Would you support an insurrection against your government?

Would the rebellion have your support?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 19 39.6%
  • No!

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • I'd be apathetic

    Votes: 8 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
dream431ca said:
But you can never have a constant state of not being controlled. Sure it's freedom, but what you also get is chaos. Can you give an example of a small government? I'm having a hard time understanding what "small" means.

size of a state to the size of a city. If you are able to escape the area after doing something horrible, I think that counts enough as not being controlled.
Wait, you think city-state governments count as anarchy?

in pure freedom an angry mob would come after you for killing the baby and would restore the peace.
Wait, you think a large group of people enforcing preset rules doesn't count as regulation?

lol oops
NO! Why?

Because it is the legimate goverment of my nation, our people, and the great fatherland in which our ancestors have lived since the begining of time.... or at least some 5000 years.

Hell, if there was any rebellion against the goverment, then I'd fight on the goverments side.

Unless the goverment turned communist.
I wouldnt fight an armed insurrection so long as there was still a democratic political system in place. But if that system was dismantled or destroyed, then I would have no choice to fight.
I forgot to mention: I voted "No!"

The reason for this is because Nat's "theoretical" revolution is based solely on creating a system where he is able to oppress people.
Nat wouldn't support the idea of vigilante mobs if he weren't planning to fight as part of one.

According to the plan, these city-sized mobs go about systematically killing anyone who breaks their arbitrary laws.
(Even if these laws are "be white", "eat vegan" or "join our mob".)
Presumably then, the weaker mobs would be crushed under the larger ones as they gain supporters and/or slaves.

So, basically, Nat's utopian future is one where he works as part of a massive totalitarian government that seeks to purge all other forms of thought.

Viva La Revolution!
Just cause, sure.

Oh, and that's "Just Cause," not "just cuz."
Those numbers scare me a little. God no, Bertie rocks!
No. In fact, I'd love to be one of the grunts that would put it down.
funny how so many gun advocates say they need guns to overthrow the government if the need arises, but I think the majority of them would have attitudes very similiar to Some_god's

like sheep to the slaughter
That idea of Pure Freedom strikes me more as... I dunno, these Arkansan public schools called it Direct Democracy. Sure, a big angry mob would go out and lynch baby-killers; but, by the same token, a big angry mob led by Dario D. himself would go out and lynch gays.

At this moment I am considering the effect of Pure Freedom on Compton. I have people in California who probably do not want to live in constant fear of big angry mobs that don't like anyone. ;)

I like the idea of government. My problem is with the asshats who tend to run it. (I can also say this about my relationship with Christianity and Steam.)
I voted yes, but it would almost be dependent on the circumstances that led up to the insurection rising up in the first place.

I wouldn't be brainwashed in joining a movement, I would of already made up my mind
Nat Turner said:
Well at what point would you say "enough is enough"? When we get mandatory RFID cards to carry around? When cameras are installed on every street corner and inside your house to "ensure safety"? When a large portion of your income has to go to the federal government to pay for all their BS? (Oh, wait...)
When free elections stop functioning to change all that.

As of next election, if the people REALLY felt it, they could elect an entire libertarian congress and redo laws.

We are no where near the point of a revolution. I doubt we ever will in the future to be honest, but there's always the possibility. If ever militia combat action is absolutely necessary on US soil it would probably be to face an agressor nation, etc.

CptStern said:
funny how so many gun advocates say they need guns to overthrow the government if the need arises, but I think the majority of them would have attitudes very similiar to Some_god's

like sheep to the slaughter
If an unjust revolution attempt comes around I'd be there to help stop it too. I certainly wouldn't "love it" like Some_God said- combat isn't something you can really say that about, but I'd certainly do my part in crushing it (EG: Attempted Communist Coup, anarchists, etc etc)
Some_God said:
No. In fact, I'd love to be one of the grunts that would put it down.

Me too, but I wouldn't 'love' it though. But it would certainly be better than my current life.

I'd rather live under communist rule than fascist rule .

EVIL! :p
I say yes. It needn't be an armed uprising however.
RakuraiTenjin said:
If an unjust revolution attempt comes around I'd be there to help stop it too. I certainly wouldn't "love it" like Some_God said- combat isn't something you can really say that about, but I'd certainly do my part in crushing it (EG: Attempted Communist Coup, anarchists, etc etc)

I think the point that some_god tried to get across would be that without question he would fight on the government's side ...I think if it ever came down to it, you'd fight for the government before you fought against it ..most dictarships are right wing
CptStern said:
I think the point that some_god tried to get across would be that without question he would fight on the government's side ...I think if it ever came down to it, you'd fight for the government before you fought against it ..most dictarships are right wing
Probably in most situations that arise I would be for the government. Like I said before- it all depends on the intent of the rebels. I definately wouldn't just side with the federals automatically if they aren't right though.

