Wouldn't it be cooler if the Combine Elites....


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
had the same AI the counter strike teams have when controlled by the computer.

And if they had them be the original skinny female assasin version.

I like Combine Elites, but they could have been so much more, so much more of a challenge too...
Well, the levels would really need a redesign if they did that today, wouldn't they?

AS for the Combine assassin skin, I'd have rather like them being two separate enemies, even though their heads are the same.

Maybe in Episode 3 we'll see some assassins try to kill Gordon?
I imagine that's a rather high priority for the Combine at the moment.
above all, I'd like to see the original alien assasins they had in mind, you know those ones that were originally going to have the same AI as the fast zombie or whatever. The concept drawings of them are pretty creepy.

but they would definately have to redo their AI, so it just isnt like a fast zombie... maybe make it climb walls, that would be cool.
Yeah, I thought they kinda skimped on the Elites, although they are definitely tougher than regular soldiers. I was expecting something a bit more sinister. Perhaps we'll see something like that in Episode Two. I could go for the female assassin they had planned, but as for the grubworm, I think I'll pass.
oh... the baby antlion, right? they are cute
they climb pipes, they leap on things, you never see one climb like spider man, thats what I meant by climb
grubworm? whats that?

At the beginning of the development of HL2, the Overwatch soldiers you know today were once supposed to be these grubworm/caterpillar-looking things with arms. According to Raising the Bar, they were redesigned to look more like humans to make the Combine a more "transparent" force.

The Elites looked a bit like the droids from Star Wars with the blaster in their arms. Once again, this was dropped for a more human visage.

I'll try to get some pictures up once I get my scanner running again.
oh, i think i saw that concept drawing, I am glad they didnt use that...
they climb pipes, they leap on things, you never see one climb like spider man, thats what I meant by climb
I've messed around with spawning NPCs in HL2 and Ep. 1 and their AI will let them climb walls, without pipes, like Spiderman. It may not happen during the duration of the normal game but their AI will do it.
Me too. That would've killed it for me. I'm glad they went the route they did.


I've messed around with spawning NPCs in HL2 and Ep. 1 and their AI will let them climb walls, without pipes, like Spiderman. It may not happen during the duration of the normal game but their AI will do it.

but it could be more than that with the alien assasin. Climbing ceilings, being in a dark corner of a room on a ceiling, jumps out at you.

They could be creepier than the fast zombie I think
If you ask me the Hunter is probably what you're all hoping for. Assasin meh, Hunter yay!
Why not both? :)

Anything to up the difficulty level compared to Episode One. From the sounds of it, I don't think I'm going to be terribly disappointed.
i'd like to see both... but the assasins in ep 3.... for whatever happens in that.... they better have a trailer for it when ep 2 comes out...
I've messed around with spawning NPCs in HL2 and Ep. 1 and their AI will let them climb walls, without pipes, like Spiderman. It may not happen during the duration of the normal game but their AI will do it.

Really? Strange that they don't seem to do so in Gmod... is it an Episode 1 feature?
I think they should be like the dwarf assasins from FEAR, and be able to dodge bullets. Those ninjas were the best enemies in FEAR hands down, because they would run across the ceiling, dodge a shotgun blast, and then punch you in the face.
I think they should be like the dwarf assasins from FEAR, and be able to dodge bullets. Those ninjas were the best enemies in FEAR hands down, because they would run across the ceiling, dodge a shotgun blast, and then punch you in the face.

T_T that sounds cool, i wish fear would work on me compy
Well, the levels would really need a redesign if they did that today, wouldn't they?

AS for the Combine assassin skin, I'd have rather like them being two separate enemies, even though their heads are the same.

Maybe in Episode 3 we'll see some assassins try to kill Gordon?
I imagine that's a rather high priority for the Combine at the moment.

Cool. Mabye valve didnt scrap the whole idea eh :thumbs:
I'd like assassins to be more like their Half-life 1 counterparts, that is, real pros at dodging, taking of just enough health to seriously annoy me, real fast, hard to see, except for the red eyes, and of course be completely silent, even during death.

The only easy thing about the original assassins was that their red goggles would give them away in the shadows, rather suitable for the Combine assassin as well, with that giant melon-sized red eye.
I'd like assassins to be more like their Half-life 1 counterparts, that is, real pros at dodging, taking of just enough health to seriously annoy me, real fast, hard to see, except for the red eyes, and of course be completely silent, even during death.

The only easy thing about the original assassins was that their red goggles would give them away in the shadows, rather suitable for the Combine assassin as well, with that giant melon-sized red eye.

yeah, i agree, but I still think the combine assasins would need an extra ability to make them harder... and different.

you know, I always wondered what happened to the black opps during the seven hour war.... or after
i have seen this assassin pic somewhere, but i don't know where it is. somebody please post a pic..for noobs like me. and for god's sake, zombineturtle, you posted everywhere..
Will that suffice? As you can see, the helmet survived to go on to be the Elites' helmet, as did the white-colored suit.
hell no. she doesnt look like assasin. I think assasin should be the character that will hunt Gordon through out the game.

Elite Combine soldiers look like clon army from StarWars. I dont like their looks.
hell no. she doesnt look like assasin. I think assasin should be the character that will hunt Gordon through out the game.

Elite Combine soldiers look like clon army from StarWars. I dont like their looks.

when i first played half-life 2 and i was ascending in the teleporter in entanglement i look down ... see the elites rush in ... and think "HOLY SHIZ STORMTROOPERS ... AWESOME EASTER EGG!"
The proposed Combine assassin, or the female assassin from HL1? Here's the former, sorry about the poor scan quality:

i assume you have the same book as I, I want the one next to that picture (the alien assasin) to be in ep 3

... guess ill have to get a pic
Those pictures are copyrighted, and I'm pretty sure we have some moderators here that don't like us posting that.
Those pictures are copyrighted, and I'm pretty sure we have some moderators here that don't like us posting that.

but what about that other person who posted a picture of the combine assasin?

It's not like I took credit for that concept drawing. It would be just as "illegal" as posting a screenshot of Dr. Breen on here?
The forums here have a strict rule against posting scans of publications, including Raising the Bar...
there, gone, merry christmas, dont poop your pants! yeesh
Back on topic: the Combine assassins would be really cool to fight. Someone put up a video of some of the enemies in the beta, and the assassin is one of them.


The assassin is at 1:08 seconds. Two machine pistols, glowing LED trail for an eye, martial arts, would've been great!

Also features old stalkers (even creepier then the final ones), bullsquid, old zombies, soldiers, antlions, and even the mortar synth!
Looks like it fires some weird electric beam between its prongs.
There no sound in the video, but its still impressive.

The forums here have a strict rule against posting scans of publications, including Raising the Bar...
Then why can Wikipedia do those things? Granted, its the Black Mesa mod, but still: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bmspcguk2.jpg

There's a very good reason indeed.

As for posting beta content: My understanding is that as long as one doesn't say where to get it, it's fine (I don't know how to find it anyway)