WoW Alliance race to be Draenei?


Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
Quoting Computer Gaming Magazine
*You've hit that wall known as Level 60, at least once if not multiple times, as WoW has been voted "Easiest MMO to Cap Out Ever"; Blizzard's new level cap of 70 will at least give you something higher to shoot for.

*They're not just upgrading spells and skills (like Conjure Water rank 32, or Kidney Shot rank 19); they're adding brand-new ones, as well as additional tiers in the talent trees.

*The socketed item phenomenon that was sort of "coined" by Diablo will be implemented and Jewelcrafting added to the tradesperson skill set.

*Alliance players will enjoy playing as Draenei, and the new Blood Elf race gives the Horde faction its first exercise in what humans perceive as sex appeal (even though those Troll females are pretty cute).

*If you're bored with the same old continents and dungeons -- which you probably are -- Burning Crusade adds the planet of Outland, formerly Draenor, around which Level 70 characters can fly on Nether Dragon mounts.

*You can't fight on your Nether Dragon, nor use it outside of Outland, and it's slower than the current flying contingent of Griffons and Bats.

*They're not planning to add new classes at this juncture, nor will the "hero class" be ready to launch.

*Those of you who've spent the last several hundred game hours getting those epic armor sets and Arathi stuff might be disappointed that they won't be the end-all and be-all anymore.

*And will the current zones all of a sudden become deserted when people flock to the new areas? (Have you been to the n00b zones in EverQuest in the past thousand years? The NPCs are there, but they're awfully lonely.)

Idk about this, but I'd like to play as Draenei. They seem like a pretty cool race!
EDIT: Damn, can a mod edit the typo please?
...I got the impression the Dranei were helping the Blood Elves in FT. But, then again, they do hate the Orcs...
pandaren... only race that fits... sorry but dranei = foolish
I don't know. They have a much more developed backstory than the Pandaren. Although I must say that the Pandaren are an official race, even if only one of them has ever featured in a campaign.
draenei ftl, i seriously hate them(and i don't know why :D)

it probably will be them though :'(
I doubt that that article can be relied on.
It'll probably be Draeni, Pandaren, Furbolgs or werewolf-type Worgen imo.
Naah i dont think it will be the Pandaren race, it was only in FT as an easteregg. I cant think of a more stupid race to get.
I hope its Draeanei .. they are cool :D
Synthos said:
pandaren... only race that fits... sorry but dranei = foolish

? and giant pandas with swords are not? god could they have picked a more stupid looking race?
If they do Draenei, it'll suck. I don't really care if the Horde get a "pretty" race and they need to balance it, who the **** wants to play as something that looks like a cross between ET and a sack of potatoes? Whilst the Taurens, Orcs, Undead and Trolls aren't "sexy" like the Night Elves etc, they're unique and are quite interesting to look at. Draenei just look like poo!
Kangy said:
If they do Draenei, it'll suck. I don't really care if the Horde get a "pretty" race and they need to balance it, who the **** wants to play as something that looks like a cross between ET and a sack of potatoes? Whilst the Taurens, Orcs, Undead and Trolls aren't "sexy" like the Night Elves etc, they're unique and are quite interesting to look at. Draenei just look like poo!
In the lore it is stated that the Draenei used to look different, but when the Orcs were experimenting with warlock magics they were tearing the world apart. The Draenei as a result became deformed and mutated.

Perhaps we will play a group of Draenei that is not suffering from these mutations and will look much different.
google is your friend

is that from the burning crusade then or are they present in the current game?

gah...I wanna try out this game but blizzard apparently doesn't feel like doing trials for EU :|

anyone still have a guest pass? :P (I might aswell try)
no, that's from WoW, they're in the Swamp of Sorrows(best place name ever, mainly because of the narrators pronounciation in warcraft: orcs and humans) and the Blasted Lands.
The Mullinator said:
In the lore it is stated that the Draenei used to look different, but when the Orcs were experimenting with warlock magics they were tearing the world apart. The Draenei as a result became deformed and mutated.

Perhaps we will play a group of Draenei that is not suffering from these mutations and will look much different.

They used to look pretty much like humans I think. Garona from WC1 was half-orc/half-Draeni and was able to pass as a human.