An interesting scenerio is when neither side is just. Corrupt government where votes are no longer relevant, and rebels with intent just as sinister. What does one do then? I guess in that situation if a cohesive group fighting for what's just doesn't form, I'd stick on my own with allegiance to neither.
ya but the government would control the media ...if the war in iraq has taught us anything it's that comtrolled media reporting can be very effective in getting americans to support the government ..even if the malitia group had admirable goals the government would have a vested interest in portraying them as terrorists
CptStern said:
ya but the government would control the media ...if the war in iraq has taught us anything it's that comtrolled media reporting can be very effective in getting americans to support the government ..even if the malitia group had admirable goals the government would have a vested interest in portraying them as terrorists
By the point it descends into civil war I think propaganda will not have proved as useful as it could be.

In every rebellion ever the rebels were always portrayed as terrorists as much as possible by the government.

A rebellion has to play a certain way- it has to be defensive. If the government really isn't doing anything to you you can't just go attack your congress if you feel they're corrupt or else it really just IS a terrorist gang. It sounds wrong but there has to be a martyr first that goes down defending themselves. Hell the government could release a decree that says "ALL PRIVATE BUSINESS IS NOW ILLEGAL AND " or something, but it is not enforced, and it just becomes some irrelevant decree nothing can be done about it. Until they come try and stop your business, and you physically fire back at the federals moving on your business, it doesn't matter.

Thats kind of a bad example I realize because there's different issues like freezing funds, etc, but the point I'm trying to make is that it won't matter in the media if someone is portrayed as terrorists, because it'll be an actual first action taken by the government.

Either way the likelyhood of it ever getting to that point here is 1/9999999999
RakuraiTenjin said:
By the point it descends into civil war I think propaganda will not have proved as useful as it could be.

In every rebellion ever the rebels were always portrayed as terrorists as much as possible by the government.

A rebellion has to play a certain way- it has to be defensive. If the government really isn't doing anything to you you can't just go attack your congress if you feel they're corrupt or else it really just IS a terrorist gang. It sounds wrong but there has to be a martyr first that goes down defending themselves. Hell the government could release a decree that says "ALL PRIVATE BUSINESS IS NOW ILLEGAL AND " or something, but it is not enforced, and it just becomes some irrelevant decree nothing can be done about it. Until they come try and stop your business, and you physically fire back at the federals moving on your business, it doesn't matter.

Thats kind of a bad example I realize because there's different issues like freezing funds, etc, but the point I'm trying to make is that it won't matter in the media if someone is portrayed as terrorists, because it'll be an actual first action taken by the government.

Either way the likelyhood of it ever getting to that point here is 1/9999999999

How about "mandatory ID's for everyone"?
As stupid as the ID thing is, I think most everyone here would prefer the card to gang warfare on a national scale.

That's the problem with this rebellion. It fails to accept the slightest middle ground, and instead just launches itself full-force into the deep end.

People enjoy not living in terror. Most people consider that to be a basic freedom, even.
More terror is therefore not the solution.

See, this whole whackey rebellion is based on wishful thinking. Basically, that a superior government than the one we have now will spontaneously pop out of the ashes of democracy like some antisocial phoenix.

Without government, as bad as George Bu$h is, you wouldn't have a house, internet, protected free speech, clean water, electricity, safe medicine, etc. People's freedoms would go from being inalienable to being arbitrary. Or, more accurately, open to the highest bidder.

If you want true anarchy, knit a tent and live in an alley for a few months. It should be an interesting experience, to say the least.

-No going to stores for food. The FDA works for The Man.
-Water from natural sources only. Bottled water that says "naturally sourced" does not count.
-Only use electricity that you generate on your own.
-Knit your own clothes.
-Sorry, no plumbing. Dig a hole, I guess.
-No police. If you get raped during your alleyway adventure, you'll have to seek your avenge yourself.
-If you bring people with you, make sure they follow these same anarchic rules and regulations.
-Make sure to warn those involved that you reserve the right to rape them at any time.
Mechagodzilla said:
People enjoy not living in terror. Most people consider that to be a basic freedom, even.
More terror is therefore not the solution.
That's a bunch of rubbish about it being a "basic freedom", the same kind of stuff any fascist would spew out. Control is NEVER a freedom!

See, this whole whackey rebellion is based on wishful thinking. Basically, that a superior government than the one we have now will spontaneously pop out of the ashes of democracy like some antisocial phoenix.

Without government, as bad as George Bu$h is, you wouldn't have a house, internet, protected free speech, clean water, electricity, safe medicine, etc. People's freedoms would go from being inalienable to being arbitrary. Or, more accurately, open to the highest bidder.

