adding more horror, more horror than Ravenholm would probably scare me. But I believe the only reason I was frighten was basically the enviroment of Ravenholm, like i've mentioned above.
Ravenholm was a small town infested by creatures altered with by organic methods, ie. the methods of survival exercised by the headcrabs. In the Citadel in Aftermath; the Citadel is a huge decaying metallic center. The only organic element we will see in there is the miserable and frantic emotional remains of the stalkers, implanted with cold technology. It will be horror, but with alot more claustrophobia, and a whole feel contrasting with Ravenholm's wooden houses and soil; a hard metallic feel. That's how I imagine it may be, anyway.

There won't be any religion in the Citadel; no monks to help you out. I'm looking forward to being absolutely terrified once again.

I've just watched the Aftermath trailer again, and the frantic legs of the Stalkers, trapped in their metal shells is very effective. Argh, I can't wait.
I get scared by this sort of thing, but Half-Life 2 itself didn't scare me at all. I remember when I played the Resident Evil 1 remake it absolutely horrified me. I don't know if people are getting that sort of reaction from Ravenholm and fast zombies. Weird.. when I played Half-Life 2 the first time, I loved every minute of Ravenholm, I remember smiling roughly 75% of the way through it. It still remains one of my favorite chapters. Except for that one time I was talking with riomhare, I think, about trying and playing it in the dark with headphones (I had never used headphones before that time. Use them just fine, now though), and I couldn't even get past the first rotating sawblade. Feeling quite pansyish at the time, I trained myself to be able to play in the dark.

Were stalkers in the beta? I can't wait to start blowing away those buggers.
I never found RavenHolm scary. The things that scare me in video games are things like monsters jumping out at me, and that girl from FEAR. The girl scares me because...well I don't know. Your walking along when you hear a laugh...the girl runs by the disappears. I guess it what it IS then what it's doing that actually scares me.
Half-Life doesn't need horror, it's not that kind of game. It's a sci-fi thriller, I would like more action. I woldn't consider Ravenholm to be scary either, it was quite entertaining. With all those explosive canisters and circular saw blades Valve was pretty much telling you to enjoy yourself, not scare the crap out of you. Remember your fighting aliens, not the living dead. Zombies in Half-Life are for amusement, not fright.
Spoonoop said:
Half-Life doesn't need horror, it's not that kind of game. It's a sci-fi thriller, I would like more action. I woldn't consider Ravenholm to be scary either, it was quite entertaining. With all those explosive canisters and circular saw blades Valve was pretty much telling you to enjoy yourself, not scare the crap out of you. Remember your fighting aliens, not the living dead. Zombies in Half-Life are for amusement, not fright.
For both. It depends on the person.
It never bothered me to the extent that I would wish it gone from the game. At the end of the day I do enjoy it, as I enjoy everything in the game; I think the balance is fine. Parts of Ravenholm can put me on edge, though, as I've said, but it all adds to the experience of it.