Would you settle for Single Player Only, until new Multiplayer code is written?


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Just an idea. Gabe mentioned there would be a Single-Player Only version for sale, including the full version and the Steam versions. Valve could just release the single player first and we would just have to wait for new Team Fortress code. We could patch as needed through Steam and/or End User patches downloaded from various web hosts.

It would be good enough for me. I can wait a while.

What say you guys?

Could there still be a light at the end of the 2003 tunnel?


(just trying to reach for some positive thoughts amidst all this crap)

I'd go with that, simply to see the Source engine in action.
cant see it happening tbh

Im sure that it just REALLY aint finished yet pronto

Well not sure but ermm kinda sure :P
Yea i would love it...im waiting more for singleplayer then multiplayer actually ;)
I'm sure VALVe could do that, with the whole Steam thing, they could release the single-player version first until the new re-written multiplayer version is finished. Then everyone could download and install the multiplayer version "patch" via Steam.
This sounds like a good idea to me. As long as they make sure Steam will operate the way it should when the patch is released.
Note that TF2 might NOT be included with HL2. There is no way to tell if the TF2 code that was released was meant for HL2 or for a future product. HL2 might have its own multiplayer.

I'm hoping Valve doesn't get sued for this source code leak, as it contains a lot of private information (like Havok code) that was never meant for the mass public.
Originally posted by bulletproof_jew
i dont play multiplayer anyway. who needs it?

i need it.

ok i love SP the most and making sp levels.

but mp is soooo good! need both
if the hackers could crack hl2 source, then why would valve get sued? if they wanted havok, they could just crack devastation or something, right?
hl2 MADE hl2 source engine so why WOULD they get sued! lol
Man I normally just enjoy the single player. With all of the hacks on HL and Counter Strike, it made On line play unenjoyable with all of the cheaters. Man if you can't excel at a game in it's original state, then you don't need to be playing it. :afro:
i dislike most mp games (except AA) because of the assholes online. SP is more fun, because you dont have to deal with other jerks and hackers.
Single Player only, i'd go for that... its that i'm waiting for anyway.

Yes me too. I am interested in TF2, god yes, but SP is what i've really been hanging out for.
If i paid for SP + MP, but got MP later on when it's ready, i would be A-OK with that.
Originally posted by commando
i need it.

ok i love SP the most and making sp levels.

but mp is soooo good! need both

I'm not saying it's one or the other. I;m saying why not just settle for Single Player NOW and then wait a few months for the multiplayer? Valve could either:

a.) drop the price of the Single Player and sell the multiplayer as an expansion once they re-do some of the code
b.) Keep the prices the same, release the single player only game and then provide the multiplayer as a free download once it's re-coded
c.) keep everything intact and delay the game to Q1 or Q2 2004. Rewrite all the code simultaneuosly and release it all at once.

I personally would go for A or B, but C seems like it would cause more strain on the community.
sp would be brilliant.

MP is for when SP gets old.

but wouldn SP gives the moron hackors the other half of the puzzle (images, sounds, etc).
I never play mp. Put me down for a SP only release, and MP can come out later.
SP is king for me, I only play Americas Army MP. The idea is good, start with SP to keep community happy, and work on code for MP so hackers/cheaters have less chance. This will definitely be the best damage control strategy
Originally posted by janonol
sp would be brilliant.

MP is for when SP gets old.

but wouldn SP gives the moron hackors the other half of the puzzle (images, sounds, etc).

True - but lets face it - this game, like all games, will wind up being cracked regardless if people have the source code or not. It'll be warezed and on Kazaa for all the a--holes in the world to download for free. The Game CDs will be .iso, CD-Key generators, no-CD cracks, etc... It's inevitable.

I for one will buy it. I, along with just about everyone here will buy HL2 because we support Valve's hard work. The concern here, at this point, should not be piracy, but PC security. Maybe Valve could put in some sort of activation code with the single player? Like Windows did with XP. Even if you do d-load a warez version, you would still need a unique ID code to unlock the game - or something like that. The warez versions would have the same ID code, so they would not work unless you knew how to hack the game. Of course - you can hack any game with or without source code, so it really is not an issue.
I would LOVE a single player only, if it meant I didn't have to wait so long for it. And I'd throw down money later for multiplayer to be added too.
I would even PAY to play multiplayer if it was released as an expansion. I know many people would. So gimme SP but please before Christmas!!

PS: I would love to know what Gabe thinks about it, anyone emailed yet?
Originally posted by The more on
I would even PAY to play multiplayer if it was released as an expansion. I know many people would. So gimme SP but please before Christmas!!

PS: I would love to know what Gabe thinks about it, anyone emailed yet?

What is his e-mail address?
All I ever play is single player.

I NEVER play multi-player.

So give me single player any day. :)
If Valve released a SP-Only version of the game within the next two weeks, I would drop my $50.00 Store-Credit @ Gamestop down on it, in a heartbeat. And I would even pay $15-25 MORE for Multiplayer later down the road. Valve has proven to us (With pictures, previews, videos, etc) that this game is far more exceptional than any other games currently available, or any future games in the coming months (other than Doom 3, which is arguable).

Unfortunately, Valve wouldn't release the SP version this way. From what Valve said last week, the game was delayed because they hadn't completed the multi-language translations of the story yet. That could definitely eat up some man-hours.
I couldn't care any less about multiplayer.

Personally, I don't get the appeal of it. Every FPS plays the same in multiplayer. You could whine about it all you like, but it's true. Everything is just a variation on deathmatch and team games. Why wait for HL2 if that's what you want, why not just load up UT or something? *shrug*
I've been waiting for storyline tidbits this whole time.. Bring on the SP!
I sent this idea and a link to the thread to Gabe via e-mail. I doubt he'll have time to read or answer it. But hopefully someone wil lget this idea out to him.

Although we want Multiplayer too, Single Player is without a doubt the #1 reason people are buying this game.
I'd be kosher with this idea. Get the single player portion of the game now and the fixed multiplayer portion later.

In one fell swoop, Valve could cut their losses, appease their fans, and take a bit of the pressure off allowing them precious time to patch up this unfortunate mess.
I'm thinking about buying the SP only version, since I never play multiplayer more than a couple times anyway.

But Gabe's tight-lips concerning multiplayer (and the fact that he says he plays it evryday) makes me wonder what exactly it is....maybe this is the game that will finally interest me in multiplayer.
if you will be able to move almost all things like in sp then it would be the best mp game ever :) and the best modable game too hehe :)