I would actually have all those things as they are guaranteed by my state's government. It's just not as totalitarian due to it's smaller size and more limited authority. The federal government seeks to remove as much of our freedoms as they can in order to secure more control.

If you want true anarchy, knit a tent and live in an alley for a few months. It should be an interesting experience, to say the least.

I said I supported the existence of state and local governments.

-No going to stores for food. The FDA works for The Man.
-Water from natural sources only. Bottled water that says "naturally sourced" does not count.
-Only use electricity that you generate on your own.
-Knit your own clothes.
-Sorry, no plumbing. Dig a hole, I guess.
-No police. If you get raped during your alleyway adventure, you'll have to seek your avenge yourself.
-If you bring people with you, make sure they follow these same anarchic rules and regulations.
-Make sure to warn those involved that you reserve the right to rape them at any time.

A bunch more rubbish (considering my stance)


I modified my stance after a few posts to being against the federal gov... don't know what I was going on about with "pure anarchy".
CptStern said:
ya but the government would control the media ...if the war in iraq has taught us anything it's that comtrolled media reporting can be very effective in getting americans to support the government ..even if the malitia group had admirable goals the government would have a vested interest in portraying them as terrorists

Fortunately for us, Bush is terrible at playing fascist. He has made several mistakes that deeply sunk his popularity.
Nat Turner said:
Fortunately for us, Bush is terrible at playing fascist. He has made several mistakes that deeply sunk his popularity.

Yeah. The US needs a real fascist.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It wouldn't work because we're too big (geographically)

Yeah, the central goverment would have lessened power due to that.....
You're really loose with the 'ol F-word there, Nat Turner.
Apparently even the most leftist person can be a fascist under your definition.
If being afraid of your roving rape-gangs is "fascist", then fascist me up!

Me: "I don't like rape."
You: "FASCIST!!!"

So now you're only against the federal government?
What kind of crummy anarchist are you?
You're just waffling because you can't handle the H4RDC0R3 power of real, pure anarchy.

I'm a true anarchist. I stole this internet from an old lady and pushed her down the stairs.
Now I use her social security checks to buy dinners at Wendy's - on the government dime!

That's real anarchy. You're just a poseur.
You probably fuel the Military-Industrial Complex by shopping at stores.
You're all talk, Jimmy.

You're sounding like another one of those FASCIST democrats. Always going on about fascism all fascistly like some no-good fascist.

Why don't you go exterminate some races, fascist?

Now you're saying you want to regulate the water supply, food, medicine, houses. EVERYTHING.

Stop killing freedoms now!
For all of the government's failings, I do have a reasonably good life, and I don't feel like shooting anyone.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
For all of the government's failings, I do have a reasonably good life, and I don't feel like shooting anyone.

-Angry Lawyer

First they came for the communists,
Then they came for angry lawyers cigars.
Come summer next year, it'll be illegal to smoke them in public. Therefore, I'm going to choke as many people with it as possible in the meantime.

-Angry Lawyer
Depends, if some kind of dictatorship was suddenly imposed, then **** yeah I would rebel.

But if not, I am a full supporter of the democratic purpose.
^Ben said:
Depends, if some kind of dictatorship was suddenly imposed, then **** yeah I would rebel.

But if not, I am a full supporter of the democratic purpose.
I do, however, get tired of hearing "OMG DICKTATERSHIP IS SUCK@!~@". The problem is the dictators we've had, not the dictatorship itself, you morons. Democracy can be just as bad, and worse.
Raeven0 said:
I do, however, get tired of hearing "OMG DICKTATERSHIP IS SUCK@!~@". The problem is the dictators we've had, not the dictatorship itself, you morons. Democracy can be just as bad, and worse.

The worst Dictators have been put in place by the people.
Angry Lawyer said:
For all of the government's failings, I do have a reasonably good life, and I don't feel like shooting anyone.

-Angry Lawyer

Due to all of the goverment's sucesses, I do have a reasonably good life, and feel like shooting anyone who disturbs the sucess.

Raeven0 said:
I do, however, get tired of hearing "OMG DICKTATERSHIP IS SUCK@!~@". The problem is the dictators we've had, not the dictatorship itself, you morons. Democracy can be just as bad, and worse.
That's true too. Kings were dictators too, but I suppose far more of them were considered benevolent than malevolent.
Nat Turner said:
I just want anarchy and pure freedom, that's it. I would support any insurrection against any first world country. The people who are pussies and want a government to shield them their whole lives should go live on a prison island somewhere (like Britain).

i do

this thread is stupid imo. has anyone EVER watched the news at all? HAVE YOU SEEN THE COUNTRIES WHO HAVE NO REAL GOVERNMENT. many of these countries stay third world countries because of it. First world country minus government = third world country. they are living in shit because of it and killing themselves and each other